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Participantenough about him to know I’m not going to watch him. And, the children these days, (not all kids), but many think it is hip, cool, rad, or whatever the current terminology or vernacular is that they are using these days to cuss up a blue streak (as granny used to say). Do you kids kiss your mother with that mouth?
It’s just like the nose/eyebrow/lip piercings, the tattoos that are showing, their looks as well as their demeanor, and their bad inarticulate language is not going to get them an edge to a well paying job or career. I, as a business owner would not hire someone who walked into my establishment that has those kinds of looks. I don’t care what you look like, nice you are or how cool you are – it is my blood, sweat and tears that pays your paycheck. If you are going to come looking for a job at my place of business, then pull up your pants, put on a suit and tie and get the purple streaks out of your hair dude!
Participantthe years, that I thought she was the Yang to Sami’s Yin in being "the good sister", that became a wash as she is or has cheated a lot on her "true" loves. Mike and Austin come to mind. As well as carrying on with Sami’s hubby. So Carrie is "out" for me.
ParticipantI watch Master Chef and it is a good competitive show. However…Nora can attest for me that I do not, will not, and have not watched Hell’s Kitchen – because of what you, Patti commented on regarding the shows premise of the verbal abuse, cursing, and down-right meaness instead of uplifting entertainment.
Participantvery fun and entertaining way. How come all these folks have all this good stuff in their attics – I have dust and cobwebs! LOL.
Participantkind of stuff…I can’t remember anything anymore it seems. All I know, is Stefano, (caveat inserted here > I love Stefano but…), responsible for so many horrible things happening to the Salemites over the years. A true baddy. Loveable baddy, but a baddy.
Participantwith you Bonbon on the state of "our mouths". I fell off the couch about a month ago when I heard "Harry" on Harry’s Law say the word "_rick" on a national big three channel prime time t.v. show! It seems that the more they (Hollyweird) can "shock" and awe us – the "hipper" they are – not!
And, yes, I’m religious also, but I am so very tired of hearing the Lord’s name in vain from hearing it even on cooking shows, to comedy or drama. It’s "Jesus" this or "God" that…yet, one never hears, "Oh, Mohammad dam_it". The country would burn to the ground if Muslims were treated the same way. You hear these things all the time now on television and movies – the more disgusting and vile the more the ratings shoot up. What is wrong with our country that we must degenerate into vile and gutter speak like this?
I am no prude at all, old maybe, but no prude…however, I always felt that if someone had to resort to cussing or using God’s name in vain, they are not adequately expressing themselves as using the intelligence God gave them to their full advantage.
As to your point in the dunning down of the English language on t.v. – do we have to even wonder why children (and adults) cannot articulate in a complete coherent sentence, sans inappropriate language, after constantly being bombarded on t.v., radio, music, et. all, with "ho’s, b_itches, yo-yo, S’up, yo’baby daddy…" etc. – it’s like one needs a Forder’s definition translation book to understand what is being said.
My only articulation problem is my mind cannot keep up with the idea I am attempting to convey at the time – and my spell-checker doesn’t understand my mind – LOL!
Participantnever smoked a day in their life. You will like Calfornia again – they don’t let you smoke anywhere anymore practically, even in your front yard…
Oooooooo Bonbon – it’s now dead heat of summer…hit here about a week ago now. I’m a semi-snow bird now – maintain home in California because selling is not an option in the state in this economy and you have to have a home base somewhere (just not here anymore)…but I do get to travel quite a bit on the road to get away from the heat. My mantra is – have our poochies, laptop, gas money, my guy friend and RV (in that order too
) – will travel to cooler climes. But just three days ago it was hot, Hot, HOT – we’d already hit the 100 degree mark in May…I’m for sure going to be somewhere else come July and August if it’s this hot in May already! However, this week, they are calling for two days of rain early part of the week which will lower the temps by about 30 degrees. I think it should be around 88 to 95 on June 12th – so pack shorts – (but remember Mill Valley is Bay Area) and you know how that area can be – when the rest of Cali is burning up under the sun and parched, it’s freezing ccccccold and windy in the Bay Area – so perhaps take one or two long pants with ya. Especially for the evenings. Bay Area weather is difficult to gauge at times – I’ve gone to the Garlic festival in Gilroy just over the hills from Mill Valley and they’ve had rain before in July.
Congrat’s on your granddaughters graduation! What an achievement and milestone! All the best to them! Enjoy your trip to the left coast!
ParticipantThe writers have changed SO much history of our show over the years when it doesn’t fit what they want to write now…They just "poo-poo" what we fans know as history of the show and ignore it. No wonder we are left wondering and scratching our heads saying, "WTH???? What was that????"
They have no concept that we pay very close attention to the history of our show…and what we don’t know about the show, (or as in my case, can remember only vaguely) we have the fan sites, the internet, family and friends that can remember for us exactly what happened.
At least when they rewrote history in "Dallas" – when Bobby came out of the shower and told Pam, "it was just a dream" that was so much more believable than what the writers on DOOL do by completely ingnoring the show’s "historical" facts!
ParticipantI never saw his game show that he was on for years but I remember him in "Hogan’s Heros". He passed away of cancer as well.
From what I understand about lung cancer, (just what I heard when my father-in-law passed away from lung cancer in ’98 at the age of 68 (he smoked for 20 years but had given it up the last 20 years of his life – but per his doctors, it may have been all the jet fuel injested and getting into his lungs from being shot down and bailing in the water three times during tours in Vietnam)…that you can be declared cancer free with the lungs but it always comes back later – something about the make up of the lungs and their relationship to the rest of the body. But that’s 14 years ago – so that may have been the medical criteria at that time – with new drugs and procedures, it may not be so anymore.
Participantloyalty to La famiglia unless it benefits Stefy – didn’t Stefano put Lexie in the caves all those years ago and didn’t he kill Benji (who was his son also)…and didn’t he mess with Tony somewhat also who were "all "his" children" (Pardon pun)…? So Stefano being Stefano…to me, it wouldn’t be such a reach for him to "toast" EJ –
Participantuntil the end for sure. Just got an Email from a friend about her passing.
Emmy winner Kathryn Joosten, whose emotional death scene as Karen McKluskey gave Desperate Housewives‘ recent series finale its biggest emotional punch, died yesterday of lung cancer in Westlake Village, CA. She was 72.
Joosten won her Emmys in 2005 and 2008 in the Oustanding Guest Actress in a Comedy for her portrayal of Wisteria Lane’s crankiest (but still loveable) resident.
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Prior to her Housewives success, Joosten was best known for playing Mrs. Landingham, secretary to Martin Sheen’s President Bartlet, on The West Wing.
She also had roles on such shows as Scrubs, My Name Is Earl, Joan of Arcadia, and Dharma & Greg.
Joosten, who didn’t begin her acting career until she was 42, famously told interviewers through the years that Housewives‘ creator Marc Cherry had promised never to kill off Mrs. McCluskey, seeing how many of her prior characters hadn’t survived to their shows’ series finales.
According to her rep, Joosten was surrounded by family at the time of her death.
Participantmore good programing like that on t.v. – it did get excellent ratings. Everyone’s taste in t.v., movies, books, is so eclectic and diversified – so I hesitate to recommend anything – summer has always been a bit dry for t.v. watching…it has improved somewhat over the last five years but still it’s a bust compared to fall/winter season. DVR is smoking due to working overtime some days and other days it is dusty from no action. Let’s have a happy medium here television producers!
June 2, 2012 at 8:13 pm in reply to: For the price of a stamp we can brighten our wounded warriors Christmas! #3347953tdogs
Participantthose in the wars and serving away from home currently and for all the POW’s that are not and never forgotten. But then that’s just my take on a little thank you to them. It may give incentive for folks that are new to the site they would see the address and perhaps send a card, letter, well-wish to send to those wounded warriors who gave so much for our freedom…they will be in pain every day for the rest of their lives with some of the injuries they have recieved.
However, as I mentioned above that’s just my take on it. If a lot of folks from the SP site write to Jenn and tell her that they feel the same way that you feel Bonbon about removing it from the top of the list, then I am sure that Jenn would remove it. Until then, God Bless Our Troops and thank you all for your service!
PS. Jenn hasn’t desterted the site, I believe she just posted not too long ago.
Participantalways rises…although, I can see Joe retiring…Not that he needs to retire, but I did it and I highly recommend it to anyone fortunate enough to be able to so. I cannot fault Joe for wanting to retire at 80 something! I just saw that Alex Trebeck (Jeopardy) is 71 years old! Can you believe that??? Goodness, 50 really is the new 30!
Participantsince he’s had a lady in his life? And (as much as I love Kate – and yes, I know I will be stoned for that), Kate is no lady! LOL!!! But I could see Roman with her based on years ago and their connection – sans, of course, their wedding from "hell"…