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ParticipantHer face looks a little fuller. Maybe she’s put on 1 or 2 pounds because she doesn’t have that gaunt look.
Participantbut I didn’t want to offend anyone by saying the Board isn’t as much fun to read as usual! I actually tuned in to watch today and turned it right off because I came in in on Dario and Stephanie. Glad the Stephanie character is leaving, have grown totally weary of Melanie and her ridiculous antics, don’t care for Dario’s stiff acting abilities, Rafe2, or Taylor. I must not be in the minority because as dval said, there’s not much action on the boards. Actually, it’s more fun to read Days Cafe Days ahead, then when Maggie and Victor are on I can watch.
ParticipantThat’s a new one on me. The only Brazilian I’ve heard of until now was taking hair away (ALL of it, everywhere, if you get my drift) Anyway, you made me curious Bonbon and I looked it up. Besides being very expensive some salons are refusing to do it because studies have shown a significant level of formaldehyde in some of the products that are used for the procedure. Supposedly it’s a probable carcinogen that is heated up and sealed onto customers’ hair. And it can make the technician, or whatever you call the person, sick. I sure want that on my hair!
ParticipantPlus, he seems to have an accent that none of the other Hernandez siblings had. What’s up with that?
ParticipantAre you painting the scenes on the chairs yourself? Freehand? I’m impressed! I will comment that if you actually paint your titles on the chairs, you spelled mammogram incorrectly in your post. I remember when I caned my first chair I was so proud of it until my Mom pointed out that I turned one of the pieces of cane upside down with the dull side up! Everytime I looked at that chair, I saw that one mistake instead of all the rest which looked great.
ParticipantI noticed it too. And I also thought the same thing about Melanie and her miraculous recovery. We’ve gone from one unrealistic moment to the next. I had a miscarriage very early in a pregnancy and had a D&C. I don’t really remember the recovery time, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t tackling anybody.
ParticipantThat’s what his response has been for how many weeks now? Duh, remember, I had a concussion, even though the MRI shows he never even had an accident. As much as I’d like to watch the show live, I tape it so I can FF through particularly awful scenes – like Nicole and Rafe yesterday. Rafe2 = beer and sex. Altho yesterday I believe he was drinking a bottle of water – no drinking on his new job I guess.
ParticipantVery good looking too. So the name is not a problem for me to put my tongue around. Quill is the name of the main guy in the "The Cat Who….." series of books. Actually it’s Quilleran so Quill is not a problem for me either.
ParticipantI didn’t realize Days Cafe had a day ahead. I thought it was only Prevuze which is gone and now occasionally on Salem Spectator. Thanks for the info. At least I’ll be forewarned of yet another EJ/Taylor flashback!
ParticipantThanks Patti. I guess they had to age them quickly. Too bad – the other babies had such great personalities.
ParticipantJust watched yesterday and today’s shows. Since I can’t remember what the old Abby looked or acted like, I think this actress is going to be okay. She even sounds a little like Jennifer. She also acts very natural, not forced. I thought the scene with Chad and Johnny was pretty cute (for a change) – he was really leading her on! And she’s really short next to him. I also like the actor who plays Will. Actually, I guess I can say I really don’t mind any of the teens since that awful Kinsey is gone.
ParticipantDid anyone think that Parker looked "different" yesterday? The face seemed fuller and he [she] didn’t seem to smile and interact quite as much. Maybe it was the other twin. I didn’t think they’d changed the babies playing the part, but it was a change. At least that’s what it seemed like to me.
ParticipantWere they at Maggie’s? If so, when the call came in about Melanie, both Kate and Daniel were at the hospital. Where was Parker? I must say, Philip looks so much better without the "greasy gangsta hair" and even better now that it has grown out a little bit.
ParticipantEnd this stupid storyline quickly!
ParticipantI just heard on the news this morning that Two and Half Men is supposed to be the top show on TV. I don’t know what rating system is being used! I have had a couple people, though, in talking about TV comedy, ask me if I watch it. I used to in it’s early days, but I thought it just became sorta gross. I think how Charlie Sheen acts in his personal life really overshadows my likelihood to tune in anymore.