Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI like Mondo as well. He sure has had a lot of angst in his life! I was ready for Gretchen to leave weeks ago – it always seemed like she was poking her nose in and giving her suggestions to the other designers instead of focusing on her own stuff. As for April, she never seemed to smile – Heidi even commented about it. It was like she was terrified or just a gloomy person – hence the black clothes perhaps? It’s been interesting following Michael C. because the first contestants really despised him – especially Ivy! I thought many of his designs were very lovely but was actually surprised the judges just "loved, loved, loved" his last dress. I thought it was lovely, but thought they’d come down on it hard as "taking the easy way out." I often think because we really can’t see the stitching up close, it’s sometimes hard to judge and sometimes when things on screen look good, they must not close up. I also thought Christian Siriano as a judge was interesting because being on the receiving end of the judges’ comments as an earlier contestant he also gave at least one positive comments to most of the garments even though he really didn’t like them. I think he was feeling their pain.
ParticipantShe must be a really, really, really bad shot to be that close and not kill him. Who does such stuff? And where is the staff at the mansion? Wouldn’t they have heard the gun go off? I tuned in today for the first time in a long time (not quite true, a tuned in briefly to see Sami’s wedding dressing and hair everyone was talking about on this site) and immediately after seeing her shoot EJ and knowing he would live, I turned it right back off. Just the tiniest smidgeon of reality would be good for a change.
ParticipantThanks, Bonbon, for saying what I’ve thought over and over. It’s such a stupid phrase. "Sleeping together." How many times has Chloe said, "OMG, if Daniel find out I slept with Phillip…" Perhaps if that is the only thing they really had done together we wouldn’t be suffering through weeks and weeks of lame dialog. If the writers can write all the rough sex scenes and have as much nudity on the show as they do, then quit glossing over it – they had sex, pure and simple – well not sure pure and not so simple, just sex.
August 15, 2010 at 3:42 pm in reply to: Did anyone tune into “The Bachelor Pad” last night? I decided to at least…. #15436annieo
ParticipantThis is minor, I know, but luckey’s comment on this subject has been listed as "new" on the The Pub forum for about 4 days. So whenever I log out I see "new" and go "Oh Boy, something new to read!" only to find out it’s been there several days and I’ve already read it. Sigh. How do you make "new" go away?
ParticipantI didn’t watch the entire show and read Prevuze, and from reading that I got the impression that EJ struck a deal with Baker that he would say all those things to Sami so that Sami would come to EJ’s defense. So was Baker trying to tell Sami the truth because he wanted to or because he made a deal with EJ. Because after Sami went after Baker EJ was smiling to himself like that was the outcome he hoped for. Does this make sense? I, too, like Baker. I think he’s one of the better actors on the show.
ParticipantDo you mean to tell me that many of you do not follow the rules of "What Not to Wear" even when you are at home? Shame on you! Don’t you just wonder what people like Stacy and Clinton do when they are not on camera? What a pain to always have to be "ON" for the public eye. I agree, though, Chloe (& others) needs to dress down on occasion. She doesn’t even have a job – but then again, most of the people on Days don’t seem to have a regular job to go to, and if they do, they seem to be able to set their own hours.
ParticipantMe too – EOM
ParticipantMy husband and I went (I am 60 and he will be soon) and he laughed harder than any kid in the theater. He was snorting he was laughing so hard. But there were touching moments too – when Andy called his dog and it was so old and fat. Made me cry because it makes me think of my old dog getting to the point where she won’t/can’t walk with me in the mornings. But the movie was great – go see it even if you don’t have kids to take.
ParticipantIf we can’t stand it, imagine how the actors feel. Even if they’re being paid, it’s still ‘rinse and repeat day after day after day. That being said, I suppose it makes learning your lines a breeze!
ParticipantPretty soon all we’ll have left to watch are the commercials.
ParticipantI know nothing about the Kindle but I listen to books on CD in lieu of picking up a book. I can clean house, cook, do laundry, etc. If I’m in the car, I put it in my CD player. I also have a small Ipod but seem to have more trouble starting and stopping it when I want to. It’s just a little one. I always have to have my daughter load it as I haven’t figured out how to do that! That you can take outside when you’re gardening. And the CD’s are available at the public library. That might be an option instead of the Kindle reader if you don’t want to spend the money. Our library has the option of loading an e-book to your computer, and I thought that would be great to get all the new books, but it’s weird, you go on a waiting list for those as well.
ParticipantI thought the shirt and tie Victor’s was wearing whichever day he presented Brady with the money clip really looked good on him. The color was really nice with his hair – he’s a good looking man and he looked especially handsome that day.
ParticipantIn reply to the original comment, I thought about that when I read on Prevuze one day about Kate giving Sami grief about all the kids’ stuff laying around and I think I remember her supposedly saying Sydney woke her up early. If the place is so huge, why would you have your room close to Sydney’s? Pick another room. And don’t they have servants to clean up after everyone?
ParticipantI watched one episode of Days on line last week and EVERY commercial break was Allison Sweeney talking about her allergies and whatever allergy medicine she was promoting. Not one break, but EVERY break. I finally muted the breaks after about two of them. I know sometimes there’s an option for one commercial at the beginning of a series, but I couldn’t find it for Days. I don’t mind a 15 second interruption but give me something new to look at a couple of times throughout.
ParticipantI think it was yesterday’s show when the feed kept stopping or cutting out. It happened right when Daniel and Chloe were talking and happened to stop when Chloe was in mid-sentence so "the stare" went on and on and on and on….! LOL