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ParticipantI just want to slap her. What a brat!
ParticipantI thought EJ went through the photos twice and never recognized Percy. Did I miss something with Johnny?
Participantand there definitely was not enough dress. I also thought Abigail’s lipstick was awful – way too dark. And how many more times must we endure EJ flashbacks? I don’t even watch and I’m sick of them.
ParticipantI got the impression from watching the show that Jen started getting sick in India while the adoption process was going through. I did think the interview with her in a longish wig seems out of sequence because she had short hair in India. I felt really bad for Zoey, but I think she was warming up to both of them, especially Bill, because she was clinging to him. After all, they came in and took her from all she ever knows or people she’d always been with so of course she was terrified. But in the picture with them on the floor and Jen in her hat without her glasses (which I though made her especially pretty) showed Zoey smiling broadly, so I think they may be overcoming that. None of us know the timelines for when these shows are filmed, shown, etc. Will is a doll, but he doesn’t talk very much. I don’t follow it regularly, because I always forget it’s on, but didn’t he have hearing issues and tubes and maybe that is why he doesn’t talk as much? Zoey is so tiny next to Will! And Zoey would not speak any English either, and even though Will doesn’t talk, he does seem to understand everything Bill & Jen tell him or ask him. I also thought it was funny when Bill was making Indian food and using really hot peppers. Suppose they made a milder version for Will? He does seem to like any food they give him, but Zoey was definitely not liking the spinach!
ParticipantDidn’t hear it yesterday, but it always seems to me that when you hear Ari crying in another room she always sounds like a newborn or very young baby. If, as Will says, she’s trying to hold a spoon herself, they need to get a better recording. Of course, I notice this on other shows as well, but I think Days has one baby cry recording for all ages of babies.
I think the hat thing is what’s in style. I always wore bonnets and caps on my kids, not the knit ones that seem so popular these days, and not in the house, but when we were outside in the sun. The ones I think look silly are the headbands with flowers that are larger than the child’s head. I saw a baby announcement in our local paper one day and the baby looked like she was wearing one of those stretchy pieces they put around pears in the grocery store to keep them from bruising. It made me laugh.
ParticipantI thought Hope made a very quick decision about the earrings. Charity? Why not return them and tell Sami how inappropriate the gift was. The whole thing was so stupid. If Nick hadn’t returned, I would have thought that Hope might become suspicious about how the earring came into Cierra’s possession in the first place and that Sami was using the gift as "hush money" to keep Cierra from saying anything. Cierra’s character has turned into a very unlikable child, even though she is a great little actress. I guess I’m weary that no one is ever happy on this show and there’s an agenda for everything.
ParticipantI started watching a very early movie tonight (1934) with Bette Davis. "Of Human Bondage". In fact, it was so early it didn’t even look like her! She was playing a very mean waitress type toward a medical student and acted and looked so much like Teresa I had to turn it off! But I guess it was that movie that made her a star.
ParticipantJohn Black always whispers. So annoying. In fact, I think I posted that same thing ages ago. Speak up!! And it’s true, you can put soft porn on the TV but you can only say "Oh my gosh!"? How ridiculous is that?
ParticipantI guess it just shows that Blake is really a good actor, because he truly is playing the psycho/creep part to the hilt. And Gabi is falling for it. I do think it was stupid of Sami to tell him they were nowhere near the river. I’m sure Greetings man could have picked up something to incriminate them long before EJ’s men "swept the place". Love Sonny, the voice of reason.
ParticipantI was so grossed out that I turned it off.
ParticipantI don’t think I’ve ever seen Kate in her office, nor Sami, nor EJ They talk about it, but are never really AT their job. It’s a good thing Caroline and Sonny have places to get coffee and/or eat or they’d all starve to death.
ParticipantI was getting worried when it came down to Alexandria and Dom. A’s just too weird and her collection, although interesting, was definitely geared to a very punk-type audience. Her speech as to why she should win was over the top. "It’s my time". But then again, I couldn’t pull off Dom’s looks either – I sometimes think the designers and judges think anyone over the age of 30 (and that’s probably pushing it) should dress in Alice Horton clothing. That being said, Thursday night TV has really turned into a hard choice. We do not have a DVR (although I just explored that possibility last night and decided it wasn’t worth $24 extra dollars a month) and my VCR died so I was stuck with the dilemma of what I wanted to watch at 9 pm – I opted for White Collar, knowing that I could watch Grey’s online, and then kept flipping back and forth at the commercials to see Project Runway. But here’s the question I really came on to post. Why does Nina never get off her chair? All this season, when Tim brought the models in to show off their clothing, she sat in her chair while everyone else came and looked. She did the same last night. What’s up with that?
ParticipantI can’t stand Theresa. And to pair her with Anne is about more than I can handle. I have never understood why Anne despises Jen so much but then to put Theresa into the mix. Her attitude basically cannot be more disgusting. Why do that have this storyline? It seems to have no purpose. I would not even want to play this role it’s so reprehensible. I guess the paycheck makes it worthwhile. I hope she is a nice person in real life. It’s hard to watch the show "live" because I can’t fast forward through Theresa, Anne, or JJ.
On another subject, I thought the line from Maggie to Dan today was pretty funny – "I don’t want to butt in, but…"
Participantthere won’t be anyone left in Salem except everyone who is related to everyone else. Someone is going to end up "being their own grandpa."
August 21, 2013 at 1:12 pm in reply to: Lee Thompson Young – Frost on Rizzoli & Isles – suicide #40856annieo
Participantbut totally forgot she was on Grimm. She must like that type of role – toward the cold side.