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Participantand it was a way to introduce the next mystery storyline with the stack of envelopes that dropped to the floor when they left and found after returning to the house.
I was glad when they went back for the donuts they had two grocery bags full of containers. I figured they’d have a small sack which would be very silly unless it was a "loaves and fishes" bag of donuts to feed the town square folks.
That storyline fit – I thought Rafe ripping off Sami’s clothes right before they left for the big bash was a little over the top.
ParticipantSunday at 9 pm on Lifetime
ParticipantI thought the Gus stuff was just plain strange. How they interepreted a mother abandoning her son 25 years ago on the pier to being Gus the attacker was so far fetched. Then all the furtive secret looks and dilly-dallying. They didn’t know he would be dangerous. They made the situation worse by acting weird. They could have probably just walked up to him and said "can you come with us?" and he would probably have gone. Oh yeah, drama. I did think the hostage scene was acted fairly well. And Sami’s changing of outfits was filler. Do women in the workplace really wear that type of suit? I didn’t even think the second one fit her, but then the tight slacks and sweater were really going too far in the other direction of casual. I also thought the pony tail seemed out of place. But what do I know? I’m a printer in a Mom and Pop shop and my clothes are from Goodwill because they get stained with ink and chemicals. It’s been years since I’ve worked in an office.
ParticipantAre we talking Friday’s show when she was in the white suit and Chez Rouge. Maybe my TV is too old to capture details, but I went through it twice and only could really see what what looked like a shadow when she was walking forward. Is that what everyone is talking about. She never showed her back anytime that I could see.
Participantto commit a crime since the Salem PD ARE Clueless. I didn’t watch the part when they came to get Quinn, but if Gus was in the room and there’s a composite sketch of him being the attacker, then I say, "well, duh!"
Participantor Theo. I heard they were SORAS’ing Sydney but not anything about the others.
ParticipantAnd he’s returning as another character? That will be confusing for someone who only watches occasionally. It’s like watching You Tube replays of when John Black was still Roman Brady. I watched the pier scene everyone talks about and couldn’t figure out which character he was supposed to be.
ParticipantAnd I’m in total agreement with you!
ParticipantGawd, could they make Lexie look anymore doom and gloom? I would have been just as satisfied if she’d (Lexie) come out of the surgery and told Rafe everything went very well and it was just going to be a waiting game to see how the test results came out. Instead Sami has to pass out and "we’re gonna lose her!" has to come into the storyline and of course, the "morbib face" ends the day’s episode. Just once it would be nice if they were just a little bit more realistic. Rafe could still put on the worried act, but come on, just a tiny bit of realism would be nice.
ParticipantThis is from Aug15-28 issue – Her former manservant and sidekick Ivan, now a rolling-in-dough film producer, shows up in full Bollywood drag and sweeps his "Madame" off to India to make her a star! Sorel is not pleased, to put it mildly.
"This turns my character into an idiot, a cartoon," says the actres. "it’s embarassing and pathetic for a woman Vivian’s age to suddenly announce she’s going to be in Bollywood movies! I expressed my opinion to one of the producers much more crassly than I had intended because I was just so full of sadness and rage."
It didn’t help that Sorel was fired in a graceless manner. "There was never a thank you, never a goodbye" she says. But it’s not just Days. That’s the way it’s done everywhere now. There is a lack of respect from those up above for the people who are doing all the work. It’s like you don’t exist."
At least Sorel finds herself in good company. [I’m abbreviating here] Also ousted are Chloe, Carly, Taylor. "Days is simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," Sorel says of the radical revamp. [The article had more, but that’s the main gist.]
ParticipantI wanted to scream at the TV yesterday at both Kate and Vivian. It irks me to no end to listen to Kate – Stephano will die if Chad leaves – he’s already dying – his heart is broken. Kate acts like she’s been married into the DiMera family her entire life. She conveniently forgets that she was forced to marry Stephano. So glad Chad stood up to her.
Vivian – vile, vindictive and getting on my last nerve. I guess that’s a sign of a good actress when they can pull off their part so well, but I really, really hate the Vivian character. Can’t figure out where they are taking Quinn. Good? Bad?
I really wish the Taylor character would go soon. Make up your mind! Then they write in that bit about her knowing Quinn in a past life. What field did that come out of? "They" always say it’s a small world, but in Salem that’s really true. You can come from anywhere in the world and by golly, there’s someone in Salem you know.
Why would Melanie have contacts at a rehab center? She’s been a nurse for how long? Why would Viv know to show up at the hospital? Lame.
Where are the little kids? How many sleepovers can children be invited to?
So here’s a couple positives to go with my negatives – Love all the Victor and Maggie scenes. Really like Chad & Abby together and also Will and Gabby.
ParticipantJennifer Aniston on Days Of Our Lives? Apparently, it’s going to happen! Jen’s dad, John Aniston has been on the show for an astounding 24 years, playing Greek mobman Victor Kiriakis. The problem is that NBC plans to shelve the soap because ratings are really low. Everyone’s leaping to the show’s defense with viewers and the stars both petitioning. Enter, Jennifer. Producers believe that an appearance by her will help draw people in, which gives the show a chance for survival.
She’s supposedly going to play a “frazzled” wedding planner who helps her father’s character marry Maggie Norton, played by Suzanne Rogers. A source reveals, “We’re hoping Jen will join us in November, when all the networks are at their most competitive. She has said she wants to help but her schedule is so tight we may have to cram a lot of shooting into just a few days.” So this is really going to happen. Well, it seems quite full circle-ish anyway. She started and got her biggest break with television so there’s no harm in going back.
Papa’s pretty happy his daughter’s chipping in, too. The source added, “John is thrilled at the prospect of working alongside his daughter for the first time. He didn’t approach her, though. The show’s executive producers did because John didn’t want to put Jen under pressure.” Another source corroborated the deal with, “She wants to do it and she’s happy to take the bare minimum Screen Actors’ Guild day rate.The idea of a semi-comedic role opposite her dad is hugely appealing to Jennifer.” Would you tune in to watch?
Participantfor Christmas one year. I saw the amount in the checkbook and was sure I was getting a breadmaker [which I wanted]! When I opened the package and saw a purse I was stunned. I couldn’t believe he would spend that much on a purse! I was afraid to put it on the floor anywhere for fear of getting the bottom dirty – especially in a movie theater because the purse cost more than the contents inside! I’m not one to carry multiple purses so it actually served me quite well. Now I’m on my second one in probably 20 years! I do have a small Coach that my daughter-in-law found at a thrift shop really cheap (like 2 bucks). That one holds a kleenex, credit card, a couple dollars, my contact solution and drivers license for a concert or ballet or somewhere like that. It’s pretty tiny!
ParticipantAnd I think they’ve updated her hair just a tad. And Victor in his blue shirt and silver hair. Just shows my age when I look at the silver haired men! They looked great together.