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Participantthey would probably leave the kids with Caroline, which is what they usually do no matter how much work the poor woman has to do.
Participantwith Daniel when he fell onto a large, pointed branch that impaled him in the chest. He lived for a few minutes and then died. It was pretty gory.
Participantrepeat a storyline and have Nick live through the shooting. You know how Days loves to bring people back from the dead. Surely hope they don’t go that route.
Participantbut has anyone heard if they will replace EJ with another actor?
Participantborrowed Roman’s boat to get out there. I guess Hope went on a police boat with at least one other officer.
ParticipantSam all that much at first, but he is definitely growing on me–I especially liked his songs last night. These top 5 are all so good, that it is hard to pick one, but one contestant has stood out for me from the start and that is Alex. He is quirky, but oh so different from the others. His songs really seem heart-felt and he always puts an interesting twist on them. I hope he isn’t voted off tonight, but if he is, then I guess I’ll root for Jena or Sam.
Participantbecause, I feel the same way! She needs to hear the word "no" more often and she needs to seriously suffer consequences when she acts so disrespectful. She has been indulged by everyone for way too long.
Participantdown below. I think it is more likely that Nick has a weapon than Gabi.
ParticipantOf course that didn’t stop her last time when she almost killing Nick with a rock. Do we know if Nick has a gun? Maybe he accidentally shoots Gabi and she’s the cast member who dies.
ParticipantJordan is just as boring. Put those two together and you have a huge snooze fest!
ParticipantWill and Gabi absolutely should already have one they both can agree to!
ParticipantI felt that way about Melanie at first. Didn’t like her at all and then came to love her. I didn’t want her to leave the show. Now Liam is another one who can join Anne in being non-redeemable! That guy makes my skin crawl. Oh, and then there’s Nick. He is in a class all his own. He was really likeable when he first came on the show and now he is bad to the bone.
ParticipantI like the judges this year. In my opinion, they are the best so far from all the seasons. They really give helpful feedback, especially Harry Connick, Jr. As far as the contestants go, I’m not wild about any of them, but I really do like Alex, Jena, and CJ. Sam is ok, too. I’m not a fan of the other three. I haven’t been following it closely enough to know which may be in trouble, but do know that CJ has been in the bottom three before and Sam was eliminated one week and then saved.
Participantbut the whole hospital staff blabs confidential information so loudly that everyone close by can hear. The nurses, including Maxine, discuss a patient’s private business at the nurse’s station where people 20 feet away can hear.
ParticipantRafe and Jordan are the absolute MOST boring (anyone notice that she hasn’t worn her glasses in a while?) followed closely by Jen and Daniel. Daniel seems to be only boring when he is with Jen, though. Actually, the story lines need to speed up or change for all of these couples.