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  • in reply to: Oh, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas… #43380

    maybe Cheryl will have a change of heart and stay or come back. If, and that’s a big if, Lucas would just go to her and try to explain how he was such a jerk, but that he really cares about her.  Does anyone know if the actress playing Cheryl was only hired for a few months?

    in reply to: Stupid Checkbook Incident #43356

    If I were Daniel I would have dumped Jennifer ten times long ago. She reminds me of a teenager the way she gets so mad at him for nothing. She never listens to his side of the situation and always believes anyone over Daniel–the one who she is supposed to love. Jennifer is the most unlikeable person right now–has been for a while.

    in reply to: Ciara… #43329

    about Ari and Kyle. I always liked the fact that they met and married while on the show.  

    in reply to: Sami, That Dark Hair Just Isn’t You #43270

    Plus the darker style always looks greasy to me.  

    in reply to: JJ and Paige #43252

    Having a school dance would bring back memories of the prom night with Chloe, Phillip, and gang.

    in reply to: Kate’s pants #43225

    Kate used to wear colorful, somewhat edgy, sometimes shiny, but always tasteful suits. I always loved those! Anyone remember that? 

    in reply to: Brady – “I don’t want to hear it anymore.” #43223

    have to be the most boring couple to ever be on this show! I don’t care about either one of them at all. And, I’m sick of Eric’s scenes when he is talking to the priest. I mean, come on! Who wants to hear those conversations on a soap?? For me, the most interesting scenes right now are between EJ and Abby! I never thought I’d say that, but I actually liked their brief taboo relationship. I know many didn’t like their scenes at all, but to me, there was something intriguingly forbidden about those two together and that made for a little different direction for the show.  

    in reply to: Sami & Marlena #43202

    have some ridiculous facial expressions, too! 

    in reply to: Sami’s incessant squealing #43188

    those two things she does drive me up the wall, too–always have! 

    in reply to: Apparently EJ #43154

    will whisk Abby away and keep her watched/under lock and key until it is too late for her to have an abortion–not that she would, though. Then he will trot her out just in time for EJ and Sami’s wedding.  

    in reply to: Adrienne – Puuleeeze! #43141

    for too long now. I wanted to throttle her today! Good thing Abby and Sami didn’t fall for her tricks, though why should they–she and others have played that trick too many times, so the people of Salem should be wise to it by now. Sami is getting pretty nosy herself by the way–even though she has a right to ask these questions, she doesn’t know that she does.  

    in reply to: Marlena #43102

    has treated Sami. She really does act like she favors Eric, Brady, and John over Sami. She acts like she thinks she is the best mother in town, though she has always put those men, especially John, ahead of Sami. Of all people, she should provide Sami with some extra care and love since Sami witnessed her mother cheating on her father. Never have been a Marlena fan, as you can tell!

    in reply to: Is it a conspiricy? #43090

    Love it, majenco. Good recap! 

    in reply to: Sami & Hope on Wednesday… #43067

    several threads back. Hope could and should have nipped this whole thing in the bud by telling Ciera and Sami one pair of earrings only. Hope seems so scared to discipline Ciera or set limits for her in any way. She just keeps thinking "poor Ciera" to be without a dad. Ciera surely is milking this for all its worth. 

    in reply to: UHHHHH how old were those cupcakes? #43052

    Aiden sell even one cookie for $4. Seems dumb to me especially since most of the customers were little children buying just one cookie or cupcake! 

Viewing 15 posts - 706 through 720 (of 1,463 total)