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  • in reply to: Glad to See Daniel #39931

    going to turn out well for Daniel. Even though he was mad at JJ, he really shouldn’t have jumped on him like that. That’s really not a good way to handle surly teens in my opinion, plus it isn’t going to help Daniel’s and JJ’s relationship one little bit. Even though adults feel like doing that to kids sometimes, it usually only backfires.

    in reply to: Jason47’s Interview with Patsy Pease (Kimberly) #39894

    I never cared for the character either–mostly for the same reasons you mentioned. The interview was interesting, though. 

    in reply to: anybody have any idea #39859

    them, do you mean Will and Sonny? If so, I hadn’t heard that spoiler.

    in reply to: Wow, no comments on today’s show? #39858

    completely by surprise. I thought he would tell probably her the whole prison story and the blackmailing of Will story, but I thought he was in love with her–I had no idea he was going to say all of that to her about using her and only wanting to be in love with her. Wonder where that couple will go from here–or if they will even stay together.  

    in reply to: WOW AT TODAY’S SHOW!!! #39857

    about the Hope/Marlena scene: yes, something was odd! I thought maybe I missed something. All of a sudden Hope was in the room without any kind of segue. 

    in reply to: Why is Will in a coma? #39838

    yesterday’s show wasn’t that long after his gunshot-wound surgery. I think it was the same evening. Daniel (or maybe it was Maxine) said that he would be sleeping through the night and awake the next morning. So, I guess he’s just sleeping off the anesthesia rather than being in a coma. He did rouse a bit yesterday when Nick brought the baby in. He probably should have been awake when they brought him out of recovery, but then you are right–we wouldn’t have had all of those touching scenes with his loved ones! ;) It’s all about the drama I guess.

    in reply to: Finally Someone Sees the Pic #39814

    John’s stupidity in not realizing that by his "saving" Brady, he is messing up Brady worse than ever. It is going to be much harder for Brady to see his father with Kristen than it would be for him to find out Kristen was playing him all along. John is going to screw up poor Brady’s mind forever. You are right–they are all messed up! 

    in reply to: I Was Hoping #39805

    And, I think the writers thought that it would work better to have Will be the one to save Nick’s life. I’m hoping that now Nick will back off of the whole blackmailing of Will and their relationship will be mended also.

    in reply to: Really Enjoying Sonny #39801

    He is a great actor playing a really well-written character. I have loved everything about the show for the last few days, but he is one who really stands out. No wonder he was nominated for a daytime Emmy.

    in reply to: Shut that woman up! #39762

     been quiet since Jensen could have so easily heard her, first in the woods and then in the shed. I just knew she was going to give Sonny and her away!

    in reply to: Brady & JJ #39755

    It will be no wonder if Brady does fall off the wagon big time the way Kristen puts a drink in his hand every time she turns around! And, of course he takes it and drinks it. He should ask her this question when she hands him a drink: "Do you really care about me if you encourage me to drink all the time, knowing that I’m a recovering alcoholic?"

    in reply to: AI Final 05-15 #39696

    just like the whole season, and it really doesn’t have anything to do with the talent of the contestants. Most of the songs the contestants have sung this year have been unrecognizable to me. I don’t care too much who comes out on top, but sort of want Kree to win. I think it will be Candice, though. I have been wrong about every prediction I have made this year, however, so maybe it won’t be Candice! 

    On another note, I read that Keith would like to come back as a judge, so if Idol stays on the air, I would like to see the producers ask him to return.

    in reply to: Ahhh, heaven! #39676

    of those three flowers, too. I have a lemon tree with blossoms that smell as good as orange blossoms, and I have jasmine that grows well. However, I have tried and tried to get gardenias to grow in my yard or in pots, but they have always died after a while. I’d give anything to be able to grow them. I know the soil in my yard (in Central Texas) isn’t the kind of soil that gardenias love, but even when I add acid to the soil, the plants die. I guess it is a combination of weather and soil. It can be awfully hot and dry in my area.

    in reply to: Rumor Mill items #39662

    in the Fall–October maybe?  

    in reply to: Sami’s outfit #39625

    like that chair in PeeWee’s Playhouse. It also reminded me of the chair fabric in that old I Love Lucy episode when she pretends to be a chair as she spies on her neighbors. Agree that Kim’s maternity style is so awful it’s funny!

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