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  • in reply to: Another Ugly Wedding Dress #16972

    I agree with MK that the neck was too low on the wedding dress, but I did like the style. And, I loved the purple bridesmaids’ dresses–thought the jewelry was pretty, too. That purple is definitely a good color on Melanie.

    in reply to: Am I the only one? #16841

    I was just coming on the board to say the same thing. You expressed my feelings exactly, justwondering!

    in reply to: Nicoles shirt monday #16795

    I love the way they dress Nicole. Even when she was pregnant, she always had on cute outfits. The pink top was particularly stunning, I agree! I also think the wardrobe department selects attractive outfits and jewelry for Sami, Melanie, Maggie, and Arianna. They always put the right colors on them. Oh, and come to think of it, didn’t Adrienne look great in that purple number on Monday?

    in reply to: My head is going to explode…. #16628

    Sami was so dumb to bring Johnny to the hospital to see EJ. Doesn’t she remember how her son says whatever is on his mind? Plus, he figures things out and questions them. Of course he is going to blurt out about their current living arrangements. I could see today’s previews coming a mile away!!

    in reply to: Stephano #16419

    There’s no way they should or will kill off EJ. I’m sure that DAYS intends for him to be the future baddie on the show. Besides, I, too, love scenes with EJ in them. He is such a fantastic actor that I love him on the show even though I may hate his hateful acts sometimes. Actually, I can get madder at Kate than EJ.

    in reply to: Viv’s reaction in coffin #16386

    For me, the coffin scenes were extremely hard to watch. In fact, as entertaining as Brady was, I had to fast forward through his and Vivian’s scenes because the thought of being in that coffin thoroughly freaked me out!

    in reply to: Stefano’s grief #16116

    I love it when they show this side of Stefano and make him a multi-faceted character. Joe M. truly is Stefano!

    in reply to: How many think Sami will be spending time with Hope very soon? #15959

    I just wish something would turn her around. I’m not sure a mental ward or jail would help her at this point, but she is really hard to take these days.


    Remember when she was near death in the hospital with full makeup on every day?


    in reply to: I love seeing EJ squirm!! #15762

    James Scott is such an amazing actor. He plays "squirming" so well, as he does all other emotions/conditions! Everything can be read in his expressions, even when they are subtle.

    in reply to: Sydney DiMera (Boo-Hoo) #15575

    I am going to miss the little twins who played Sydney. It was always such a treat to see them on screen. However, they have been absent lately–we’ve hardly seen them in the past few weeks. Guess they are trying to get us ready for the change to the new twins.

    in reply to: Oh MY! #15313

    I know! And, she stood at the open door for a while listening in; the nerve of her and of the police station for allowing it to happen. No wonder people in Salem make fun of the cop shop.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Justin advising Hope as her lawyer? #15312

    When people commit crimes while strung out on drugs, they don’t get a break, do they? Just thinking that being on drugs may not be much of a defense/excuse. "Reason of insanity" doesn’t seem to be used much anymore, but then again, this show isn’t real life. But I do agree with the rest of you that Hope isn’t helping Ciara at all by refusing a lawyer’s help.

    in reply to: Bo & Hope question #15216

    the years they weren’t together.

    in reply to: ??? about tomorrow’s episode?? #15185

    I think so, SW. In my opinion, Brady’s taking Nicole to the police station is just a way for the writers to get her and Baker in the same room. That way, their secret might come out and Nicole might be exposed for framing Arianna. That is if dim bulb Brady can put two and two together.

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