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ParticipantWhen I was watching all the time I didn’t see how bad it really was (unless it’s gotten so much worse since I stopped). But the one day that I tuned in, I just kept shaking my head wondering why I had spent over 10,000 hours of my life watching it. No offense to those still addicted.
Of course I still do watch some seriously ridiculous stuff during prime time. Right now there is a short series on Animal Planet called Serengeti that is inspired by The Lion King and narrated by Lupita Nyongo’o. The filming is incredible and you’d swear it was CGI but it’s all real. Check it out, you won’t be sorry.
Good example: Dr. Pimple Popper, From Not to Hot (formerly Honey Boo Boo), Pose, My 600 lb. Life. I’ll spare you the others.
On the other hand, (there goes Bonbon again, writing a book!). I really like America’s Got Talent, Grand Hotel, The Good Doctor, This is Us (greatest show in years and years, just hope it doesn’t jump the shark in the near future). New Amsterdam, still hanging on to DWTS, just hope they can keep it fresh, The Zoo (really interesting seeing the behind the scenes workings of the Bronx Zoo. There’s a new one starting featuring the San Diego Zoo along the same lines. It seems as soon as they have a hit, they have to copy it with another show just like it. And, of course, I’m still loyal to The Amazing Dr. Pol. I’ve watched it from the first episode.
BTW, got a new doggie, Merlin got congestive heart disease and went down hill very fast. I decided to start fostering and the sixth one I took on looks a lot like Merlin (mostly Maltese and some Pomeranian) but much smaller (8 lbs.) and is soooo sweet and lovable. Her name was Dorothy but I call her Dottie. She is 9 years old and TERRIBLY spoiled. When she wants on or off the bed she’ll bark at me until I take her do her bidding. If I leave the room for too long, she barks until I come back.
Okay, ’nuff for now. Take care everybody.
ParticipantI was surprised I didn’t see you at first. Glad to see you are still holding on my your fingernails? Don’t let go! :o)
ParticipantStill limping along on my walker. I had five hip surgeries, three on one, two on the other because not one, not two, but THREE doctors screwed up. I was very bitter but decided it could be a lot worse so have gone on about my life.
I hope everyone one here is doing well. Sad about Peggy McKay but we all gotta go sometime. I have my 80th birthday coming up in December and am so surprised to have made it this far in relatively good health other than the hips. As they say, "Every day above ground is a good one." :0)
I’ll try and pop in again and see what’s going on. Take care everybody.
ParticipantMommytutu! You and bradysgma are two of the few names I recognize from my time here years ago. I just happened to tune in to Days one day and decided to watch it and see what was going on. After watching for 40+ years and being so thoroughly addicted, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to stop but I did and really don’t miss it. But…I have to say, after being away so long, it is so funny to see how ridiculous everything is now. I really had to laugh at some of the acting.
A bunch of new people and some returnees from long ago. I was surprised to see Victor still around. And Caroline had just died on the show. Did she die in real life? It’s amazing how long so many of those actors have remained with the show.
So, hi to anybody who remembers me and maybe I’ll check in again some time. Happy watching!
ParticipantI just checked in to see if there were any postings about Victor’s passing. So sad.
My circumstances have not been good. It’s been three months now and I’m not any better than the day I left the hospital. The doctors don’t know what is wrong but I am in EXTREME pain all the time and even morphine every four hours is not providing any relief. I can’t put any weight on that leg and the other one I broke that is permanently disabled now isn’t much help. The difficult thing is living alone but I have hired a care giver that comes in for four hours three times a week. However…VERY EXPENSIVE for someone living on SS. But, I remind myself things could be a whole lot worse.
I am very appreciative of the prayers, good thoughts and wishes and hope they will eventually turn the tide for me. Thank you, one and all.
When I was in the hospital for so long (two weeks) I just lost interest in the show and when I got home and tried to watch it but just didn’t care about it anymore so I removed it from my DVD. I never thought that would ever happen after 40+ years but I will probably check in here once in a while.
Happy Holidays to you all.
ParticipantGood writing and acting. I don’t how they will be able to continue with ideas but I hope a long time. Really good show. Right up there with Madam Secretary.
Participantdon’t keep up with the times. The stations are geared up now to switch to another grid when power is lost. They would have had to take out all the grids in the line to shut down the whole city.
I’m wondering though, where was the light coming from in the panic room if all the power was off.
ParticipantIt was just two old friends who used to date each other discussing the "olden days."
I will say this though, Chad should take off his shirt, he has a very flabby body and not terribly attrractive.
ParticipantThey could pick any one and I would be okay with it. In fact, I don’t even have a favorite but I agree the The Clairvoyants would certainly have the best Vegas act. It’ll be interesting to see the outcome.
IMO, this is the best season ever as far as talent goes.
Participantlike on the fishing boat would do it for me. If she doesn’t go to jail at least give her something to make her suffer.
What didn’t make sense when Deimos and Victor confronted her, she had that scared, oh, oh, I have been discovered look on her face but yet she still knew what she had on them regarding the antiquities so she shouldn’t have cared that they knew at all. Just more for the sake of drama without the benefit of any reality.
I’m having a really hard time even watching this show any more.
ParticipantI didn’t know it was him. I thought they had replaced him with another actor until I heard him talk for a while. Then I realized it was the same guy. So something must be different about him.
ParticipantJenn’s mourning. Hasn’t she gone a little over the top? I can see taking out the baby pictures and crying over them but she’s acting like she’s going to melt into a puddle and disappear.
ParticipantThey think there is something bigger and better out there for them but when they realize it was a pretty good career after all, they come back home to DWTS again. But it’s good luck for us anyway. I’ll miss Pita this season but I’ll take the trade of her for Maks. I wonder how long before we see their little toddler in sequins and spray tan out there on the floor. :o) How about a name? Piks? Makta? And isn’t this Tom B.’s last season?
ParticipantThey think there is something bigger and better out there for them but when they realize it was a pretty good career after all, they come back home to DWTS again. But it’s good luck for us anyway. I’ll miss Pita this season but I’ll take the trade of her for Maks. I wonder how long before we see their little toddler in sequins and spray tan out there on the floor. :o) How about a name? Piks? Makta? And isn’t this Tom B.’s last season?
ParticipantHer voice and style is so different and she just want’s to make you give her a hug. But the opera singer is also fantastic. Her Jesu Pie absolute blew everybody away. But then, this year it seems like they are all way up there on talent. I love Tape Face too, he really cracks me up. I don’t much care for the knife thrower because it’s the same thing over and over. I think they are riding on the sexy wife. It’ll be really interesting on this one.