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ParticipantHow many people in the past have been held captive in the Horton cabin? Or maybe I should say how many haven’t? :o)
I’m thinking after yesterday’s show, Abby is not going to carry this baby to term. She has had a lot of sickness and cramps and now this severe one, that’s not normal and I think it’s going to be a precursor to Baby Ben’s demise.
Participantand we only have one season…HOT, but I think people should dress to their liking, not the time of year or the season or what’s “in” or anything else but what pleases them. I see people here walking around in hoodies and sweatshirts when it’s in the upper 90s and wonder what is wrong with them but apparently they are comfortable with it so, so be it.
I’m having more trouble with hair than wardrobe. Could they possibly make Abby’s hair any more horrible? And Jen’s is running a close second. Then look at Kayla’s. It looks like she just got out of the shower and pulled it back into a little knot without the benefit of a brush or comb. What’s going on there, have they run out of ideas for pretty hairdos so they’re going to try ugly now? If so, they really nailed it. Enough people, enough.
ParticipantThe pilot was knocked unconscious for who knows how long and now Bo is going to ask him to fly a big jet plane through a dangerous tropical storm when he is mentally and physically impaired? GMAB…A big huge enormous break!
If Steve weren’t on the plane I’d just say to have it crash and get rid of this storyline once and for ever. It is a horrible failure.
Participantbut I just can’t like Amy Schumer because of her type of comedy. I don’t know why but I can accept it from a man but not a woman. My type of female comedy is like Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett and the like does.
ParticipantI think he does but if he loves her as much as he says, how could he possibly think of killing her? He should come clean to Hope about the threat to Chase, then go to the police and then get the hell out of Dodge. I don’t believe the Dimara’s have a long enough arm to get him anywhere he goes. Nope, sorry, I just don’t buy it.
BTW, I thought Aiden pulled off the drunken scenes very well. They weren’t so over the top and ridiculous like so many of them portray. But boy, I certainly did feel the uncomfortableness at that bachelor party. It seemed like everybody wanted to be any place but there. But I WAS disappointed there was no stripper! :o)
And I though Hope’s party was so painfully put on that that one made me uncomfortable too. And poor Jen, nobody wanted to play her games. As for the stripper, I don’t think anyone that knew Hope would think she would enjoy that. It takes a certain type of person that a stripper is appropriate for. I’d hate it if anybody did that to me. And Caroline gave him $100!!!? Wow!
Participanthe sure does look awful…haggard and tired. I hope it’s just make-up portraying the ordeal he’s been going through, yet, he seems to be in awfully good spirits with Patch. I would think after we saw him practically on death’s bed in the seniorita’s casa, he wouldn’t have made such a miraculous and rapid recovery.
ParticipantI brings to mind so many of the main family characters that have gone and we don’t hear anything about them. Like Mike Horton, and Philip Kiriakis and so many others. How many can we think of that were not just temporary characters but main core family people.
ParticipantI have always had a very positive outlook on life and am the eternal optimist. I find life is much easier to take what it gives you if you do. Wallowing is self pity only makes you miserable. I’m not saying I never feel sorry for myself but I do try to limit it.
Participantis his horrible acting. I just feel like he has no experience whatsoever and is struggling with his lines and what to do with himself when someone else is speaking. Now I know that’s not the case because he is VERY experienced and the little I’ve seen of him in the past has certainly proven me wrong about this but, so far, I am very uncomfortable watching him. Maybe it’s going to eventually tie into his character but I certainly hope it happens soon.
Actually, on that same note, I feel that Bo/Peter has also seemed to have forgotten how to act. Those oh-so-agonizing scenes he’s been playing so far have almost made me laugh they have been so bad. First he appears to be on death’s bed (and when he’s alone so he’s not just putting on to fool his captors) and the next think we know he’s pounding Kung Fu on the bad guys with all the strength and characteristics of Mighty Mouse. Who knows, maybe it’s just me.
ParticipantI thought it was inexcusable. She has the breast cancer gene, so what? That is not a death sentence. In fact, it’s a life-saving test in that it can help get a diagnosis and cure much faster and these days, breast cancer is extremely curable. If I’m not mistaken, it is the most curable type of cancer there is when detected early. And regardless of what Justin did, he certainly did it out of the care/love he has for her. How can you bash someone for loving you?
As far as Sonny goes, I would think he would be more upset with her not telling him and keeping it from him than having Justin tell him. Besides, like Justin said, he though Adrienne would have already told him. I would have thought so too.
Speaking of cancer, I just had to have some cut off my arm and eyebrow yesterday and the itching is driving me crazy. I don’t know why it itches so bad. They say that’s because it’s healing. I hope that’s what it is. Maybe I could get my ex to contact a renown cancer specialist at the Mayo Clinic. :o) (Oh, BTW, lest there be any confusion about a previous post where I mentioned my husband dying…I had two of them. First one is the ex and father of two sons, second died from throat cancer…very, very nasty stuff when they have to cut away the whole front portion of your neck.)
Participantattending the funeral. I’m sure that was just logistics for the actors because that would cause them to have to use too many in one episode. I just assumed they were all seated behind the ones we could see. Sometimes you just have to take things for granted. Like flying between Mexico and Salem in an hour!?! Or Paris and Salem is less than that?
ParticipantI just considered the source and knew there was no truth in what they said. It was just their own warped sense of attention seeking. Sticks and stones, ya know?
Participantcertainly old enough to know better. Neither had ever been married…surprise and didn’t seem to have much in the way of family? Who would have them? I suspect the guy was gay himself and one reason why he bashed the other one so badly. Probably self-hatred because he wasn’t comfortable with his own sexuality. (Taking off my Dr. Freud hat now.) The surprising thing is that they were both extremely intelligent, well-read, and expressed themselves amazingly well. We used to try to tell them they were wasting their lives acting like that with the talent they had, they should have been using it for good. Well, you can imagine where that got us.
ParticipantThat can’t be the same guy. What a hunk! Maybe it’s just his demeanor that makes him not as attractive. If he were a nice guy…well, who knows?
Participantfor telling Sonny. If it were me, and unless my ex specifically told me not to tell the kids, I’d think it perfectly natural to tell them he had a health problem. Actually, it isn’t even a problem yet only the potential for being one. I think they have every right to know about their mother’s condition.
And, yes, they will always be family, no matter what. Those boys bind them together for ever. Actually, that is what created the good relationship between my ex and me. I figure as long as we have kids, we will be “related” so I may as well make it as pleasant as possible. Fortunately, he felt the same way and now we (including his wife) are best of friends.