Forum Replies Created
Participantit was a news group which has no rules or regulations. And yes, many people tried but they were just brought in to the bashing circle also. You can’t imagine the hateful things that they said about me. They said I killed the baby I had (that was a miscarriage) because I was afraid it would be as ugly as I am. And my husband died because he couldn’t stand living with me any more. And that’s mild compared to the things they said to the poor gay guy. We even tried ignoring them but they persisted. I really don’t understand what makes people like that act the way they do, I believe they were psychopathic…or sociopathic, one or the other. There was a psychologist in the group that begged them to get help. Ha! Little did that do.
ParticipantAnd that’s that? Boy, talk about anticlimactic. What a let-down that was.
ParticipantI agree. Very well done. And wasn’t Hope’s dress absolutely beautiful? I loved it.
Participanthad a male and a female posting that did nothing but post hatred, hatred for the show, the characters, the actors, and even the posters. And not just nasty, it was downright dirty, vitriolic, and hurtful. The only think I can think of is that they were just plain sick mentally. It was the reason I left because of all the hatred. We had one gay guy who was just as nice and sweet as could be and they bashed him (and his lifestyle) unmercifully. I would have fought back but he didn’t, just took it.
I was so fearful they would find this group and come and ruin it also When I first joined that one there would sometimes be 50 or more posts daily and by the time I left, so many people had abandoned the group there were hardly 3 or 4a day. A real shame.
Anyway, that’s a good example of why people write what they do, for attention and you know what they say, negative attention is better than none at all.
Participantthey lay down when they first cover the casket. But as for the headstone, that was totally lame. It takes sometimes months to get a stone ordered, engraved and delivered. Maybe they went to Gravestones-R-Us and bought one.
ParticipantBo (the character) didn’t do anything to make me dislike either him or Peter. BUT, Peter (the actor) definitely made me dislike both him AND Bo. And I’m sure people say they “want Bo gone” instead of saying they “want Peter gone” is because, like me, I almost always refer to the actors by their character’s name. That doesn’t mean I can’t distinguish the two, it’s just that my poor old brain can’t always come up with the actor’s name when I want it.
Participantthat they had taken (extradited?) Clyde to Florida so I assumed he was already gone. So you mean I didn’t get cheated out on some horrible ending for him?
ParticipantSami that way, just how unrealistic her actions would have been in the real world. I thought that was interesting reading what people go through in circumstances like that. No, true, it wouldn’t have been Sami if she had acted like a normal (typical?) person would.
Participantthey used the tag line, “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.” Something like that anyway. Can you imagine hearing now days?
ParticipantOf course we can separate Bo from Peter, or Peter from Bo. It’s Peter the animosity is toward, not Bo. There is no reason to dislike Bo, especially now that we know he didn’t stay away of his own free will.
It’s because of all the games Peter’s been playing, with both TPTB AND the fans. I’d be willing to bet he’s lost a ton of his fans over all these shenanigans of trying to get them to go to bat for him and get his job back with more pay, after slamming the door shut on Days and burning all his bridges because he didn’t get his way…poor baby. (Whew, that was a long sentence.)
Anyway, don’t insult our intelligence with a statement like that.
Participantway back when if Joe was a smoker. I know Hope was a heavy smoker and it took her a long time to quit but I don’t remember any others. I’m sure some of them did because smoking in the shows was very common place. In fact, thinking now about places it was okay to smoke, I am mortified. Theaters, restaurants, grocery stores, airplanes, office buildings, museums, hospitals, courtrooms, And, yes, I was one of them.
I remember once I was in the hospital with a collapsed lung and not supposed to smoke but one of the nuns (Catholic hospital) walked past and saw me and took them away so I bummed them from the women in the bed next to me. Horrible, absolutely horrible!
Sorry, I guess this really should have gone in the other room, but at least it started out on topic.
ParticipantI once read a very interesting book on death covering lots of areas. One thing that came to mind that we see often on Days is, when one loses a loved one at the hand of another, car accident, murder, etc. revenge doesn’t usually come until after the other main stages of grief have passed. I believe first it’s shock then disbelief, then denial and I forget after that. (Just looked it up because I was interested… “The seven emotional stages of grief are usually understood to be shock or disbelief, denial, bargaining, guilt, anger, depression, and acceptance/hope. Symptoms of grief can be emotional, physical, social, or religious in nature.”)
But, right away, we see Sami wanting to kill Chad rather than focusing on her loss. It said in the book that the loss is so severe that other emotions can’t get past that until later. Maybe the writers ought to read it. Unfortunately, I forgot what the name of it was but I “think” it was by Katherine Kubler Ross…maybe.
As an aside, I have experienced a very lot of death in my almost 76 years and I will say I have found just knowing you tend to go through those stages seems to help because you know it’s not going to last. If only you could comfort others with it but they have to experience it themselves. I just buried a very good friend and would have done anything if I could have eased her daughter’s pain.
Participantit won’t be released until 2016. No big names in it so I can only guess it’s a B movie.
ParticipantI’d say he’s pretty much looking like an idiot. Those fight scenes have been so stupid. And him laying around half dead and then all of a sudden coming to life like superman? GMAB!
ParticipantHim needing oxygen after having a heart attack just doesn’t ring true. You only need that for respiratory problems. I wonder if maybe he has COPD.