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Participantit got changed around on Chrome. It is still the same on Firefox.
First go over to the left and click on Create content. Then click on Forum topic. Type in your new topic and right below that, enter the forum where you want it to appear. Then go from there. That should work.
Participantin watching. Not because I didn’t have time, because I just wasn’t interested. Last night I watched three episodes and have to admit to something I RARELY do…I FFed through much of it. It seemed like the acting was strained and they just weren’t in to it. Maybe that transferred to me but, whatever is happening, I am entertaining thoughts of bailing on this sorry excuse for entertainment. Everything is so horribly unrealistic and ho-hum. What to do, what to do…
Apparently I’m not the only one either, look at this site, no posts for THREE days? It’s pretty bad when not only do we not have anything good to say but nothing bad either. No nits to pick, no kudos to bestow. Hey, people, let’s get this fixed and earn your salary, okay?
ParticipantI don’t know if I like him anymore or not. And Hope is so wishy-washy, I don’t know which direction she is heading. Does she want to get back with Aiden or not.
Participantthe whole town could benefit from some intense psyciatric counceling. Name one character that doesn’t have problems.
ParticipantShe is such a disgusting witch that she just makes me cringe. BTW, did you notice those fingernails/claws yesterday? A little over the top isn’t it Lauren? Except for not being squared off they looked like something you’d see in the ghetto.
Another thing, that killing off Diemos was a little overdone, don’t you think? Once or twice but, come on, either kill him or get on with it. I wish they’d kill each other and move on with the show.
ParticipantNo wonder I thought she was looking kind of plump. They sure did a good job of disguising it.
Participantyou aren’t the only one. I am the eternal optimist so I keep going back hoping for something exciting. Maybe one of these days…
ParticipantWhen he first went into Chloe’s house he couldn’t even walk without her help yet the next morning he’s walking around, perfectly erect without a sign of pain at all. Salem has something in the air that heals miraculously fast.
ParticipantShe looked very uncomfortable being with him.
Participantit was in an aerosol can. My guess is that it is that spray you put on to make adhesive stick better. Altough I don’t know why they have burns bandaged in the first place. Usually burns are left open unless there is chance of infection.
Participantit was in an aerosol can. My guess is that it is that spray you put on to make adhesive stick better. Altough I don’t know why they have burns bandaged in the first place. Usually burns are left open unless there is chance of infection.
ParticipantI don’t like them at all. Practically every other word is stuttered, like lo-o-o-ve and ca-a-a-ahn’t and nii-i-ight, and she ALWAYS prodounces I and my as Ah and maihn. Terrible, terrible. And I don’t agree it is the trend now. I don’t hear anybody else sing like that, at least not to that extent. I have to mute the TV when she sings. Don’t give up your day job young lady.
ParticipantSorry, I don’t get it. I haven’t seen the episode yet. Will I get it then?
Participantif you had been in love with someone enough to marry them, it would be very difficult to just walk away from them. And it was his son who raped her, not him. What if they had already been married and it happened. Would she divorce him? I don’t think so.
ParticipantI sure didn’t think so at first. Boy, talk about a contrived SL.