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Participantbut look how long that went on. The only trouble was, the longer it lasted, the worse it got. The first year was great but after that…blah. Yeah, I’m all for flipping the switch (pun intended) on Drill too.
But, good news on another front. I just saw a promo for Gallivant the other night and it’s coming back on in January. Yippee!
Participantwhen she ran away from her Grandmother’s in Colorado. And, BOY, was she troubled!!!
ParticipantIt’s Patch for cryin’ out loud. If he was all clean and shaved, it wouldn’t be Patch. I just hope they don’t misuse him like they did for his last return. That was embarrassing, that thing where he and Kayla got locked in the hospital room and poisoned. Ugh! It gives me shivers just to recall it.
ParticipantRemember not too long ago when he got all nostalgic about her with, wasn’t it with Abby?
ParticipantLexie’s and EJ’s kids are his grandchildren.
ParticipantWhen they first arrived he had to admonish his kid to not publicize that they were rich because his wife had money we must assume was left to Aiden.
Speaking of Aiden, does anybody else think Joey looks a lot like him? And he sounds very much like Patch too. (BTW, I don’t think Steve has aged a day since he’s been gone. He still looks great.)
Participantshe got $250k from each of them totaling a half million dollars. Now if Basic Black is the multi-national conglomerate we are led to believe it is, there is no way it could be bought for a half mil. In addition, it’s a public company which means they’d have to buy up 51% of the stock and I can’t see that happening either. Even in the fantasyland of Salem, USA.
Participantlet me go on record right now so I can remind everybody of these comments here when the writing falls in the dumps again, which it definitely will. Practically every time we get new writers, things start out exciting and then go back to the same unbelievable, boring clap-trap they try to spoon feed us. So, folks, enjoy it while you can because it won’t last long.
Participantthat Hope would have to spend time grieving whereas if she finds out he has been rotten to the core, the romance would end immediately, leaving her open for going back to Bo.
ParticipantI understand that “no means no” but still, what did Serena expect when she sits there with those “big girls” poking out, getting pie-eyed with Chad by drinking HIS drinks, kissing him passionately and then, when he tries to kiss her back she’s all indignant and slaps the crap out of him. Kind of a double standard if you ask me. And although I’m probably of a differing opinion from most people, when a girl/woman dresses and acts provocatively she should not be surprised when a guy makes a move on her. No different than holding a hot dog in front of your dog’s nose and then eating it yourself. In the words of Susan, that’s just mean, mean, mean.
Participantand have it be some anticlimactic person that we don’t give a fig about. But that’s what I’m expecting so I won’t be disappointed when it comes to pass.
Participantpersonally, I don’t like the darker lipstick. It makes her look “hard.”
Participantover the years, Bo hasn’t exactly been the epitome of a faithful husband or soul mate. Look at how many women he was involved with yet Hope was only with someone else AS someone else or when she thought there was no longer any hope for her with Bo.
So I think this time around it’s going to be different and, again disagreeing with TFlo disagreeing with me, I still think most people don’t care about Bo returning. If you just go by comments here, I’d say overwhelmingly they don’t care. (Geeze, I sure wish Jenn would get the poll feature here fixed and up and running, I’ve got several polls in mind.)
Participantpanic among the public. Without all the media hype, after receiving the news that a simple tropical storm is coming their way (usually only consists of some rain and wind that is certainly not unusual in South Florida), rush to get their gas tanks filled and buy tons of water? Now watch, it’ll suddenly turn into a Cat. 5 and I’ll be left with an empty gas tank and no water. :o)
Seriously, I figure I always have a case of bottled water on hand and I feel entirely safe with my hurricane shutters installed so bring it on, Mother Nature, I’m ready.
After Wilma when we had no power, we had some of the greatest BBQs in the neighborhood. People brought out their gas grills, emptied their freezers and cooked away. It was actually a lot of fun and, BOY!, did we ever eat! The only thing I can say we lacked was ice. Fortunately we didn’t have our typical 90ยบ temps then so we didn’t suffer with the heat too much.
Participanthad a conversation going on in daylight, they’d cut to a commercial and come back to the same scene but it was dark out. I never could understand the thinking on that. What was the purpose? So, no, it’s not just the new writers, the old ones did the same thing. And dragging out a storyline is commonplace for soaps.