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ParticipantI didn’t think of that…NOW you tell me!
ParticipantI can see me getting in my car and driving a stupid frog to a pond. He can find his way there himself. Actually, I don’t think they are amphibian so don’t care if they’re near water, although mine jumped in the pool and swam down to the bottom which is how I finally caught him. I wouldn’t mind a regular frog but these tree frogs are SOOOOO loud and only at night (when it’s raining) when you’re trying to sleep. Also, they’re not very big, about the size of a silver dollar, so hard to find, especially because they shut up as soon as you go outside or turn on the light.
But we also have Bufo Toads (also known as cane toads and they are biggies) that are very poisonous to animals and I frequently have them in the yard and I’m scared to death one of my dogs might go investigate and give them a lick. They are especially dangerous to small dogs, which mine are.
And then there are just the plain frogs which I find frequently swimming in the pool or climbing up the patio door trying to get to the light. Or often there are dead little ones that got in the pool and couldn’t get out, several per week in fact. At least I haven’t run into a Python yet and I’m only six blocks from the Everglades so it’s possible. Have had a couple of little black snakes in the pool but they are harmless. I just fish them out and throw them in the grass. Isn’t living in Paradise fun?
ParticipantOnce is was men vs. women. Last year is was villians vs. heros. They’ve had fans vs. veterans. And, yes, eventually they all get thrown together into one tribe. That’s known as the merger and the team that is behind is always glad to see that happen. I’m anxious to see how the young vs. old works out.
I have a hard time keeping up with the alliances because you never know who is being truthful or who is lying their heads off. One guy once said that his g.mother had died while he was on the island just to get sympathy. That was really low.
ParticipantMaybe it just because we’re in the "older" set that we’ll be rooting for them but I’m willing to bet we’ll see a lot of dissention in the younger group’s camp where the seniors, being more mature, will be able to get along better, which, in the long run, will be to their definite advantage. I believe they’ll be able to work together much better and won’t spend all their time strutting around, showing off hard bodies and shapely bikinied curves.
I too have watched the show from the beginning and love how ever year Mark Burnette adds some kind of different twist to it to keep it fresh.
On another note, I don’t think I’ll be watching Apprentice this year. I got to used to the Celebrity Apprentice and don’t want to go back to unknowns now. Maybe I’ll just watch the first episode to see how it goes.
ParticipantIt always bugs me how Days’ characters are always holding or rubbing their baby bump when they’re pregnant. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pregnant women in real life do that. Once in a while, okay, but not constantly.
As to Chloe’s perfect make-up…don’t forget that she never wore any before her transformation from Ghoul Girl so it’s not that Nadia is afraid for people to see her bare-faced. She was also without make-up when she was disfigured and had the flesh-eating bacteria.
Participantthe most beautiful snow I’ve ever seen was in Lake Tahoe, and that’s including Innsbruk, Austria. It is always so clean and white and lots of it. Especially when the sun comes out and you can ski in a t-shirt. But I liked it where it was, not at home.
One year in CA it snowed (we lived in the hills about 1000 ft. elevation) and the entire area came to a standstill. We couldn’t go anywhere because of the hills and turns in the road from our house going down into the valley. Nobody had snow tires or chains or anything like that (in California???) so we had to just sit tight until it melted, which was only about eight hours afterwards. The neatest thing was that I took pictures of about an inch of snow on my roses. I’ve seen snow on crocus before, and even daffodills, but never on roses. It was quite a sight.
Participantbecause inmates would have recognized Hope Brady as a cop which they didn’t want. It would be a lot of grief for the warden and guards for Hope to be found out as it will be for her.
But then, I don’t understand why the animosity toward a cop in prison. They are obviously a felon just like the others or they wouldn’t be there.
Participantwhen I lived in the western Chicago suburbs. It went down to -28°. That was before they started quoting wind chill temps. My husband owned a gas station in Skokie and he ran out of heating fuel (as did many, many others that night) and had to be there to pay for the load when it came (in the middle of the night of course!). So, we were up all night starting the cars that were left there for repair to keep them from freezing up. This was before engine block heaters, etc. And since the station had no heat, we would have to get in one of the outside (so no carbon monoxide poisoning) cars to get warm. We used cigarette lighters to thaw out the door locks. Man, that was cold.
Don’t know if you’re old enough but the snow storm of 1967 was one of the worst ever. People abandoned their cars in the middle of the streets and couldn’t get home because NOTHING was moving. People were sleeping in hotel lobbies because there were no rooms available and no place for anybody to go. People were taking complete strangers into their homes. We were totally stranded for three days before they got some snow plows down from Wisconsin to get the streets cleared. They had to plow as they came to get to The Loop. And they had to have tow trucks to move the abandoned cars so they could plow. Boy, what a mess that was!
And people wondered why we moved to California that same year! Ha!
ParticipantI may not agree with your bumper sticker but I’ll defend to my death your right to stick it!
My favorite t-shirt is one my kids gave me quite a few years ago. On the front it said, 39 and holding. On the back, …and holding and holding and holding…
I saw one once that I had to think about for a minute. It’s kinda nasty. It said: It’s just an expression, you don’t really blow on it. It made me laugh.
ParticipantMy youngest son moved out in ’93 to work for Royal Caribbean. Two years later, oldest son got transferred from SF to Miami by Citibank. In 2000, the building I was property manager for was sold and I was out of a job. By selling my house there, I could buy two of them here (not any more though). So here I am. In the meantime, oldest son gets transferred back, quits Citibank after 27 years and goes to work for WaMu. And you know what happened to them. Now he’s with Bank of the West and VERY happy there. So not much chance of him coming back here as BOW doesn’t have any branches in FL…YET!
Then, after 9/11, Royal Caribbean cut way back on their IT people and other son was out of a job. He went to work for himself and moved up to Deltona (between Daytona and Orlando) where they got 3 acres on a lake. Can’t hardly argue with that. So, here’s mom, left by herself. Boo-hoo! But I love it here, can’t think of living anywhere else.
Participanta cellmate that’s sympathetic to her plight and someone who might just want to be a little bit friendly…since they’re going to be thrown together 24/7. I’d sure do my best to try to make friends.
Participantsoooo stereotypical. Why can’t they get someone a wee bit realistic in there. The cornrows, the attitude, puhleeze! And that warden doesn’t look much like a warden to me. I can’t believe that the warden would have escorted a new prisoner to their cell. I’m sure they have more important things to do. It’s obvious none of those writers have had any experience with prisons.
Participantis like weather in no other state. They say if you don’t like what’s happening, either wait a day or drive 50 miles and it’ll be different. There is warm all year around down around San Diego, mild all year in LA, hot as the hinges of Hades in central CA, cold and foggy much of the time in SF (although there can be a 30° difference in temps between SF and San Jose which is just 50 miles apart. And then you’ve got feets and feets of snow up in Tahoe, some of the most beautiful snow I’ve seen anywhere else in the world. California is certainly a unique state when it comes to weather. And let’s not forget the earthquakes. You’re not a true Californian if you can’t differentiate between a small temblor and a truck going by.
But one thing I always missed in my 33 years there was thunder and lightning. I LOVE sitting and watching the rain come down and see the bright flashes and humongous boomers that rattle the whole house. Or I love cuddling up in my nice comfy bed and listening to the same thing. That’s one thing we’ve got plenty of in Florida. Plus, as I’ve said before, the best possible weather you could ever ask for in the winter. Another thing I miss about CA though is I could always put the top down on my car in May and leave it down until October. I can’t even leave it down one day here or, like what has happened to me a couple of times, I’ll end up with two inches of water inside!
ParticipantI was most looking forward to not having to get up in the morning ’til I was darn good and ready Know what happened? Now, every morning at 6:30, my eyes pop wide open and there is NO going back to sleep. (Once my dogs know I’m awake if I don’t get up, they start bugging me.)
As for weather, as beautiful as yesterday was, it’s raining cats and dogs now. But I don’t mind the rain at all. It keeps the yard watered and the pool full.