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Participantthey do not have to be the same people. Sami could have been on his medical directive and, say, Stefano have his POA.
Participantas any human ccould possibly be. And that song was absolutly perfect for her, The song, the set, the fog, it was just so moving. I can’t imagine anyone else winning. But then, they said the same thing about the woman from Britian’s Got Talent (why can’t I think of her name?). She was supposed to be a shoo-in too but didn’t win.
I had to laugh at Sharon Osborne (can’t stand that woman!) saying she couldn’t understand a word Jacking sang. Does she realize the entire song was in latin? Duh!
And Howie was really funny when he asked her if she had ever swallowed an adult. Yes, she is the whole package, just as sweet as can be. I will be horribly disappointed if she loses, however, even if she does, she has an amazing career in front of her. What a gift from heaven!
Participantforensics could have determined by how much gun powder was at the entry wound and would show that he was shot from further away than his arm could have reached. But would Sami even know that? And the mind doesn’t always think of the most logical solutions when under that much stress.
I discovered that when my next door neighbor had cut her wrists. I found her and when I called 911, believe it or not, I could not tell them my address. My mind was just a complete blank. Thank God they can tell where you’re calling from.
Participantwhen the surgery is elective as opposed to emergency. You cannot eat or drink anything before surgery but if it’s an emergency, they just deal with it. I don’t think the alcohol would be a big factor other than having to adjust the amount of anethesia they would administer. Certainly not an ideal situation but still manageable. I’ve seen frequent cases on Trauma, Life In the ER, where someone has been shot, had an accident, or whatever, when they were so drunk they had to be restrained and they still did surgery.
ParticipantThanks for sharing it with us. And I think you should go for the book. Just think of something you’re interested in and start writing.
I love to write also but, like you, don’t think I could handle a book, although I did write a short one about my breast cancer in a humor genre. Yeah, people have said, "What’s funny about cancer?" But I think you can find humor in anything and I hoped it would be helpful for other women going through it. But, I never spent any time getting it published.
One thing I really have enjoyed writing I call, "My Hometown." I started it because I thought some day my (because we’re so far apart) would want to know about my life growing up. I sat down and started writing about the first thing I could remember and went from there. I grew up in a great medium-size college town (LaCrosse, WI) and described everything I could remember about it, where we went, what we did, absolutely everything that came to mind. But the neatest thing that happened was that every time I reread what I had written, I’d think of some more stuff. I’ve got about 70 pages so far. A couple of years ago, my niece (who lives in CA and has read it) did a road trip across the US and stopped there. She said how exciting it was to see some of the things I had described. She said, "It was just like I had been there before." Anyway, I wished I had had something like that from my g.parents, who had all died by the time I was eight.
I took a creative writing class at the local community college and enjoyed it very much. I find my problem though is organizing, I have to just write chronogically, which is fine for non-fiction but wouldn’t work for a novel. Besides, I don’t have the imagination to figure out a plot and follow through. Hmmm, guess I’d be a good writer for Days, huh?
I’m interested in the blankets you made. Our women’s club makes very plain Teddy Bears for the police and hospital. Just something to help a little one during a time of trauma. And we make soft pillows for mastectomy patients to put under their arms to make them a little more comfortable and donate them to Gilda’s Club. We also make heart-shaped pillows for cardiac patients to hold when they have to cough or do their deep breathing. (I’m sure you’re familiar with that!) I’ve posted this before but here’s a segment they did on the Miami news on us. We’re always looking for something else we can do. After about 600 bears and pillows, we’d like to have something new to do. Back in CA we made hats for the premie babies but another organization keeps the hospitals supplied with them here.
I am really enjoying this topic and hope some of you other gals will jump in and tell us about your lives too. I’m sure everyone has something they are passionate about or spend a lot of their time on, justified or not. Won’t you share it with us? Just don’t include anything you don’t want out there in cyberspace for anybody to see.
ParticipantFirst of all, let me say, if this blogging does not interfer in your life in a negative way, you go girl. They all sound very interesting and I admire you for all you put into them. Have you ever thought of writing for profit? On the flip side, if you are ignoring life for these blogs, maybe you are a little bit like Sami and need some intervention. What do your friends and family think?
Yes, I have an obsession. I don’t think I realized it until this recent surgery. I was sitting watching TV thinking I NEED something creative to do. I’m a crafter. Nothing in particular but anything will do. That’s how my purses started out. (BTW, I am participating in an arts and crafts show in October with them.) I decided I have enough purses made so I was trying to think of something else to do with that same yarn and came up with decorating t-shirts with it. I make a chain and then wind it wround the neck in a decorative way and then add stones/gems/metal/etc. for further decoration.
Also, remembering that "wife beater" shirt Sami wore with the dusty pink flowery thingies on it, I went and bought a package of mens underwear and decorated them with yo-yos (the other day Mel had a shirt with them on the back). If you’re not familiar with them, they are circles of fabric, stiched around the edge and pulled up tight to make a little ‘yo-yo’. They came out really cute and I’m thinking of making more for the craft show.
Anyway, I am happiest when I’m doing something creative. My kids tell me I’m an addict too but say it’s one they are happy with. I discovered years ago that if I’m involved in some kind of project, I’ll spend my money on that instead of clothes, so, in the long run, it usually saves me money.
My real love is ceramics. I had a ceramic studio in California and have been certified by three different companies to teach, but it was too expensive to move all my equipment to FL. I just took my kiln and a few favorite molds. The problem is, there is NO place anywhere around here to get supplies and because they are all so heavy, shipping is prohibitive. For example, a gallon of slip (liquid clay) costs about $5.00 and $53 to ship! But, ultimately, the problem is the same with all my crafts, what to do with them when they are done. You need some kind of outlet and that is very hard to come by.
ParticipantIt’s true, we never see him when anyone else is around. Maybe he isn’t real. Now THAT would be a twist we didn’t expect.
ParticipantI can’t remember who said it but they said the athletes are the ones who have an edge over everyone else. It’s because they have the athleticism and the dicipline to exceed. That makes a lot of sense to me.
I say, the ones who have the advantage are the ones who have the biggest fan base. Remember the judges’ dancing scores are only half the story.
ParticipantI had my drain removed yesterday and developed the worst pain, like someone soving a lance in my side. I came ‘this’ close to going to ER but decided to tough it out. It’s a little better now but the ER still isn’t out of the question. I’m worring about infection.
Participantworld record for Sami (or anybody else on the show, for that matter). Going from having one man’s engagement ring on her finger to another one in less than 24 hours. GMAB!
ParticipantI was hoping Stefano was going to make her life hell when they got married but I think he truly does love her, in his own warped little way. I even liked it when Kate told him how she felt about him and their marriage. And I was even cheering for Kate the other day when she stood up to him. Considering her circumstances, that was pretty gutsy. But, in return, I think he admired her for it. Yes, they are an excellent match.
Participantdo an exceptional job. Sometimes they come up with some real stinky ideas but, on the whole, I think they do some very creative things. Have you noticed that if they hire a woman with short hair, they eventually will have them grow it out, i.e. Nicole? Right now, I think Adrienne is the only one with short hair, oh, and Caroline.
ParticipantThey don’t do that anymore, they only shave the area that will be opened up. And surgery to remove a bullet or repair its damage would be very small. My brother had a large piece removed from his skull to relieve pressure and they just barely shaved beyond the incission. I guess it’s kind of like why they don’t shave a woman anymore during childbirth. And those of you who have never experienced that have REALLY missed out on something!
ParticipantFunny, I had the same thoughts about Gus just yesterday as you. At least Ivan added some comedy to the situation and TRIED to keep Viv on the straight and narrow. All Gus does, is…gee what DOES Gus do? I guess he is just someone to enable Viv to discuss her plans with so we are not subjected to her continually talking to herself. <sigh>