Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDish doesn’t carry POP-TV.
ParticipantWho would carry on the resident bad guy position?
Participantapparently it is up to the affiliate whether or not they want to show them because I never see them here on the Miami station. Maybe that’s why I have a hard time recognizing when characters are called by their real names because I never see them.
ParticipantAFAIC, Peter burned every bridge there was with his antics. I have no desire whatsoever to see his return. Although, I have to admit, Bo was never one of my favorite characters. I didn’t even mind when he left.
ParticipantHope was single and alone for quite some time. She didn’t even date for what, two years? And we have the outstanding character of Anne Newbauer who is unmarried and apparently unattached. And Eve, not that she prefers it that way.
Participantto get custody away from a natural mother these days, even when they aren’t the best of mothers. For some reason, the courts seem to think a natural mother will better provide for their child than anybody else.
I knew a guy who was trying to get custody of his son (one night stand) when the mother didn’t even want the baby and he still had to jump through all kinds of legal hoops to get him. I just didn’t understand that one. It took two years before he finally won sole custody.
ParticipantWhat in the heck does it even have to do with the show’s birthday? Nothing I can see.
I thought the same thing about the ‘Victor as FIL’ remark and was trying to figure it out but then something happened and I forgot about it. That makes sense he’d be her FIL because of being married to Maggie. I didn’t think of that.
You could give yourself a severe headache trying to figure all these relationships out.
ParticipantPeggy, Victor, Stefano, Mrs. H., Mickey, Doug, Henderson, all past 80 and only Mickey retired. Can we count Ralph Waite (was that his name?)? Either it pays well, they enjoy what they’re doing or they just want to stay active.
OMG! I just found out Melissa Archer (Serena) and I have the same birthday…Dec. 2nd.
Participantwas certainly anticlimactic. Complete recovery with no lasting effects at all? Very, very unlikely. Those are known as TIAs, not strokes. If they didn’t come home for her when she was going through all the initial Alzheimer problems, why would they come home for this?
ParticipantI find these days that discipline is a thing of the past with parents. I am appalled at how lax so many parents are, first, of teaching their kids what’s right and then practicing it. The kid basically gets away with anything and if they do something wrong, the parents look for someone else to blame. I really worry about what this world will become when these kids begin to take charge. I’m glad I won’t be around to see it.
Yes, there are some basically good kids that know right from wrong and stick to the straight and narrow path but I think it is in spite of their up-bringing in most cases.
Participantfor many years. It took me a long time to get used to saying lie instead of lay.
I guess you could call me a grammar fanatic because I even subscribe to
Participant“You’re BUSTED” anymore? :o)
Participantwhy in the heck doesn’t she tuck her shirt in? If she’s trying to be fashionable, that trend didn’t make it Abs. Nicole too. Rafe used to do it but he’s come around.
One trend the show has rubbed off on me thought is the one finger nail with a different color polish. I just did that the other day. Purple and aqua. :o)
Participantyes, that really bothers me too. One that a woman on another site always uses that also drives me crazy (even though I’ve hinted that she correct it) is, she says, “Have a awesome pawsome day.” It’s AN, not A! Didn’t we learn that one in grammar school?
ParticipantBoy, with friends like that, who needs enemies? That was very cruel for Chloe to talk to Nicole that way and say what she did. I’d have kicked her hypocritical butt right out the front door.