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ParticipantJust how many people know that it was Philip she slept with? Remember, the test ONLY said whether or not Daniel was the father, they only had his DNA so it wouldn’t have said it was Philip. That’s why I can’t understand Stephanies grief.
Next, how did all these hackers get into the file when Chloe had used an alias that only Carly knew?
ParticipantI don’t know if it was just because I felt so crappy but I had a terrible time watching the wedding fiasco. I SOOOOO wished for a FF button!
ParticipantEJ plead a good case. I really thought Sami was going to give in, I would have. But I was surprised to hear Sami say that she never cared for him at all. I don’t believe that. And I’m still going to hold out for EJami eventually.
And now if she gets together with Rafe, OMG, that is disaster wating to happen. How can those two ever make it together. There’s just too much insecurities and mistrust between them. Rafe, run, run for your life.
ParticipantIn my drug induced mind, this is what I figured. (I like the idea of the incompetent nurse putting it in wrong in the first place and never thought of that.)
Carly changed it on the hospital computer so no special knowledged needed there. Ian hacked into the files and changed it also. Then Philip’s minion also hacked in and changed it. Mel being on their website had nothing to do with the results. And Daniels strange phone calls were about getting the tickets to Carmen.
But what I can’t figure out is how all three of them could have gotten a negative when someone before them had changed it to positive.
August 28, 2010 at 11:17 am in reply to: Hey, Jenn! When will the pink box be gone? Just wondering. Thanks! #15803Bonbon
ParticipantI ws not scolding you at all.
ParticipantI just got home yesterday and, let me tell you, that was some ordeal. I’ve had cardiac by-pass surgery, mastectomy, two back surgeries, and this was horrible. Not painful so much (in fact not very painful at all) but so terribly uncomfortable that I felt I would lose my mind. I had so many tubes and wires connected to me that all I could do for two days was just lie there, couldn’t even turn over unto my side.
But it’s much better now. The bad part is I’m extremely weak and the only thing I can have to "eat" is protein shakes for two weeks. Ick! But…I made it and it could have been a whole lot worse. So thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, they worked!
Let me add, maybe it was just my mood but Days was HORRIBLE! I could hardly stand watching it. Rafe/Sami/EJ’s scenes were so drug out I just wanted to scream at Rafe, "Damn it! Just tell her for Pete’s sake!"
ParticipantI pooh-poohed all that stuff when I was younger also but when you start getting up there in years it becomes much more serious and you sit up and pay closer attention.
And I don’t think the H1N1 fizzled out as much as it was averted by the mass innoculations that were instituted…fortunately. If the alarm wasn’t sounded, too many people would not have done anything about it and we could very well have ended up with a epidemic (or is is pandemic, I can never keep them straight? I think pandemic is the worser of the two). Unfortunately, it takes scare tactics like that to get people to take action and get their shots.
Participantsaid that we are not at risk here in Florida. Good thing because I eat eggs every morning for…EVERY morning. But if you cook them properly, you shouldn’t have any trouble. You actually run that risk all the time anyway. Anytime you consume raw eggs or undercooked meat, you can get salmonella. This ‘outbreak’ is just telling us that the bug was confirmed in these lots.
The article said you are resistant to it if you have a lot of stomach acid. That’s me. I can’t even prevent all I produce from eating through my stomach THREE TIMES! Maybe that’s why I’ve never had trouble drinking the water in Mexico. I’ve got potent acid, kind of like that stuff they dripped in Alien that ate right through the space ship. So, don’t mess with me or I’ll SPIT on ya!
And, yes, they do incubate the flu vaccine in eggs. Maybe they give them a shot first?
ParticipantI thought the make-up was just a little overstated. But I suppose that was to convey an extra special occasion. You gotta admit, it’s hard to overstate their make-up when you consider all they wear on just an ordinary day.
I wonder why they decided to exclude Sydney from the wedding. Maybe it was because they were in transition? I would have like to see her all dolled up too. Ali sure is a pretty little girl. Too bad she doesn’t get more lines.
Participantconvey a look of guilt better that those two did…both times Nathan walked in. If he didn’t know something was up seeing their faces, then he’s now rowing with both oars in the water. I know, I know, that was just for our benefit.
And who in the hell walks in their house and says, "Who is he?" Isn’t that just a tad rude?
August 21, 2010 at 10:55 am in reply to: Hey, Jenn! When will the pink box be gone? Just wondering. Thanks! #15642Bonbon
ParticipantShe may not know when that’ll be. Heck, just ignore it. (Think as it as adding some pretty color to the posts!) Remember, Jenn does all this work and administration for free so let’s not bug her about it. I’m sure she’ll get it done as soon as possible.
Participantwe can no longer use the phrase, Philip’s ‘minions.’ It brings to mind those little cinnamon eating minions in the Denny’s commercials. They are much too cute to associate with Philip’s thugs.
Can you imagine those little characters scurrying around the hospital’s computers changing records?
ParticipantI think it’s the same thing with EJ, he has good chemistry with every women he’s been with or even ‘near.’ That’s why I was so hoping he and Nicole could get back together. I think they are perfect for each other.
ParticipantOnly one person has a real bullet and the others have blanks so nobody knows which one actually does the killing.
Or when a bunch of people admit to a crime so they can’t arrest the one who actually did it.
ParticipantWe’re talking about characters here, not actors. When I think of Julie I think of Susan.