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  • in reply to: No more Mr. Nice Guy for Rafe. #15615

    you could replace Nicole and Rafe with Julie and Doug.  Or how about Brady (who came on as an angry bad boy type and hooked up with Chloe.  Or even Bo and Hope.

    I just seemed to see something there that I think could be played up.  I saw more emotion in Rafe with Nicole than I have with anybody else he’s been with.  Well, I guess that’d just be Sami, huh?  Well, anyway, there sure seemed to be a lot of chemestry to me.

    in reply to: 100 Greatest Days characters #15614

    so she wasn’t an original character.  Again, I wouldn’t dispute her popularity but would think someone in the top 10 would have had to have many more appearances that she did.  She and Bill only popped in occasionally for the past, what, 20 years?

    in reply to: Stupid crap that doesn’t make sense #15613

    it wasn’t a trial.  She pled guilty to whatever it was she was charged with.  We don’t know what that was because we didn’t see the arraignment.  She maybe only pled guilty to trying to set Bo on fire…attempted murder.  Remember, don’t try and make any sense of what they do on this show. 

    It’d be like someone trying to rob a store and shooting and killing the owner in the process.  If he pleads guilty to the murder, they won’t bother with the attempted robbery.  But if he didn’t admit to anything, they’d throw the book at him with everything they could come up with, probably including not flushing the toilet.

    I’d also imagine because this was only a hearing to sentence and not a trial, that’s the reason why the drugs were not brought up.  There was no reason to.  So Bo mentioned it only to try to get the judge to be lenient in her punishment.

    in reply to: Stupid crap that doesn’t make sense #15591

    I believe the sentencing was based on attempted murder rather than the muggings.  30 years for attempted murder would not be out of the question.

    in reply to: No more Mr. Nice Guy for Rafe. #15590

    I’d love to see that happen.  Boy, wouldn’t THAT surprise everybody.

    I was kind of wondering, watching Rafe’s facial expressions today, if it would be possible that he might fall for Nicole.  It’s hard to tell with him but he sure looked to me like he was softening toward her.  Anyone else think so?

    in reply to: No more Mr. Nice Guy for Rafe. #15589

    they didn’t go through with it.  But you really can’t justify Rafe’s actions with what Nicole has done because she’s never been a Miss Goody-Goody where he’s always been portrayed the nice guy.  But no nice guy would use and humiliate someone like that so he has fallen off the pedistal I had him on.

    in reply to: Sydney DiMera (Boo-Hoo) #15581

    I’m thinking they did it because Sydney wasn’t very animated and they are trying to get a little more ‘acting’ out of her, more like Johnny.  Maybe these girls can do it.  It certainly couldn’t have been just to make her older because six months isn’t that much to really matter.

    in reply to: Continuing the medical topic with Pammy #15569

    They will certainly help.  And I prefer hugs over kisses so thanks for them too!

    I’m going for groceries today and will cook up a few things that will be easy to nuke plus some snacky-type things so I can just eat something whenever I want.  I won’t be too concerned with nutrition until I find I can eat again (not like last time where it was about three weeks before I could get food or water down which caused me to get dehydrated and have to go back in for another nine days.  Although I do have some Ensure which contains everything I HAVE to have if I start getting weak.  He is going to put a port straight into my stomach so I can at least inject water if I need to (so I have to stock up on sterile water too) and won’t have to back for an IV.  Why can I drink dirty ol’ tap water but it has to be sterile to inject it?  Hmmmm…

    My neighbor’s 9-year old will watch the kiddies.  Since she can’t have one of her own, she LOVES taking care of mine.  They’ll be in good hands and will probably get a whole bag of cookies while I’m gone.

    I have arranged for a ride there and someone to bring me home so that’s about all I’ll need.  (It’s a real bummer not having any family around when it comes to stuff like this.)  I’m as mentally prepared as I can be.  I keep telling myself, I’ve been through it twice before and it was an emergency situation then so this should go much better. 

    Anyway, I’ve still got a few days to bug everybody, so… 

    Thanks again for your concern.

    in reply to: Funny today that the actress that plays Julie was…. #15568

    I’ve thought for some time now she really needs a rinse in her hair to get the yellow out.  She doesn’t have to become a "blue lady" but use a little bit at least.  I thought it was very noticable yesterday, maybe because she was so close to Bill and his is so very white.  Julie’s style is very pretty but I don’t like the color at all.  It’s one reason why I don’t let my grey go ‘natural.’  It’s the same dingy/dingey (how the heck to you spell that?) color as hers and not very attractive at all.

    Speaking of Julie…she sure did a 180° about Bo after he gave his testimony on Hope’s behalf.  She came down him relentlessly before and then she’s falling all over him, thanking him profusely, afterwords.  As Roman would say, "What da hell?"

    in reply to: Arianna today #15567

    He has been bluffing since day one.  But what do you want to bet that the writers will think we are going to forget about that he doesn’t have anything on her and he’ll come out with some kind of evidence that he’s supposedly had all along.  Bah!  

    in reply to: Next Thursday 8/26 #15566

    I don’t think it was actually "sleeping" that they were doing. 

    But that’s another strike against Rafe.  If he really loves Sami like he thinks he does, he would never "do it" with another woman, especially Nicole, whom Sami hates with a passion.

    in reply to: Dunderhead Brady #15565

    work at Titan so I hope they have some other qualified, ambitious, and successful person back in the office running the place.  If not…?

    And isn’t EJ still dabbling in law?  I mean, he was representing Ari, and has been hanging around the ‘cop shop’ too.  So he can’t be spending much time at the office either.

    Geeze, I’d like to have a job like they have, I’d even come out of retirement for one like that.

    in reply to: 100 Greatest Days characters #15564

    this is just ONE PERSON’S opinion.  It’s not like it was a legitimate poll or something that a lot of viewers had voted on.   And that’s why I haven’t put much stock in this at all.  Any one of us could have done the same thing.  I love Julie but putting her in the top five?  Uh-uh.

    in reply to: Lazy Writing #15563

    just yesterday it came to mind how phony Sami’s laugh was.  I’d never particularly noticed it before but it was so blatant yesterday.

    I would probably be just like her if I were an actor.  I do not (cannot) laugh out loud.  I don’t know why but I can’t.  So if the script called for me to laugh, it would be very forced and unbelievable.  I wonder if there are a lot of others like me.

    in reply to: Did I miss… #15530

    the bride wears a wash ‘n’ wear wedding dress and the marriage license is written in pencil?

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