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  • in reply to: Did I miss… #15518

    you’re right.  I had forgotten about that.  Thanks for the memory jiggle.

    in reply to: Did anyone else think that Ian resembled Stephanie? #15513

    They could definitely play twins.

    I thought they picked the perfect person to play an IT geek.  He fit the stereotype exactly.  But kinda cute too and he seemed to be a decent actor.  Maybe they’ll keep him on for awhile.  It could be another geek-to-hunk storyline. 


    If she landed a primetime show this early in her career, somebody must think she’s pretty good.  I didn’t watch the show but I like both of them so may have to give it a look next week.

    in reply to: Did I miss… #15511

    after she came home with Sydney…several times so, no annulment.  Besides, getting pregnant would probably preclude getting an annulment anyway.  That’s a pretty good indication that the marriage had been consumated.

    in reply to: Continuing the medical topic with Pammy #15491

    What chu talkin’ ’bout Wilbur?  First, I thought CALPERS was supposed to be an excellent system.  When I was doing pension administration a gazillion years ago, it was considered the Cadillac of plans.  Did some beaucrat get his fingers in it and mess it up?

    And I have NEVER had to get a referral to a specialist, on any plan I’ve ever had, of course none of them were HMO.  All I do is pick out who I want to see, call ’em up and make an appointment.  What has that governator been doing out there since I left?  Is that just in California?

    in reply to: Continuing the medical topic with Pammy #15484

    I thought the care we got was excellent, mostly prenatal and delivery and a short time of pediatrics.  My son is now receiving military medical care through the VA and he’s also very happy with it.  BUT…I’ve heard quite the contrary also.  My opinion is, if you are a doctor and could make a good living in private practice, why would you be happy to work for peanuts in the military?  (Same thing with an HMO where you work for a salary.  To me it’s like they are too lazy to go out and establish a practice and run it on their own.  It’s easier to just work for someone else.  I’m sure there are exceptions but IJMO anyway.

    in reply to: $$$ From Days Cafe regarding EJ $$$ #15483

    he’s not going to wiggle out of what Sami heard yesterday.  Whooie!  Today should be a good episode, fur sure!

    in reply to: Continuing the medical topic with Pammy #15477

    While I was waiting to see the doctor, the nurse gave me a form to fill out.  It was an incontinence questionairre.  I do not have any problems in that area nor have I ever and have never even mentioned anything about it to him.   I asked what it was for.  She said the doctor just wanted to have it in my records.  Huh???  There is no earthly reason for him to ask me those questions.  I’ll bet you any money he has some kind of "scheme" he’s foisting off on us old ladies (usually the ones with this problem).  But since I answered no to everything, I’ll probably not find out.

    You know, my son used to tell me how horrible the doctors in South Florida were but I pooh-poohed him because I didn’t see how just being in a certain area would affect health care.  Well, I moved here and, guess what, he was 100% right.  I always had excellent medical care in California.  Here, even the hospitals are horrible.  When I was in for my last perforated ulcer I wanted to get out of there so bad.  I can’t even begin to list the horrible things I had to endure there.

    And, DeeLan, all the tests he had me do yesterday were done in his office so I still feel they were to pad HIS pockets, not anything to do with my health care.

    And, boy, don’t get me started on HMOs.  I had two very good friends die at Kaiser Hospital in California and I am totally convinced it was because of the HMO system.  One was diagnosed with breast cancer but she could not be admitted for six weeks for treatment.  The other one was similar to the one you quoted where she was diddled around with, finally was admitted, and ultimately died…of…TOXIC SHOCK!  The warning there was, "don’t get sick at the end of the month because the doctors have usually run out of diagnostic credits by then."

    The whole system is flawed.  I would put the insurance companies on the top of the list5, then the doctors, then the lawyers.  It’s a viscious circle and nothing will improve until one of those links are broken but none of them will give so it’s us patients who have to suffer.  And God forbid, they force this socialized health care on us.  Then we’ll REALLY be in trouble.

    Yeah, I go off on a tangent too…as you can see.

    in reply to: Continuing the medical topic with Pammy #15471

    I’m afraid we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg and it’s going to get worse, MUCH worse

    in reply to: Carly?? #15466

    in the proper place because I have something to add.

    in reply to: Spoilers for the week of August 23 #15455

    Philip is the daddy.  Otherwise, why would Stephanie want to change the results?  Oh, dear!  Here we go again.  <sigh>

    I don’t understand why Nicole would want to move in with C&D.  Does something happen to her $5M and she’s broke?  Let’s see, at a mere 3% interest, that’s almost $12,500 a month.  I could live very nicely off from that.  And what else could the reason be but money?


    Now go sit in the corner! 

    I just figured no one had watched it.  Honestly, we still love you. 

    in reply to: Carly?? #15452

    My first question is what possible reason would the government (except for a law enforcement agency working on a case) have a need for someone’s medical records? 


    in reply to: I have hesitated #15451

    Do you girls (and you too, Johnnyboy) think EJ really loves Sami or is he just, as shadow is saying, manipulating her to get her under his thumb.  I always felt his love for her was real.  I mean, after all, who would want to spend their life with having to put up with Sami?

    I think the concensus of opinion is that she will eventually end up with Rafe.  I’m not so sure about that.  I think this triangle is one of the most successful ones Days has had for quite some time and I don’t believe the writers are yet ready to give up on it.  Unless Sami does a 180° with her life, she won’t be happy with ANY man.  Nor will any man be happy with HER!

    IMO, Rafe and Brady suffer from the same disease and I don’t see a cure on the horizon for either one of them.


    just now (Sunday, 2:00) is the first time I’ve seen it.

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