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  • in reply to: What a skank Steph is! #15430

    There’s someone else out there that doesn’t think Stephanie is that bad.  I agree, she has to be pretty good at her craft to be able to deliver thos horrible lines day after day.  And I think there are probably more young women out there like Steph than we’d like to admit.

    But, Johnnyboy, I think you are taking these remarks too literally.  I don’t think these ladies actually get physically sick over her, it’s just an expression.

    in reply to: Dunderhead Brady #15427

    Nicole WAS very convincing with her story, I think probably anyone would have believed her.  When she gave him the phone and begged him to call her producer, you’ve gotta admit, that was pretty much sealing it up in a nice little package.  But I was thinking, what in the world are you going to do if he takes you up on it.  Either she was taking an enormous risk or she can read Brady like a book.  Well, she DID read Rafe like a book.

    I liked the way Brady played his part too.  You could just see how much he was struggling with wanting to believe her yet taking into consideration her past track record.  Good Lord! can you imagine what’s going to happen this time when he finds out she’s lying again.  O-M-G!  (I wonder if he’ll stop drinking now that he’s taken her back.)

    in reply to: *o* #15409

    I can’t believe the writers would even think of making Chad Stefano’s son, let alone actually doing it.  How unoriginal.  I could have accepted Tony but, come on, how many kids does that make now for ol’ Steffie?  I can’t even keep tract of them all. 

    in reply to: What a skank Steph is! #15408

    I don’t understand why people dislike Stephanie so intensly.  I don’t get the same opinions of her that so many of you do.  Is she a saint?  Absolutely not but I don’t see her to be that awful.  Hmmmm, maybe it’s ME?  Yikes!

    in reply to: tomorrow’s show #15390

    than the city has.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Justin advising Hope as her lawyer? #15380

    If so, I’d be interested in hearing what law(s) would prevent someone from acting as one’s attorney.  It is my understanding that as long as you are a member of the bar, you may represent anyone as their attorney.  So I guess my question would be, who or what body would prevent you from doing so and for what reason(s).

    in reply to: *o* #15379

    of a spoiler we had read.  I haven’t seen anything further about it so I’m assuming it isn’t really happening.  Darn!  I wouldn’t mind seeing him come back to town to stay and have Victor and Bill vieing for Maggie’s attentions…not ‘fighting’…vieing.  ‘Nother words, keeping it civil.

    in reply to: Casting News! (bad for Jack and Jennifer fans) #15377

    Try me, Victor!  We can do it! 

    in reply to: Is anyone going to contact Shawn D? #15376

    They either have to jump through hoops trying to make a situation such as this (or Mrs. H’s funeral) realistic or the character all of a sudden has been wiped off the face of the earth as if they’ve never existed.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Justin advising Hope as her lawyer? #15361

    He would probably be subpoenaed as a hostile witness which is perfectly legal.

    in reply to: *o* #15351
    in reply to: *o* #15348

    she has just left how many people who told her what a mistake she would be making to hook up with EJ.  And then goes and tells him, yes, I’ll marry you.  OMG!

    in reply to: Why isn’t Justin advising Hope as her lawyer? #15347

    There is no law that would apply in this case that could prevent Justin from defending Hope.  Under normal circumstances it would probably never happen but there is nothing that says he can’t.

    A conflict of interest would only occur if that representation could somehow adversly affect the outcome of the verdict.  He would only have to testify if called by the prosecution, unless he chose to do so that is.

    in reply to: *o* #15344

    you missed out on a real dilly there.  He was probably (IMO) one of the best looking men ever on Days.  He started out as a young boy but was brought back later SORASed to, oh, probably mid-twenties.  He looked a lot like EJ, tall, dark and handsome! 

    Billy was kind of showing some interest in him but he and Kate got together.  Even though she knew about Billie’s feelings for him.  UGH!

    in reply to: Oh MY! #15335

    but I think we were supposed to understand they were out of Sami’s earshot.

    And, yes, that’s the deal he want’s Baker to keep because if anything happens to Nicole (including getting impicated in anything, especially the muggings) she will release her blackmail on EJ information.

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