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  • in reply to: New Shows #15310

    when they get a little racy but I think Betty is just the right person to pull it off.  She’s just got something about her that makes it okay.  I’ve ALWAYS loved her, way back when she was on Password with her DH.  What was that, the 60s?

    Boy, you gotta admit, that woman hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down.  I sure I hope I’m as spry as her at that age.  Mentally, especially.

    in reply to: Paternity test #15309

    And she just waltzes in, sits down at a computer and gets the information she wants.  Heck, she shouldn’t be working at the hospital, she should be working for the CIA!

    Okay writers, it’s time to start working toward some semblance of reality again.  You’ve done it before, certainly you can do it again.  <sigh>

    in reply to: Why isn’t Justin advising Hope as her lawyer? #15308

    Hope says she doesn’t want to put her daughter through the trauma of a trial?  But she’d rather take her mother away from her?  Yeah, that’s real smart.  I just can’t stand to sit there and watch Hope tring to be such a martyr, all supposedly for the sake of her child.  Does she think she not going to be even more traumatized seeing her mommy go to jail for so long?  She’s already crying her eyes out.

    I just can’t abide where they’re going with this story line.  Who in the world would want to (or should?) take punishment for something they had no control over?  Yes, the anger was there but that’s what sane people do, they control it and prevent a person from acting out in violence.  That control was taken away from her which certainly makes her not responsible for her actions.

    In the real world, Justin would have conferred with Bo and Doug and Julie and petitioned the court to have her temporarily committed for examination to find out if, indeed, it was the pills that motivated her. 

    Bah!  After presenting us with such a good storyline, they have to end it like this, so far from reality that we can’t even get a glimpse of it.

    in reply to: Carly?? #15289

    in your opinion, is HIPPA a good thing or bad?

    Although I’m pretty much in favor of the government keeping their noses out of our personal business, I think this is a step in the right direction.

    in reply to: Carly?? #15286

    I personally think it’s a good idea to have your records centralized and available to all health personnel.  Because I was born a lemon, I have an extensive health record.  Because of that, I carry a piece of paper with all the drugs I take, every time I have been hospitalized, all my doctors, my family history, etc.  I have to do that because I can’t remember everything from the past 70 years.  And every single time I use it – without fail – the doctor, nurse, whatever, has thanked me profusely and said how much they wish everybody would do that.

    In 2007 and 2009 I had to have emergency abdominal surgery.  Since I was out of it, if it hadn’t been for that list I carry, they would not have know my history, which was extremely pertinent to know at that time, or what drugs I was on, also very important.  And you can imagine how important it would be in case of a serious accident.  Even if you’re not unconscious, you’re in an emotional state that makes those things difficult to remember, no matter how important they may be.

    Another example is my son who, at the age tender age of 36, had to have a pacemaker implanted.  Five years later he had just begun going to the VA in Florida for another problem so they didn’t have any of his past records (all back in California) and there were small things that had occured in his past that were relevant to his care that he hadn’t even thought about that finally came to light and helped in his further treatment.  He almost had an MRI until someone just happened to mention pacemaker (fairly unusual for someone that age) and ultimately prevented a potential disaster.

    Although nothing can be 100% secure, the information will not just be out there for anyone to look at.  It will be essentially password protected and only available upon your permission.  Besides, anything you’ve been treated for now is already available through insurance companies records.

    So I think it’s something who’s time has come and we will all benefit greatly from it.  But…different strokes, of course.  (I also am for a standardized national ID card.)

    in reply to: Hope’s “confession” #15285

    but it was quite some time ago.  In fact, I’d bet that by now Josh has played the part longer than the original Roman, Wayne Northrup, did.

    I don’t have any problem accepting him as Roman. It took a while but now, to me anyway, he IS Roman, although I never did care much for Wayne. 

    As for his mannerisms, well, that’s just Roman.  I think you could find something that every actor on the show does that could bug someone.  Remember how we always used to gripe about John’s (and Hope’s) eyebrow?  And now it’s EJ’s blinking?  I guess you could say that it’s things like that that make the character their own.

    in reply to: ??? about tomorrow’s episode?? #15263

    …that money was earned.  You only have to pay taxes on ‘earned income’ and that certainly (legally) does not fall into that catagory.  Since I’m sure she isn’t going to callr it blackmail money, it could be a gift, it could be a divorce settlement, it could be a loan (or loan repayment), there are all kinds of reasons it could be tax exempt.  And even if it was earned income, she’s not breaking the law until the tax is due in April.  (Since I did tax returns for H&R Block for a couple of years, I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about.)  The only possible infraction I can think of is her not filing Fom 8300, the one you need if you deposit $10,000 or more.

    No, in my experience there is nothing at all to make that an illegal account.  I think it’s just another case of the writers not knowing how the real world works.


    When I watch, I want to be in my recliner with my feet up, a dog in my lap, and a nice cold frappaccino in my hand.

    in reply to: Hope’s “confession” #15261

    There will be no trial because Hope plead guilty to the crime.  If she still pleads guilty at the arraingment,that will take the DA completely out of the picture.  All that remains is for a judge to decide what the denouement will be.  He could send her to jail OR somewhere for rehabilitation.  And that’s where Hope made an enormous mistake by admiting to the crimes.  She should have had the advice of an attorney so she could do some plea bargaining and then she would likely have gotten off with time in a mental hospital, or even probation with the stipulation she receive treatment for a certain period. 

    Let that be a lesson to everyone.  It’s all well and good to ‘do the right thing’ and admit your guilt but, on the other hand, you shouldn’t throw away any chances of mitigating the circumstances either.  It reminds me of something my son said when he was thinking of becoming an attorney.  Someone asked him how he could defend someone he knew was guilty.  He said he wouldn’t be defending him to ‘get away with a crime’ but to make sure he was getting a fair trial and could make use of all the law allowed him.  And that’s exactly what Hope missed the boat on.

    It would seem to me IRL, facts concerning the drug would be gathered and the judge would not even consider jail time, but that would only happen if she plead guilty with mitigating circumstances.  Or, she could plead not guilty and go through a trial where the drug effects would be brought out.   Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see how these hack writers handle that aspect of the law or if they even pay any attention to it whatsoever.

    in reply to: New AI Judge #15215

    so I guess he can take his pick where he wants to be, either one or both.  Although I don’t think the viewers would tolerate him on both.  That’s way too much Lythgoe.

    And I don’t think we’ll see Paula return, I’m betting she’s going with Simon to The X Factor.  I think that show is going to quash AI.

    in reply to: ??? about tomorrow’s episode?? #15214

    What in the heck is an ‘illegal account’.  Brady has mentioned it several times.  I’ve never heard of such a thing and I worked in a bank for several years in my past.  The only thing I can think of that would constitute an illegal account would be if someone opened one under a false name and that’s not the case here.  There is nothing wrong with having an off-shore account or one in another country (i.e. Cayman Islands, which BTW is probably the most beautiful place in the world for scuba diving and has more banks per capita than anywhere else in the world).

    So, I wish someone would explain to me what they mean by this.  Also, that is the lamest excuse for a depot slip I’ve EVER seen.  And what in the heck do the police have to do with her stashing money off-shore?  Unless they can prove some kind of fraud or illegal activity, they can’t touch her.  Even that would come from the IRS, not the police.  Talk about contrived!!!  These writers are carrying contrivision (is that a word? sounds like a good one to me) to the utmost extreme.

    in reply to: Carly?? #15212

    they are not at University Hospital so Stephanie would not be able to do anything with the results.

    in reply to: ??? about tomorrow’s episode?? #15177

    She hasn’t lied to him about the money.  What business is it of his what she has in the bank or where she got it?  Now if he had come right out and asked her if she was hurting for money and she said yes, then, yes, that would be a lie. 

    This is just a contrived way for them to get Brady to go off the deep as was rumored a few days ago.  I don’t know if he’ll also fall off the wagon (I hope not) but it sounds like he’s definitely going to the dark side.  I certainly don’t understand the reasoning for this, they usually do it the other way around and redeem a bad guy but who have they gone with this way?

    in reply to: $$$$ #15176

    and that’s a LOT, I just could not abide him returning from the dead yet again.  Enough is enough.  I took that the same as when Shawn died.  He’s done with, over, gone, poof, fini, sayorna, ta-ta, adios…

    in reply to: What are they doing to Brady? #15175

    …you know exactly why he did what he did and what’s happening. 

    Although I like the idea of her getting pregnant, it’s just too far out there with all we’ve been subjected to go along that line lately.  If we are to believe what we hear, we should NEVER believe anything that comes out of that hospital or those doctor’s mouths.

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