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ParticipantI just don’t see any true sorry in his apologies. They just don’t come off as sincere to me. Is it just me? Or do some of you think he really is sorry for some of the things he’s done?
August 4, 2010 at 11:44 am in reply to: This just in to TV Guide: Melissa Reeves is back in September! #15139Bonbon
ParticipantDoes anybody know? I think he should stay with Ciera and Theo too.
As for Jack coming back too, I couldn’t care less. I never did think that much of him. Yeah, he was funny sometimes but not that often to warrant him being on the show.
I don’t know how they will justify Jen being there without him though. Well, maybe, like someone mentioned, she is just coming back to be with Hope until she gets ‘cured’ of her ‘problem.’
August 4, 2010 at 11:41 am in reply to: Check out Days Cafe for something I think many of us would love to see… #15138Bonbon
ParticipantThat’s what we called it when my son was little and ALWAYS got car sick. We’d keep one of those hospital thingies in the car all the time and used it frequently. His brother would give us the warning when we needed to pull it out. He’d say, "Oh, oh, Jeff’s wips are wite." He had trouble with his l’s.
Get ready Pammy because I’m sure we haven’t heard that phrase for the last time.
Participantwe did see her without makeup and disheveled when she had cancer. And, of course, also when her face was disfigured with the MRSA.
As to the morning sickness, my friend’s daughter has to be the poster child for ideal pregnancy. She was exactly like Chloe, always perfectly made up, peppy and perky and no morning sickness at all. Although I didn’t see her 24/7, she was always the proverbial ‘glowing’ mom-to-be. So there are exceptions.
August 3, 2010 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Check out Days Cafe for something I think many of us would love to see… #15124Bonbon
Participantfor Nicole to sink her teeth into when she tires of Brady. We’ll hear that she has always truly loved him…from the very beginning.
Participanton Thursdays at 9:00. I got into Royal Pains because it comes on right after it. I keep thinking I’m not going to watch RP any more and then I watch another episode and really enjoy it. The trouble with both of these shows is that it’ll probably take a few episodes before you can get to know the characters and know what’s going on.
Burn Notice – Michael Weston was a spy who got "burned," which means they wiped him out of the system and he is virtually personae non grata. They explain it a little at the beginning. He, his girlfriend (a weapons expert), good buddy (former law enforcement), mom (Sharon Gless), and now another burned spy, take on different jobs while Michael continues to look for the bad guys that got him burned.
Royal Pains – Hank, an ER doc, got fired because he treated a poor patient before a big, rich honcho at the hospital. Then, while at a posh party in the Hamptons, he treated some rich guy and saved his life. So he was offered a place to stay (at his HUGE mansion) and he was encouraged to become a consierge doctor, in other words, a doctor who was available on call to anybody on the island who could afford him, although he does a lot of pro bono work too. His brother, a former CPA, lives with him and is CFO of "HankMed." He’s the comedy relief. Hank also has a very attractive Indian PA who works with him and he has become VERY good friends with the administrator of the local hospital.
There! That should get you started. I wasn’t going to watch Burn Notice but while at my son’s, he was watching and I got hooked. I think it’s one of the better shows on TV now.
Participantand like it. Both girls are good in their roles. I hated when The Women’s Murder Club got cancelled so I got at least one of them back.
Drop Dead Diva sounds good. I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks for putting us on to it.
Anybody watch Burn Notice? I LOVE that one. It took me a couple of episodes to get hooked but I’m into my third season now. I love the dry humor and the ‘creative’ solutions (think MacGuiver) they come up with.
ParticipantThat’s the same kind I have.
ParticipantWhy? Because it’s the character Allison plays so well and why mess with a good thing. If they change her into a responsible, caring mother/wife, what interest will we have in her? What in the world would we gripe about? Uh-uh, I don’t think it’ll happen. You may as well resign yourself that Sami will go to her grave unredeemed.
ParticipantIt seems like the real avid users are the younger generation, as opposed to us old farts. Even my have one and they are six and nine! Ridiculous, IMO. The DIL says it’s a safeth thing. Geezse, I wonder how any of us got to be as old as we are. <extreme sarcasm>
Just back from buying more fabric for more purses. This time I got some white with royal plue and black print and a royal blue boa and a green, black, and kinda metalic gold jungle print and a black boa. I’m anxious to get them started.
ParticipantWhen it becomes a business it ceases to be fun. All I need is to sell enough to keep me going so I can do more.
Participantsmashing silver purses lately. I have one (silver) and everytime I use it people complement me on it. I call it my resort bag. Heck, in Florida or California you can get away with that stuff for everyday wear.
But the purse that ALWAYS gets comments is one that I made. It is black fabric with appliqued pink and green flip-flops on it and a HUGE pink feather boa around the top (real feathers, not maribou). I saw one in a store once and it was selling for $75. I decided I could make one for much less (actually came to about $18). I made another ‘evening’ one out of silver lamé and white feathers. Since then, I’ve made about 10 for various friends and relatives. DIL wanted one that was gold (not metalic, gold-colored) fabric with black silhouette (sp?) African animals and black boa. Really cool! In fact, I just finished one now. It’s black with big red Chinese characters and small gold coins printed on the fabric and a red boa. It’s really neat if I do say so myself…and I just did! My next one is a black background Hawaiian print with pink, aqua, and orange hibiscus with green and white leaves and a white boa. I wish I could post pictures here so you could see them.
But, they would only hide a pregnancy ’til the second trimester…not quite big enough for the whole 9 months.
Participantshe did a great job with Princess Gina too and that must have been very difficult when she had the same lines over and over and over and…
Participantmarriage license before then can get married? Or will they just have one ready and waiting and fill in the blanks then and there.
Participantif Steven Tyler and Mick Jagger ever got together and had a baby what it would look like? O-M-G! I like how kind you were to him by calling his face ‘unique.’ Actually, I don’t think it’s his whole face, just his mouth, much the same with Mick. They both have very large ones. (Now Jenn, don’t scold me because I’m not being critical, you must agree, this is a true statement.)
Maybe that’s why they make such good music.