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  • in reply to: MOVED – Contains Spoiler – Arianna? #14937

    It’s the problem with spoilers.  People who read them often eventually accept that they are common knowledge and will often slip up by referring to the subject in the non-spoiler section.

    in reply to: The Bay – new soap this fall #14936

    Does anyone know if Crystal is gay?  I don’t know why she would produce a show that portrays her as a Lesbian if she’s not.  Although I willl say, I thought she was much more attractive there than she is on Days.  And even in the harsh outdoor lighting which usually isn’t kind to you.  Even Galin (sp?) looked better.  Also, the acting was very good. 

    I can honestly say I don’t have an iota of homobophobia in my body, I’ve had and still have good friends who are gay, I still don’t care to see two girls (or guys) making out so I guess I won’t be watching either.

    Even if they only film on weekends, that seems to be quite a committment.  It’s liking working a full-time job during the week and a part-time on weekends.  Not for me.  But it seems to be a very professional production and I wish them well and hope they are successful.

    in reply to: Chad’s age #14935

    It looks like the writers DID forget about the adoption angle as Chad’s name on his b.cert. was Peterson-Woods which means the DA and Madeline were married when he was born.  Figures.  But, if that’s the case, it was even more dispicable for him to talk to Chad that way.  I could have seen it (not condone it however) if he had been adopted but not to his own biological son.

    in reply to: Days/True Blood Link #14912

    not too long ago with Melanie singing.  I thought she was pretty good.  I guess she is a singer.

    in reply to: Chad #14905

    What is he still doing in high school?  Unless it has something to do with where they sent him away when Mia got pregnant.  I forgot what he did…drugs?

    And that was definitely not a certified birth certificate.  No way, no way.  But it DID show that Madeline was his mother so apparently they have decided to drop the adopted part.  Unless they just go with him being adopted by Joe Isuzu.  I don’t remember, is Chad’s last name Woods?

    in reply to: Seeing way to much green #14904

    They did the same thing a while back with Maggie when they made her such a nosey busy-body and her feud with John.  There’s no way in the world Caroline would act like that toward Maggie.  Vivian, yes (and well deserved), but not Maggie. 

    They’ve done the same thing to Carly.  She was always well-liked her last run.

    Writers:  please stop assassinating our beloved characters.

    in reply to: New set #14903

    How many of you remember that Stefano’s present ‘mansion’ used to be Shane and Kim’s house?  That wrought iron staircase is a dead giveaway.  And Bo and Hope are living in Jen and Jack’s first place on Copper Lantern Way (?).

    And has anybody noticed the recent proliferation of mirrors?  We never used to see any anywhere, I presume because of the difficulty of filming while avoiding unwanted reflections.  Now, there’s a couple of them.  I think Stefano had the first one.

    in reply to: The Bay – new soap this fall #14901

    HA!  No way José! 

    How in the heck can these actors handle appearing in TWO soaps?  I wonder if the the web soap schedules their filming around their DAYS filming.

    daysfanforever, do you know what they charge and how they collect it?  Paypal?  Credit card?

    in reply to: A tight budget is one thing, but…. #14900

    did you get a look at that flower arrangement in the foyer?  I don’t remember now if it was Victor’s or Steph’s but it was at LEAST a $200 arrangement.  (I worked part-time  in a flower shop for awhile so have a good idea of prices of arrangements.)  If they’re trying to save money, they could have done so there.  I’ve said before that they spend a lot of money on flowers and even if they’re artificial, those aren’t any cheaper.

    in reply to: I missed Yesterday’s Show #14899

    The same thing happened yesterday (Monday).  I turned on the TV at 1:30 because then I can watch on DVR and still skip the commercials and NO DAYS!  Is my DVR haunted or something.  Anyway, I watched the remaining 30 minutes and caught the first 30 on Soap Net at 6:00.  I checked my menu and it was supposed to record so I don’t know what happened.  Maybe it’s blaming me for thinking it should have been there on Sunday.  Oh dear.

    BTW, did anybody notice where they have Bo’s heart monitor leads?  On his shoulder!!!  Now you normally DO put one there but you have to have one over the heart too.  Those two alone won’t do a thing. 

    And another thing…What happened when Hope was going to inject the air into his IV?  The next thing I saw, she was home in bed just waking up.  Was she just dreaming that or was she really in his room? 

    in reply to: New web series #14868

    No Drake though.  I’d watch for sure if he were on it.

    in reply to: James Scott’s New Do #14867

    I’m sure they will have to incorporated it into the script.  Now I’m really curious.

    Remember when Melissa Reeves cut her hair on camera?  Boy, was I shocked.  I don’t remember her reasoning now but it was rather short…for her anyway.  I don’t believe I’ve ever seen her that short again.

    And if Sami, (Ali) ever cuts hers short, she ought to be shot.  She has the most beautiful hair and it doesn’t seem to matter what the hairdressers do to it, it almost always looks gorgeous…the color, the cut, the style, everything.

    Now, let’s talk about Kate’s.  On second thought…

    in reply to: I missed Yesterday’s Show #14866

    Yesterday I sat down about 5:00 to watch Days and it wasn’t on my DVR.  I said, "Damn!" it didn’t record again.  So I went to SoapNet to catch it at 6:00 and nothing there either.  Then I started wondering what could have pre-empted it.  So, I went out to get the mail and when there was none, I finally realized it was SUNDAY!  I guess I need some serious help.  Move over, Hope.

    in reply to: Sammy’s Hot Blue Dress #14865

    What a talented guy he was.  Such a shame to lose him so early.  I lost my brother, also of a massive heart attack, at 36 and I was 19.

    Something else you mentioned brought back memories.  I used to teach those classes at Singer.  The six-weeks course they put us through before we began teaching taught me more than the two years of sewing in high school did.  And you mention being too young to learn at 7.  I had a class of Brownies (don’t know how old they are but IIRC, around 7) and what a chore that was.  They were DEFINITELY too young.

    I know what your brother meant about making it a job instead of a hobby.  My kids have been encouraging me to up my production of my ‘Bonbon Bags’ but I said the same thing.  If I HAVE to make them, it takes the fun out of it.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your memories of your brother.  You were one lucky sister.  And I’m CERTAIN he would have made your wedding dress also.

    in reply to: Hope’s deadly plan #14864

    she was talking to herself, apologizing to Ciera, I got the feeling she wasn’t too concerned about getting caught after she kills Bo (shooting someone in the hospital without getting caught is probably a little difficult bit to pull off).  It was almost like she was just giving up on life.

    BTW, anybody notice the music they’ve been playing for NH?  It’s very eerie and really fitting.  I think Days has some excellent background music.  I know Corday writes (or DID write) a lot of it.  I wonder if he still does.

    BTW(2)  I saw a commercial for one of the sleeping pills (forgot which one) and the voice over, when listing side-effects, mentioned something like actions while asleep that one be unaware of.  My ears really perked up when I heard that.  So I guess this isn’t too farfetched.  Although Hope’s aren’t just a few actions, it’s a whole separate life for her.

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