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  • in reply to: James Scott’s New Do #14842

    before I clicked on the link I thought to myself, I wouldn’t care if he’s bald, he’d still be HOT STUFF. 

    Although I like him better with more hair, he’s still a cutie like this.  He looks a little more "regular guy" than "stuffy Brit" like that.  In fact, I don’t know why men obsess over their hair when it starts thinning so much.  I think bald guys are very sexy.  My son, who is pushing 50 (and pushing it very hard) takes after my grandpa and his hair is beginning to get rather thin.  I told him he should just shave it all off but his wife is against it.  But, wife trumps mother.

    in reply to: TV Guide article (spoilers) #14825

    Chloe or Carly…would bury Viv alive but have her actually be in a cheap hotel room somewhere.  Just set it up exactly like she did with Carly only where Viv can actually get out of it (after the proper amount of fear and agony).  Wouldn’t THAT be retribution?  Can you imagine the look on her face when she finally gets the coffin open and, VOILA!, she wasn’t buried after all.  Oh, how humiliating. 


    And Carly sits there and lets him yank the vent out of his throat?  Puhleeze!

    Also, what hospital in the world lets syringes lay around in a patient’s room?  They should be securely locked up, just like drugs.  But no…Bo has them right there at Hope’s fingertips.  Bah!

    LET’S GET AT LEAST A TINY BIT OF MEDICAL BELIEVABLE IN THIS SHOW PEOPLE!  It’s a sad state of affairs when your viewers have more medical knowledge than the ‘professionals’ do.

    in reply to: Sammy’s Hot Blue Dress #14823

    One of the purses I’ve made (the ones I talked about before) is the same color.  When I was looking for fabric for the lining, both blue and purple seemed to match.  I guess we could call it a ‘chameleon’ color.  Nevertheless, whatever color it was, it was gorgeous on her.  BTW, that gazillion years ago that Pammy spoke of, it was called a shirtwaist dress.

    in reply to: Sami, if you only had a brain #14822

    I loved that dress and it looked great on her.  The color was very flattering.  A long time ago I had one just like it in orange (it made me look very tan).  I almost wore it out.

    in reply to: Geeze, four days with no OT subjects. #14776

    I will have a portion of my stomach removed rather than making a pouch of just a small part of it.  Also, in GB, they take out a good chunk of the small intestine.  I won’t have that done either.

    in reply to: Geeze, four days with no OT subjects. #14772

    It seems that the good doctor decided to take a couple of weeks off to go to South America.  He says he doesn’t want to do the surgery and then go off and leave me (I liked that).  So it won’t be done until the end of August or beginning of Sept.  In the meanwhile, I’m getting all my pre-op stuff done.  I can’t believe, just because I turned 70, I need all these tests.  I’ve already had the CT scan and endoscopy done.  Now I need an upper and lower GI series, blood work, chest x-ray, EKG, family tree…  No, no, just kidding about the last one.

    I’m kind of disappointed that I can’t go ahead and get it over with but this’ll give me more time to make arrangements for stuff like dog care, getting to and from hosp. (I hate not having any family nearby) and stuff like that.

    One surprise I got was that he told me I’d mose likely would lose 20 – 30 lbs. because my stomach will be made smaller.  I’m not exactly skinny (BME is in normal range) but I don’t think I can afford to lose that much weight either.  That big a loss will require a whole new wardrobe.  Anyone want to lend me some weight to lose?  (Don’t all jump at once.) 

    in reply to: Lindsay Hartley (Arianna) has been let go #14771

    are they going to eliminate her character or recast.*  Although she wasn’t my favorite she was a very good actor.  And she was on Passions so long (the entire run, wasn’t she?), it’s not like she’s inexperienced.  I wish her well.

    One thing I hated about what they did to Arianna was how she came on as a strong, tough little chica but they’ve now turned her into a sniveling, weak-minded, poor me, I need someone to take care of me type woman.  Bah!

    *Here’s what may have happened…  They intended to pair her with EJ and, for whatever reason, discovered they didn’t work well together and now they don’t know what to do with her.  If she goes, can little sis be far behind.  Heck, even Rafe doesn’t have much purpose now.

    in reply to: Interview with Kristian Alfonso #14769

    there are easy ways to produce tears, even if you don’t have the camera cut away to use artificial tears.  I saw on a TV special how they do things in the movies and the one way to produce tears was to blow over onion juice into the actor’s eyes.  That way they can continue the shot uninterrupted and it looks like they’ve come on naturally.  Sneaky little devils.

    And I predict and long successful soap life for Ciera if she can cry like that.  She’s sure a good little actor, isn’t she? 

    in reply to: Hope’s deadly plan #14767

    someone was trying to help Bo but I couldn’t figure out who it was…Justin?  I thought Hope was aiming at him, not Bo.  ???

    in reply to: Joe Isuzu!!! #14766

    But, as I said in another post, they seem to be disregarding it or maybe there has been no reason for bringing it up except that they want us to be shocked when it’s revealed who his parent(s) really is/are. 

    Maybe the writers have changed their minds to make for a better storyline, again thinking we viewers have the IQ of a turnip and wouldn’t remember.  No offense daysfanforever.    I meant the other viewers. 

    in reply to: Kate’s outfit #14765

    I thought she looked pretty good…until they panned down to her pants that is.  OMG!  What were they smoking when they put those things on her?

    I think the best dressed ‘older’ woman on the show…EVER…was Marlena.  She always dressed consertavely but stylish.  Although I can on occasion dress rather outlandishly (accessories more so than clothing), I stronly lean toward the conservative.  I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Marlena in an outfit I didn’t like.  (Well, maybe her yellow wedding dress.) I’d just once like to see Kate dressed like Marlena, just once.  I bet she’d be very attractive.

    in reply to: I had to laugh… #14728

    Here, in Broward County, most of the cities are small and can’t afford their own PD and are protected by the Sheriff’s Office so you’re talking about a pretty large force, certainly larger than the LAPD.  Broward is the second most populated county in FL (after Miami-Dade).  My guess is that the Sheriff would probably be equal to the Commish.

    Anyway, the Sheriff (the big honcho, they also call their plain ol’ officers "sheriffs" too) only makes $120,000.  So your guys are definitely overpaid.  But there are overtime, bonuses, etc. which can add up.  In fact, some here can make as much as $50,000/year extra in bonuses.  And WE’RE fighting that one.


    in reply to: Product Placement #14727

    Besides, who eats chocolate candy before breakfast?  Well…um…maybe I have once…er twice…oh well, probably lots of people do. 

    Yeah, let’s go back to plain and simple product placement.  I can accept that but they’re going overboard now with this blatant advertising.  Isn’t 20 minutes of commercials enough?

    in reply to: Joe Isuzu!!! #14726

    Great analogy, Patti.

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