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  • in reply to: Joe Isuzu!!! #14725

    My thoughts were, he may play comedy well but he just isn’t very good at drama.  But I don’t blame him entirely.  I thought that scene was very far fetched.  Unless you absolutely hated your kid before, there’s no way a father would talk to his son like that, I don’t care how much he’s grieving.

    You know, I’m beginning to wonder if the writers have conveniently forgotten Chad is adopted.  I thought the way things were going, it would have come up in the heat of the battle.  I expected something like Joe (can’t help but call him that) saying Madeline was the one who wanted to adopt him, he never wanted to.

    I thought Chad was also really struggling to deliver his lines.  I just don’t think they hit the nail on the head that time.  It could have been soooo much better.  Grade:  F-

    in reply to: Casting Alert – (Great News)…. #14718

    I’d LOVE to have him back. 

    in reply to: Casting Alert – (Great News)…. #14710

    According to that post, it was an old one and referred to him "joining the cast" for the funeral.  I don’t think it means currently.

    in reply to: Somthing Carley Said ?? Can someone Clarify? #14695

    I guess my memory is not TOTALLY gone.

    in reply to: Hope “clicks” #14694

    I know he couldn’t help it but it certainly was annoying.  I’m surprised it didn’t hurt.  I guess it does on some people.

    I tried to listen for it yesterday but I was having such a hard time staying awake (had taken a pain pill) that I didn’t notice.  I’ll try again today.

    in reply to: soapcentral’s spoilers for down the road #14678

    I hope he isn’t off somewhere having a face transplant!!!

    in reply to: Hope “clicks” #14677

    Days is not filmed in HD.  I don’t know why because it seems the soaps on the other channels are.  I wish they’d get on the ball and start.  Shows much less popular than Days are in HD, why aren’t they?

    in reply to: soapcentral’s spoilers for down the road #14660

    I would think if that were the case, he’d want to come after her for revenge himself rather that let Vivy have all the fun.  What possible reason would he want to stay ‘dead’?

    in reply to: Hope “clicks” #14659

    I haven’t noticed it myself, but Hope was always a heavy smoker.  I don’t know if she still is but heard Peter was often on her case to quit.  It could be a result of so many years of smoking.

    I’ll agree she is thin but I’ve never thought of her as anorexic, I don’t think she’s THAT thin.  I would defend her much more strongly if it wasn’t for her shape when she was younger.  She was definitely more "meaty" then.  But, who knows, maybe that’s just the way she is.  Some people are naturally skinny. 

    I used to work with a girl that said people cant’ seem to understand it when you can’t gain any weight no matter what you do.  She said it just made her cry to hear people talk about wanting to lose weight when she’d give her right arm to gain some.  So, that said, I’ll have to refrain from criticism regarding her weight until I know for sure what the deal is.

    in reply to: One question and some comments #14658

    I don’t find her the least bit attractive.  Different strokes, I guess.  Or beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or sumpin’ like that.

    Regarding the boob job…I have no objection to that at all.  I agreed with Ann Landers when she said, "It’s okay to fill in with cotton what God has forgotten."  But some people just take it way to far (Lindsey).  Heck, I got silicone myself after my mastectomies.  But when you have a tiny body, you don’t go tacking on a set of double Ds.

    in reply to: What happened to Kayla? #14657

    It seems as though no matter how shabbily these people are treated when they are let go, they are always ready to come back.  I was flabberghasted when Vivian returned after the reported tirade that took place when she left.  I guess they must become all lovey-dovey after all is said and done.

    in reply to: Here’s a new topic for you…. #14631

    when I hit 34 I wasn’t even near the best years of my life yet.  Just look what you have to look forward to.

    A belated Happy Birthday.  At the very least you got to spend it in good health and, hopefully, each successive one you’ll be even better.  I didn’t realize it had been nine years.  That’s far too long to have to endure this crap so, I now lower my ‘Magic Boinger’ to the top of your head and pronounce you…get ready…COMPLETELY DISEASE FREE for the rest of your life.  Ta-da!

    (Didn’t know I could do that, did you?)


    in reply to: soapcentral’s spoilers for down the road #14611

    and I could accept that, heck even enjoy having Lawrence come into the picture.  BUT…they’d damn sure better not try to bring someone back from the dead again.  That ridiculous plot device hopefully died with James Reilly.

    in reply to: Somthing Carley Said ?? Can someone Clarify? #14610

    I feel her biggest concern about getting caught IS because of how Danile will feel if he found out. 

    And, someone clear something up for me.  Several people have mentioned that Chloe cheated on Lucas but I don’t remember her ‘sleeping’ with Daniel.  Yes, yes, I know you don’t have to sleep with someone to be unfaithful but did she actually have sex with Daniel before she left Lucas?  I remember it as holding off until she had talked to Lucas, even consulting with Father Waite about it.  Is my memory really that faulty?


    in reply to: Dr. Baker #14609

    you can tell with a few less pounds, he’d be extremely handsome.  He’s got beautiful eyes (one of my favorite traits on people).  Excess weight is such a detractor and soooo hard to get rid of.   (Been there, done that!)

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