Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAlthough years ago, I wouldn’t have been caught dead in one, I now wear what mom used to call a house dress. It’s basically just a sleeveless muu-muu type thingie and I wear it mostly because it’s cooler than shorts and t-shirt. Pammie, I’m like you too since I’ve retired. Some days I don’t get dressed all day. I feel guilty but, who knows but me, right. Although I feel a little strange when I go out to get the mail, or if someone comes to the door at 3:00.
And my dogs know when I’m going somewhere when I put on make-up. They start prancing around like they think they’re going too. And when I say, "Be good girls," they go settle down on their bed/couch. Such good doggies.
Sort of off the subject but I’m certain dogs can read your mind. When it’s time to give my dogs a bath, they go under the bed where I can’t reach them and they won’t even come out for a treat. I show no indication what’s going to happen at all, no towels or shampoo or anything. They just seem to know.
ParticipantAs much as I disliked her when she first came on, she has grown on me. I think her quirky expressions and comments are what I like about her. And I was very against her marrying Philip but it seems they are really very happy (and suited) together. It’s just a shame that happiness is going to come crashing down once his infidelity comes out. Although…I kind of think Melanie will quickly forgive him. I hope so anyway.
Participantshe had just gotten dentures. Whatever it is, it has sure changed her appearance…and not for the better I’m afraid.
ParticipantShe was so totally out of line there. I hope they’re not going to do with her what they tried to do with Maggie a while back when they tried to make her such a busy body and her on-going feud with John. That was my first thought listening to Caroline’s outburst. It was completely out of character for her.
As far as Maggie "enjoying Victor’s advances," she hasn’t done anything but reject him so I don’t see how she’s enjoyed anythingl. Even so, it’s been long enough for her to mourn him, I think she SHOULD go for any happiness that comes her way. And if it’s Victor, even better.
ParticipantI’m in the same boat as you. None of my friends watch this abomination so the people here are the only support group I have. I guess it fulfills that certain need we ‘addicts’ have.
But I have to defend Daniel somewhat. He can’t possible be old enough for Chloe to be his daughter. How old do you think he is? In actuality, the actors are 35 and 30. I don’t think he has dated that many women for a man his age. And a one-night stand 20 years ago was the norm rather than the exception.
And, yes, he’s eye candy (that smile could melt an iceberg) but I enjoy his character a lot.
Participant"And to think I once loved you…how could I have been so blind?"
ParticipantReading your blog helped a lot. I’ll give it another try now that I know a little more of the background. (BTW, very well written.)
ParticipantI decided to start watching Warehouse 13 and saw the season three opener last night but was kind of lost by the lack of background explanation and who the characters were. If I keep watching will I finally figure it out or am I too late?
I loved some of the effects they used but thought the ‘comedy’ was kind of lame. This was the episode where they were looking for the ‘returned’ H.G.Wells and they got stuck on the ceiling.
Participantit bears repeating. I don’t object to product placement as that just concerns being able to see the actual product in the setting. BUT, what Days is doing is NOT product placement, it is a down-right, blatant, out-and-out, commercial. Isn’t it bad enough we are subjected to 20 minutes of commercials as it is and now they are going to start throwing them at us INSIDE the program also? Bah!
On another note…Allison Sweeney is certainly showing up in a lot of allergy commercials. Either that girl is very energetic or in need of more income.
ParticipantYou people who don’t care about personal holidays shouldn’t be trying to convert those of us who do anymore that we should be telling you that you SHOULD. Just saying, let it go and appreciate what you’ve got doesn’t do it for me. If drea4713 wants her to be special, she should have it. I feel exactly the same. Not that it has to be a big celebration but I’d at least like some acknowledgement that I’ve made it though yet one more year and they are happy for me that I have. I think everybody should have at least onel day that’s all theirs and they are treated just a little bit special by others. Certainly if you care about someone, wouldn’t you want to do that for them? It’s not really that hard.
BTW, I HATE e-cards. Just my opinion only, but they don’t do it for me. I’m just talking about b.days, not any other occasion. To me it’s like saying the person didn’t care enough to get off their butts and expend a little energy for me. At the VERY least, a "Happy Birthday sweetie. Hope you have a great day!" Am I spoiled? Maybe so, but that’s just how I feel. And I’m sure there are others who feel the same way.
ParticipantI used to say that if your spouse forgot your birthday it’s your own fault because if they are the type that can overlook special days like that, you need to remind them several times in advance. However, it looks like you did do that…so…
My son is the same way. He says b.days aren’t anything special for him and doesn’t mind not getting a gift, cake, or anything else. I said to him, "But, it IS special to the rest of us and it really hurts when you forget about us." So he does try very hard to remember. It sounds like your hubby is in this category. While it doesn’t make you feel any better, what you are doing now, the hurt feelings, the self-pity, etc., however warrented, is only making you feel bad.
Now, the part I’m good at…giving advice! What I’d do in the future is discuss with him (again) how much your special day means to you, how hurt you are when he forgets, and to prevent this from happening again in the future you will: 1. Remind him a week in advance and again the day before. 2. Buy your own gift (as expensive as you/he can afford*). 4. Bake or buy your own cake. 5. Invite friends and relatives to celebrate with you. 6. Make a big deal in front of everybody what a great hubby you have to do all this for you and flash him a big smile when you do. 7. Understand that he has so many other good qualities that you can overlook this small one and make a game of it.
Happy Birthday.
*I used to do this frequently at Christmas. If I saw something I really liked, I’d buy it, wrap it up and put from DH on the tag. When I’d open it, he’d just look at me with this very quizical expression on his face. He finally caught on and would wink at me whenever I did it.
ParticipantI guess the main reason I don’t like shopping is my arthritis. My back and hips just can’t take the walking. I do have a handicap card though so I can at least park close (even though with all the ‘old folks’ in Florida, they are mostly taken) that helps a little.
But I say thank God for the internet. I buy almost EVERYTHING online. I’ve had people ask me if I didn’t worry about security. Well, in all the years I’ve been doing it, I’ve NEVER once had any kind of problem whatsoever. (Watch now…!)
Back to antiques… My ex MIL and family lived in a small Tennessee town and her home was absolutely filled with the stuff we’re now seeing on TV. When my FIL died (the last to go), we had to get rid of all that stuff. Because I lived in Illinois, it was too hard to transport so threw a lot of it away. Oy! How I’d love to have it now. The one thing I really goofed on was an old meat scale with a marble tray for the meat. I have since seen it on TV at a value of…wait for it…$1,700!!! WE THREW IT IN THE TRASH!!!
Which reminds me, there was an antique store in a small central California town named, My Mother Had One Of Those. (The store, not the town.) How fitting.
ParticipantOf all the interesting characters they could bring on the scene (Bill?), they are going to write in a female prison warden? Good grief! I can’t think of anyone or anything further removed from the interest of the show or the viewers than a warden.
ParticipantWhich is why he raped her. He played along with her deception but knew she wasn’t Carly.
ParticipantJustin wasn’t covered with lipstick when Adrienne walked in? Hope had just put it on and that kiss certainly wasn’t a little peck. I want to see how Hope is going to explain this one to Justin.
Talk about people buying a clue…the entire town of Salem needs to get one.