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  • in reply to: RAWR! Wimbledon! and Kim over-acting! #14142

    in the way they handled Kim and Shane’s reunion.  It was not what I wanted to see happen.  They’ve been apart way to long to have such annimosity between them.  I’m sure we all would have loved to see something more like Marlena and John’s meeting on the dock after she was missing so long rather than the debacle they gave us. 

    I felt so bad for Shane, he was looking forward to becoming part of his family again and, instead, he meets Medusa.  It doesn’t seem to me that Kim’s intense anger was warrented here.  I could have accepted a snubbed, cold reception, but not the ridiculous outburst we got.  What a ruined opportunity for what could have been a very memorable and touching scene.

    in reply to: Peter Reckell & Louise Sorel Interview #14130

    Or was that just tongue-in-cheek?  It’s SOD that gives out all those miscellaneous awards.  If the Emmys did that, we’d still be sitting in front of our TVs waiting for best show.

    "The next award is for Best Looking Sandwich Prepared by a Cast Member." 

    "And the award goes to…Maggie Horton!"

    "Stay tuned because after the break, Kristian Alfonzo and Melissa Reeves will present the Most Cups of Tea Served In One Episode award."

    in reply to: Peter Reckell & Louise Sorel Interview #14120

    That interview really came off as extremely awkward.  Either the interviewer is not very adept at getting comments containing more than one word or Peter and Louise don’t have anything to say…which I doubt.  I felt uncomfortable for all three of them.  I’d give the whole thing a D-.

    But, on a positive note…didn’t Louise look fabulous?  On Days she always looks so ‘pinched’ and unattractive, but, and I noticed this during The Emmys too, she looked soft and, should I say, ‘normal’?  Peter was lookin’ pretty hot too.  As I said in a previous post, he looked 10 years younger.

    in reply to: I wanna scream #14119

    it wasn’t just one encounter.  It’s Daniel’s baby and I’m sure they’ve "done it" many times. Don’t ever let them make you think there’s any possibility it might be Philip’s.  He couldn’t get Belle pregnant (without IVF) so I’m sure he wouldn’t be any more successful with Chloe.  When his leg got shot up in the war, the damage must have gone just a skoshie bit higher. 

    in reply to: Chloe’s test results #14097

    look what happened to Sami when she got trapped in the elevator!  You can’t be too careful about those evil things.

    Seriously, I believe (not 100% sure about this one) that there are signs that show up in a routine CBC blood test that indicate a woman may be pregnant.  If those are seen, a regular pregnancy test is done.  I’ve seen it happen on the medical reality shows where someone has come in for some kind of trauma and they discover she is PG after the blood work comes back.


    in reply to: Had to share this with ya all…tooooooooo cute! #14077

    only it didn’t work.  Cesar has some kind of magic he uses on dogs.    I think he must hypnotize them or something.

    I don’t ‘drag’ her in.  I pick her up and carry her in with me.  I had to teach both dogs to swim to the steps in case they fall in (which one of my previous pups did) because they try to get out the side and just wear themselves out because they can’t.  So it was a matter of necessity to take them in the pool, willing or not.

    She seems to be comfortable once she’s in (although will swim straight to the steps or me) but it’s just the getting in.

    in reply to: The Emmys. #14076

    I thought the tribute they did to Dick Clark was excellent, and very befitting.

    in reply to: Had to share this with ya all…tooooooooo cute! #14065

    I didn’t know they couldn’t swim either.  It was funny how she kept pushing him underwater.  Otters are so cute anyway.  Thanks for sharing that.

    That reminds me of my poodle, who is supposed to be a water dog, and HATES swimming.  I take her in the pool which is the only place either one of us gets any exercise. That Arthur guy causes me a lot of pain when I walk so I swim instead, and she was starting to get a little ’round’ around the middle.  She even has a life preserver that she wears but I have to drag her in the water and her poor little heart starts racing when I pick her up to go in.  But she’s got a nice hour-glass shape now.


    They seem to be so much in love with each other.  And it shows that even though you’re under 3 feet tall, you can still be very successful.  From what they’re doing on there and how they’re living, they’ve gotta be  bringing in some big bucks.

    And have you seen Little Chocolatiers?  That’s a good one too.  I don’t care for the other one though, Big World, Little People.

    in reply to: Please do my friend a favour… #14037

    Have to vote for my namesake.

    in reply to: Toy Story 3 #14036

    I loved the first two and can’t wait to see this one.


    The guy wanted to know how he should introduce his new girlfriend that was missing a leg to his friends.  He was basically told he shouldn’t even mention it.  I’m not sure I agree with that.  Everybody is going to wonder and, like you say, don’t ignore the elephant in the room.

    I think most people with handicaps don’t take themselves too seriously but there are always a few that have to go bezerk and make a big stink if the smallest thing is mentioned.  We have absolutely gone way overboard with this PCness IMO.


    these people all have phones that work everywhere on the planet.  He probably just called someone in Salem and they filled him in.  But why Rafe didn’t bother calling, go figure.

    I was watching Royal Pains last night (on DVR) and was surprised to see him try to use his cell phone in Cuba and couldn’t.  At least there are some shows that have a soupcon of realism.


    I fail to see the humor.  The first one was mildly amusing.  Although I say the same thing about Saturday Night Live, it just doesn’t seem to be funny anymore.  My kids tell me that it’s ‘modern humor’ and I just ‘don’t get it.’  <sigh>

    I’m surprised someone, somewhere, didn’t come out all indignant about the one leg remark as being insensitive to people with handicaps.  You just don’t seem to be able to say things like that anymore without getting lambasted for it, whether in jest or not.

    in reply to: Johnny, Gianni, or Giovanni? #14016

    sounds like Jo-vanni.  Stephano only calls him that because he’s Italian.  I think he also might be doing it to get Sami’s goat.  I’ve never heard anyone say ‘Gianni.’ 

    Giada de Laurentis (the Italian chef on The Food Network) pronounces her name like ‘Jadda.’  I guess the ‘i’ is silent in these names.

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