Forum Replies Created
Participantshe was glad to have her mom and dad there or nobody would have the slightest idea who that was with Laura, well, unless you read spoilers that is. In fact, can you imagine someone who has only started watching in the last 10 years or so and doesn’t read the boards and the door opens to those two? They’d probably still be sitting there scratching their heads.
ParticipantIf every character was portrayed to coincide with our morals and beliefs, everybody would be perfect. And what interest would a show where everybody is perfect have? None! So be glad we have these people on Days or we wouldn’t have any Days to watch. Make sense?
June 15, 2010 at 5:14 pm in reply to: I just don’t understand why people want Sami and EJ together… #13675Bonbon
ParticipantBill raped Laura, Jack raped Kayla, Lawrence raped Jennifer, Alan AND EJ raped Sami, Uncle Eric raped Kimberly, Ford raped Stephanie, Luke raped Laura…OOPS!, wrong soap!
Participantawhile because after the iPod has been released (it just was recently) the price on the other eReaders should start coming down.
My friend has one and swears by it. She travels a lot and doesn’t have to lug a bunch of books with her. Also, she likes being able to choose the font (she’s at that "certain age" also!) and says it also works well outside.
The only drawback I can see is you more for the books than just buying them outright, which I don’t do anyway. I always buy them used at Amazon, often as little as 1¢. But new paperbacks are rarely $9.99 which is what the ebooks cost. Now if you buy a lot of first published hard covers, it would be worth it. Anyway, I’m going to wait a little longer to see what happens. I noticed that Sony’s eReader was being offered at BJs for $249 with a $50 rebate which would be $50 less than the Kindle. Their books are available from Barnes & Nobel.
ParticipantLucas goes out and gets a huge one for everyone to see.
I hate that James had to resort to vulgar language to get his point across. IMO, the rape should be put in the past and left there. It causes too much distress on both sides.
Participantto see Alice’s house as it was originally. Does that mean it’s been there all the time or did they reconstruct it? And I recognized it immediately. It seems to be a rather large set to have left just sitting there taking up space.
June 13, 2010 at 4:31 pm in reply to: This past week – Hope “surprised” by the Divorce Papers?! #13593Bonbon
Participanton what state you’re in. If you’re in a community property state, there is no contesting a divorce. If one person wants it, they get it, despite how the other party feels. All they have to claim for cause is "irreconcilable differences." But, "if" they are in Illinois (which we always seem to assume because of their close proximity to Chicago), it is NOT a community property state so…they might just as well go to the Bishop and get an anullment. They don’t seem to be very hard to get in Salem. <extreme sarcasm>
Participantall-time memorably scenes. Those two were so good together. And to think I didn’t like Brady when he first came on. What a mistake THAT was.
ParticipantJust you retelling it brings more tears to my eyes.
Kimberly Clark stock anyone? (Makers of Kleenex.)
ParticipantThey can’t give cortosone shots so I’m waiting to see if I can get in to the orthopaedist. If not, they told me to go to emergency. This one REALLY hurts, girls. I guess I’m being punished for something.
ParticipantPlease, take it off and throw it in the Salem River. While I don’t think the color is that bad, the blouse is HORRID!
And hasn’t this been the longest night ever? I was days ago that Philip and Melanie went to be for the evening (not for playtime
) and look where they’ve been since. Same with Hope. How long ago did she take her sleeping pill? I can’t even keep track of who’s done what since the day was "over."
ParticipantI just invented a new word…I like it. Of course I meant "diplomatic."
And, speaking of ess words, how about my favorite assesses. Eight letters and five of them are esses. Bet there’s not other work like it. I challenge anyone.
Participantthere is no country in either South or Central America that has broken dislopatic relations with the US…except Cuba and that’s been going on for years. I guess we’ll have to assume it’s Cuba?
ParticipantSsssstop it, I beg of you, pleassssse sssssstop!
ParticipantThat’s exactly what I was saying. She’s not in love with Nathan, she is in possession" (except I hate those words with all those esses in them!!!!!
I’ve been been using R.I.C.E. all day but I think I’m going to go in and get" a cortisone shot. This one is REALLY bad. I can’t even straighten my arm out. The funny thing is, I haven’t the slightest idea where it came from. I’ve been doing a lot of crocheting but that doesn’t hurt when I do it so I doubt it’s from that. <scratching head> Old age????? Nah!