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  • in reply to: Why is Shane there and in jail? #13468

    trying to assassinate someone.  (Egads, more "s" words.)

    in reply to: Chloe talking to herself today #13467

    if everybody in Salem that talks to themself was actually loony-toons, they’d have to build a new mental ward at Salem U. Hospital to hold them all.

    in reply to: No one is talking about Stephanie and Plan B????? #13466

    you have obviously never been on the wrong end of unrequited love.  Most people in that position will do some pretty desperate and/or dispicable things and Stephanie is the poster child.  As you alluded to, I don’t think she really even loves him, she just wants to posses him.  (Posess/possess? I never know where to put all the esses in this darn word!  AND, I woke up with a horrible case of tennis elbow this morning, the WORST I’ve ever had, and it hurts to type.  So, what do I do?  Just keep on typing!)

    in reply to: No one is talking about Stephanie and Plan B????? #13455

    that Kate’s lips look like the dentist forgot to take his cotton rolls out of her lips.  Now, every time I look at her, I think "cotton rolls." 

    in reply to: June promo #13440

    I think more and more families are opting for a memorial service rather than an actual funeral.  I don’t know why but I can see pros and cons for both. 

    in reply to: How cool is this?!?! #13431

    so, hopefully, they won’t be affected by it.  Unless it starts making it’s way up the intercoastal and estuaries.  Keep your fingers crossed.

    Now here’s something that’s hard to believe…I called to see if I could volunteer in any way, cleaning up animals, picking up tar balls, etc., whatever these old bones could do.  Know what they told me?  NO!  Not unless I first take a $200, 30-hour hazmat  course and am a paid worker.  That just doesn’t make sense.  That wasn’t the case after the Valdez oil spill in Alaska.  They had all kinds of volunteers and, as far as I’ve heard, the "hazardous materials" didn’t harm one single person.  That’s penny-wize, pound-foolish if you ask me.

    in reply to: Priceless, absolutely priceless! #13428

    you have sufficient protection in that front row seat. 

    in reply to: Priceless, absolutely priceless! #13414

    in Kate seemingly to be happy with Stephano.  I was hoping it was going to be a similar experience as being on the fishing boat for her.  She’s not suffering at all, and she DESERVES to suffer.

    And you’re right about marriage not lasting…it seems to be easier to just call it quits than to try and work things out.  Whatever happened to "’til death do us part"?

    in reply to: Reminder!! #13404

    I was just about to go watch it.  Thanks for reminding me. 

    I’ll call your Boo-hiss and raise you a bah-humbug!

    in reply to: creaky bed #13402

    When we were first married, my MIL had one exactly like that one in the guest room and, of course, new hubby would want to get frisky (why is it men don’t care about those things?), but you could hear the darn thing squeak all over the house.  I think she got a perverse pleasure out of that…the old witch! 

    I think it was when Belle and Philip were living in the loft they had a leather couch and it used to make gawd-awful noises too.  It always made me laugh and wonder if they weren’t supressing a giggle or two also.

    in reply to: Name Siobhan #13399

    Look at Sinead O’Connor.  Or Seamus, or Sade, or, heck, I can’t think of any now but the ‘S’ names in particular seem to have a different pronounciation.  Instead of a silent ‘S’, it’s an INVISIBLE ‘S’. 

    Of course if we were in Ireland, they wouldn’t be strange at all.  I couldn’t have guessed at the correct pronounciation of ‘Siobhan.’  Actually, that’s really a very pretty name.

    in reply to: SPOILERS! #13398

    Is that big bad Nicole going to take advatage of poor innocent Brady?  This should be interesting.  We haven’t really seen any hot and steamy scenes between them yet.  I’m anxious to see if there’s any chemestry there.  Let’s see if Brady can hold a candle to EJ in the "sparks" department.

    in reply to: Priceless, absolutely priceless! #13397

    Viv must be having a laundry problem in her bloomers.  She’s already set Chloe up to do Carly in so if something happens to Carly even while Viv is on her, ahem, honeymoon (are they REALLY going to Niagra Falls?), well, Vivian is going to be in some very deep doo-doo.

    in reply to: SPOILERS! #13390

    Phew!  I’m feeling much better now, I can probably make it through next week.

    I’m anxious to see what Bill is going to be like.  I don’t know how we can possibly be very interested in him when we don’t even know the guy.  He’s going to have to do an incredible job playing Bill to get our attention.

    in reply to: Danilel’s setting up the wedding… #13385

    no way could one be granted to Chloe.  Yet, I don’t remember, did Brady and Chloe get married in the Catholic church?  Or was that before everyone in Salem turned Catholic?  Maybe that would explain it.  Yet again, I don’t know how Lucas got one either, he was married to Nicole.  Boy, the Bishop in Salem must keep very busy.l

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