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Participantbut they seem to have gone overboard on them lately once they discovered how cheap they are to produce.
What I absolutely CANNOT abide are situation comedies that use a laugh track. That irritates me so much. I just don’t understand why they have to use them. If something is funny, it’s funny. If it’s not, people laughing in the background are not going to make it funny. I don’t know why it rubs me the wrong way so badly but I will NOT watch any show with a laugh track because I find them horribly pathetic.
ParticipantI don’t know why I always seem to get wrapped up in shows that only last one season.
May 19, 2010 at 4:58 pm in reply to: DWTS – how fantastic were Derek and Nicole last night? WOW! Incredible routines! (eom) #13006Bonbon
Participantif only because I think Derek is the more popular of the pros and I ‘think’ Nicole probably has a wee bit larger fan base than Even. But, yeah, I’d say they’re dead even in talent too.
Participantunless the FBI wanted him on it. Although he certainly seems to be a maverick agent. He’s always at the PD and always seems to be working on his own. But I agree about his treatment of the "ladies." What he’s doing would be considered harrassment. He can bring them in for questioning but he can’t keep on doing what he is.
May 18, 2010 at 10:23 pm in reply to: so was the big reveal on Friday about Kate and Madeline that they were both hookers? #12985Bonbon
ParticipantIf that was the big reveal (the relationship between Kate and Madeline) that Kate says "It takes one to know one," what an anticlimatic statement that was. They made it seem like a really big deal…what a letdown.
May 18, 2010 at 5:54 pm in reply to: DWTS – how fantastic were Derek and Nicole last night? WOW! Incredible routines! (eom) #12984Bonbon
ParticipantI don’t know how many times after she says that, he’s said, "I’m from the Ukrane." It’s the way he says it. He is so funny. And she imitates him so well. They are an entertaining couple. I bet they could be a lot of fun going out with.
May 18, 2010 at 2:20 pm in reply to: DWTS – how fantastic were Derek and Nicole last night? WOW! Incredible routines! (eom) #12979Bonbon
ParticipantI think it will be Chad going home instead of Erin. I’ve said all along that I thought Nicole would win but I too wish they could give out two because I think Evan is totally equal–at this point–with Nicole. Nicole was quite good from the beginning whereas Evan had to improve, which, IMO, he did…greatly! But it was the same thing when Gilles Marini came in second. He deserved to win also. And, yes, this has been a great year.
I don’t think it’s as serious between Len and Maks (not Max, BTW) as you might think. It’s just that Maks is not afraid to give Len his opinion of Len’s opinion. And I don’t think he is as arrogant as most people think he is even though he comes across that way. I’ve always loved both him and Tony.
It’s going to be interesting to see Kate Gossling back. She was on ET last night and actually appeared to be enjoying herself and acting more like a TV personality. They have probably been giving her acting lessons because she did a very good job. For some reason, TPTB somewhere have certainly taken an interest in her because they keep bringing her back again and again. I’m anxious to see her new show on TLC, not so much for her but to see the kids again. I missed Jon and Kate + Eight.
Participantany normal human being would want to see themselves act the way they do and do the things they do on national TV. I’d be embarassed to death. Yeah, "fishwives" is very descriptive. Now, I have to admit I’ve never watched either show but my opinion is based on what little I’ve seen on shows like The Insider and ET. That’s enough to tell me I don’t want to see any more. I guess Jerry Springer is alive and well in New Jersey!
ParticipantI didn’t know that. Thanks for the info, Jason. Maybe that means she feels she has a better chance in that category. IMO, she was certainly a lead actress though.
ParticipantHow can they possible consider Nicole a supporting actress? Good grief, she let the time on screen for several months before she went on maternity. If she isn’t a lead actress, I don’t know who is.
May 12, 2010 at 12:04 pm in reply to: Methinks there’s a romance blooming between Maggie and Victor. #12856Bonbon
Participantwho spoke to you like that? OMG! But I loved it. He really put her in her place. Still though, if my fiance had said those things to me, I would have been mortified and really read him the riot act for disrespecting me that way.
I’m amazed at the underlying emotions Victor and Maggie portrayed yesterday. I guess that just attests to the talents these two actors have. I’m really looking forward to a relationship between them. I’d never considered this paring before because I always thought Victor would only ever love Caroline, but, I guess not. (I wonder if there’s some reason ether of them doesn’t want to pursue it.) I just hope they don’t make it too mushy and sexual. Even though I’m old too, I get turned off by that kind of action in older people.
ParticipantIt seems like we are the only ones that feel children should be respectful of their parents, regardless of their character flaws. Now if Sami were a drunken drug addict that was never at home and hung out in bars, I could go along with Will’s attitude.
May 11, 2010 at 4:01 pm in reply to: DWTS – how fantastic were Derek and Nicole last night? WOW! Incredible routines! (eom) #12850Bonbon
ParticipantI felt like Carrie Ann did, I was absolutely mesmorized! That was an incredible job of choreography that Derek did. A 50s Paso Doble? Who wouda thunk? Those two kids (he and Julianne) are certainly talented.
But I also thought the futuristic cha-cha was great. Maybe his performance wasn’t a 10 but the dance certainly was.
I still think Nicole is going to win and I don’t think it will be entirely based on her popularity. She has definitely been the best ‘consistant’ dancer on the show. And when a judge says you’re the best dancer ‘ever’ on the show…well…there you go.
ParticipantI can’t believe he could disrespect his mother like that. Who does he think he is, HER mother? I don’t care what he thinks she is doing, he gets no say in who she may or may not have feelings for. Yes, he sees her for what she is but that is certainly no way to talk to one’s mother. And I bet if Rafe was there, he would have told him so. I’m sorry, I can’t have any sympathy for him and his sassy mouth and I think Sami ought to set him straight instead of always apologizing to him.
Participantas long as they don’t abuse him, I’m just happy to have him back. I always loved Shane. I was disappointed he didn’t go further on Celebrity Jeopardy but at least he showed he is no dummy like so many of those celebrities.
Honestly, some of them would fit right in on Jay Walking they’re so stupid. I just wonder sometimes if it isn’t an act, just for the comedic value. I sure wouldn’t want to appear that stupid. It’s like I mentioned before about Lindsey What’s-Her-Name (Arianna) being on that game show and was sooooo dumb. (She should have been blonde because she was the epitome of the dumb blonde.) It really ruined my opinion of her which is probably why I don’t care for her on Days.