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ParticipantI know she’s done some terrible things and isn’t the most moral person in Salem (is there such an animal?), but I’m always cheering for her. I don’t know if it’s Ari’s acting or just the way Nicole is written (which I somehow doubt) but I can’t help wish happiness for her. And although I really wanted to see her stay with EJ, I think she and Brady could make a good couple. I love Brady (didn’t see him on Passions) but don’t care much one way or the other for Arianna. I think she’s a perfectly good actor, I just can’t get seem to get invested in her.
I almost wonder about the little teasers we’ve gotten with Arianna and EJ and if something might come of that. If so, Brady would be perfectly free to be with Nicole. We all know no couples can be happy for long and Brady and Arianna’s time should probably be up.
Participantdon’t you think you’re being a little harsh on these kids. Remember, they’re amatures just starting out and haven’t polished their styles yet. I think you have to give them credit for attempting these songs. You can’t make great music if you don’t sing great songs.
Participant"Hey, everybody seems to like the Hope-going-bonkers story line, let’s send somebody else around the bend too." "Okay, yeah, how about Chloe?" "Sure, why not?" Thus the sane to crazy in no time flat. They have to fill up those scripts with something.
ParticipantCan you believe Maks and Erin being in the bottom two? W-T-H!!! I should think Maks alone would have enough fans to keep them going to the finals.
And I really thought Niecy would go next (I think she did too) but I’m not unhappy it was Pam. She was very gracious about it which surprised me somewhat. Maybe she’s not the person some of us think.
I’m more convinced than ever that Nicole will win it all. Evan hasn’t done the Paso Doble yet and I think his lyrical intreptations will do him in on that one. You could see how he was struggling to be more forceful on the Tango.
Participanther lipstick is going to be what gives her away, or at least a very strong clue to eventually catching her. That’s why they showed us the lip print she left on her glass. And I haven’t a clue as to how she will ever "get away" with these crimes, mentally impaired or not, she’d have to pay somehow. Yeah, yeah, I know, nobody ever pays for their crimes in Salem. (And Brady’s money clip will do Baker in.)
And a question…doesn’t anybody in that household clean under the bed? They’d certainly find the box and, finding it full of men’s wallets, would undoubtedly tell Victor about it.
ParticipantGabby is just a youngster and her heart was ruling her head (as opposed to Philip who had something else ruling his!!!). Yes, she definitely should not have treated Nicole that way, however, Nicole was really bating her so you can hardly blame her.
And the alcohol service is another no-no. I think most states allow a minor to work where it is served but they may NOT serve it themselves (some places won’t even let a minor take an order for a drink), nor could she be the only employee there unless the bar is shut down. But, again, this is DROOL…
Participanthis infidelity is really bothering Philip. I can’t believe a guy who has been in the Kirikas family and operating as a major player in its business would be so guilt-ridden over it. If he keeps going like he is, he’s eventually going to blurt it all out to Melanie. But her, being the understanding little wifey she is, will probably instantly forgive him. Oh, what a mess this has turned into.
ParticipantShe danced with Derek Hough. I like her okay. She explained one night that when she’s on the floor with Tom, what they say is scripted, but when she’s with the dancers in the Celebriquarium, she’s on her own with her questions and comments. That takes a lot of talent to be able to do that when you don’t have that kind of background.
I used to really like Samantha Harris until I saw so much of her on The Insider. Now I think she’s somewhat of a little bitch. What a shame to ruin my image and opinion of her on that trashy show.
As to who’s going tonight, yeah, I think Niecy too. I agree with Patti that Pamela is becoming less repulsive to me too and seems to be a pretty decent dancer. But, if Niecy goes tonight, it’ll be Pam next week, then Ochocinco (LOVE that name!), then it’s anybody’s guess. Personally, I think Nicole will win it…especially after two judges saying she’s the best dancer they’ve ever had on the show.
May 4, 2010 at 1:45 pm in reply to: Philip and Melanie moved into Maggie’s to take care of her… #12673Bonbon
ParticipantThey really didn’t do much with that either. It was just kind of something they added to the pot but was not even part of a storyline, more like something that defined one of the characters, and one of the very minor characters at that.
They probably threw in Maggie’s MG as a plot device just to get Mel and Phil out of Victor’s because of Vivian moving in there.
ParticipantNot until Kate gets what coming to her first. She has waaaaaay more evil deeds to atone for than Nicole. Then let’s add Stephano, EJ and even Victor.
ParticipantI think that could be a great storyline. We haven’t really dealt with any mental illness since Laura and that’s been years. I hope they do go with it…especially if it keeps Chloe and Daniel together.
ParticipantThat’s the one thing I really regret about only having two boys, not having a wedding to plan. Of course if I had a daughter, she probably would have been one of those independent and opinionated (who would have come by it honestly!) girls who want to do everything themselves. Oh, well, I’ve got three g.daughters, there may be hope yet!!
I know the youngest’s mother would happily turn everything over to me. But she’s only nine…I just hope I can hang on that long. Let’s see, when she’s 19, I’ll be 80. Hmmm…
May 2, 2010 at 11:24 am in reply to: What do we think is the connection between Chad’s mom and Kate? (eom) #12632Bonbon
Participant…the rrelationships on this show make my head spin as it is. Please don’t make it any more convoluted than it is now. However, I wouldn’t mind if they brought Nicholas Alamain back, but only if he’s played by the same character, can’t remember his name right now but he sure was a cutie. But, IIRC, Nicky was so severely SORASed that I don’t think he could possibly have fathered Chad. That would put him in his late 30s and Carly is only in her 40s. Uh-uh, I don’t think so. I’m still holding out for EJ, he needs some more kids. <extreme sarcasm>
May 2, 2010 at 11:17 am in reply to: I guess Nicole didn’t know about when Lexi took Hope’s baby, Zach… #12631Bonbon
ParticipantApparently Lexie’s memory isn’t very good. I don’t know why the writers do this. Do they think we viewers have the memory of a mushroom or something?
What Lexie did was every bit as bad as what Nicole did. Maybe even worse because Lexie did it to her best friend. At least Nicole doesn’t like Sami.
ParticipantI can’t wait. This is probably my most anticipated episodes EVER. I sure hope they don’t flub it.