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  • in reply to: Bill Horton recast for Alice’s funeral #12401

    I don’t see any reason to recast a character just to bring him back for Alices funeral.  It’s not the characters we want to see returning, it’s the actors.

    And I didn’t know Ed Malory had passed away.  To me, he was always Bill, I never cared for Christopher Stone.


    in reply to: Little Johnny, a true DiMera…… #12388

    He does appear to be a little handfull.  And I didn’t think they would write into the script him trying to hit his mother.  I think that would be going a little too far with a child that age, no matter what he’s like at home.

    in reply to: Little Johnny, a true DiMera…… #12377

    I did not see Johnny trying to slap Sami.  It looked to me like he was trying to knock the phone out of her hand.  I’ve seen many, many kids do things like that, especially with food they don’t want to eat.  I saw it that he didn’t want her to call EJ.

    No, slapping one’s mother is not normal, but talking back to her certainly is.  If your grandson has never done that (and give him time, he’s still very young), he is very exceptional.

    in reply to: Little Johnny, a true DiMera…… #12357

    something a normal child might do and they are not portraying him as a little angel all the time.  I think they do that with kids way too much on TV.  I like it better when they tell it like it is.  Kids DO sometimes talk back, especially at that age.  We ask for realism…

    in reply to: Viv’s hair #12305

    that’s for sure. 

    in reply to: AI Tonight, April 11 #12303

    No, not really.  Like DWTS, it’s actually a popularity contest.  The most popular singer gets the most votes but that doesn’t mean they are the best singer.  I think their looks and personality enter into it more than does their voice.

    in reply to: The kids #12287

    That would be very interesting to enlarge on Theo’s "abilities,"  After all, he comes by it naturally with his grandmother being psychic and, the autism could play into it as well, maybe him being somewhat of a savant. 

    Yes, us viewers really ought to be writing this show, there is soooo much creativeness out here.  <breaking my arm patting us on the back> 

    in reply to: AI Tonight, April 11 #12286

    I understand they’re considering bringing Shania Twain to the show.  Now I can see her over Ellen but I guess that would mean another judge would have to go.  If they do, who do you think it would be?  They wouldn’t replace Simon with her, would they?  I would think they’d need another man for his replacement.

    in reply to: Could Hope be the mugger? #12285

    I don’t think any medication would cause such a drastic side effect.  I think (as someone mentioned previously) it will be an aftermath of having all those crates fall on her head.  I mean, what other possible reason would that scene have had other than an explanation for Hope’s altered mental state?




    else did that scene

    in reply to: The box #12284

    I never thought of that but it makes perfect sense.  This may prove to be very interesting.  I wonder how long Ciera will keep quiet about it because if it comes out, the jig is up and Hope will be toast!

    in reply to: Hope’s headaches? #12283

    but I think Carly is being unfairly blamed for coming between Daniel and Chloe.  IMO, it’s all been Nicole’s fault for putting ideas in Chloe’s head.  Carly has not done one single thing to "come on to" Dan or show any interest at all that she even has thoughts in that direction.  Of course WE have been led down that path by the innocent acts/words that have been thrown out to us, like her rubbing his shoulders and saying she was more to him than a friend.  If you take everything in context, Carly is totally innocent.

    Actually, although I hate what has happened, I don’t think you can entirely blame her for getting involved with Bo either.  She resisted at first but Bo kept after her, and you can hardly discount the fact they were so very much in love before.  No, it isn’t right by far what she’s doing to Hope but I don’t think she’s the monster everybody is portraying her as.  Of course the writers are doing to us the same thing Nicole is doing to Chloe by writing in all the slurs and slanders the other characters are saying.

    in reply to: Hope’s headaches? #12270

    I’m not sure I’m going to like this.  Although, Hope does a good job playing bad.

    in reply to: SWTS II #12263

    I have been sympathetic for her from the beginning but what I saw last night made me wonder if all the Kate-haters aren’t right.  She just doesn’t seem to want to improve and has a real crappy attitude.  I feel sorry for Tony too, he should be subjected to that and still have to remain positive in front of the camera.  He should say what he’s really feeling! 

    I can’t believe that anyone could be that innept at trying to dance.  I don’t care if you have two left feet or not, with all the instruction she’s gotten, she should be much better.  Sorry Kate, you need to go.

    I think Nicole will be the one to win the mirrored ball.  Evan is good but not quite as good as she is.  JMHO

    in reply to: Mable, Maxine, Mathilda… #12257

    Lexi asked Nathan who was attending the patient that died.  Hello?  She was Nathan’s patient, who else would be attending her?  How did Nathan know she had an "undiagnosed" underlying heart problem?  That could only be determined by an autopsy.

    And he requests going to the M&M (morbidity and mortality) hearing!  Hah!  If your patient dies, you are OBLIGATED to attend.

    Going back a little, when a code is called, there are usually people all over the place, not just an intern and nursing student, everybody in the near vicinity comes running.

    Bah, don’t get me started.

    in reply to: What’s everybody doing today? #12235

    You can go to our club web site, and then on the left, click on "Press Room."  That should work.

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