Forum Replies Created
Participantafter an extremely heated debate about the deed, it was agreed by most of the people posting at the time that there would never be an agreement about whether or not it was actually a rape and that we would not mention it again. However, from time to time, it seems to raise it’s ugly head.
Participantbut I don’t think they’ll throw Chloe back with Philip. Why? Because at their last get-together, there really wasn’t any love involved, it was only companion sex (bucking fuddies?) so, unless they think Chloe needs some morale boosting and decide to have Philip be the one to provide it, I don’t think that’ll happen. And I’m with you, I really want to see Chloe and Daniel have some happiness. Geeze, at least give SOMEONE a little joy on this show.
Participantand I’ve mentioned it a couple of times before. I don’t know why someone doesn’t tell him to straighten up. He should be proud of his height. Now if it was a girl that tall, it’d be a different story…although I think tall girls should stand up straight also and be proud of their stature.
Participantare going to be responsible for her unusual behavior. Bah!
Participantit’s "…coast to coast, LA to Chicago…"
Some people may not recognize the name because it’s pronounced Shar-day.
ParticipantApparently he has a penchant for buying rings for people he likes and he REALLY likes her. I read that she refused it at first but when he explained he does this frequently, she kept it. Hmmmm, I wonder if he might like ME? I don’t think those were QZs either.
ParticipantAn all black cat named Snowball? New York City snow?
Participanthe IS their father and does have some say in the matter. We don’t know what their custody arrangement is but if he wants to take the kids to see their g.father, he should be entitled to do so. Sami doesn’t have total control…I don’t think, does she?
That’s why I couldn’t understand what all this hullabaloo was about. I wondered why EJ didn’t just say, I’m taking the kids out for awhile. Be back later…see ya.
ParticipantIsn’t he gay?
ParticipantI thought I was the only Stephanie fan and I couldn’t believe how disliked she is. I’ve also found she has been justified in mostt of her actions. I loved how she told Mel she didn’t regret anything she did. I don’t find her whiney at all. I wonder if there are any more of us out there.
Participant…but it’s been a real chore with everything I’ve been doing. I guess it’ll just take time to hunt everything down and THEN trying to remember it the next time.
The women’s club I belong to is having a big Kentucky Derby party of which I am chairman and I’m trying to do all kinds of things, invitations, tickets, programs, etc. with some creativity. Now was NOT the time to have to contend with a new system.
Participantcould be a good long term storyline with an ultimate recovery of vision, ala Kayla and her deafness. I don’t remember, have we had anybody lose their vision in the past? And, yeah, it’d probably be Carly to do the magic cure which would REALLY throw Chloe into a tailspin. Although, I can’t imagine how much more Daniel can reassure her that he loves her. I don’t know why she is so insecure about him.
ParticipantI am beginning to tire of EJ. I have loved his character from day one but he is becoming predictible and boring and I absolutely HATE practically everything he says and does. Could it be over saturation of the character? They certainly did that with Eileen Davidson’s character(s) and I think it not only ruined Days for her but for many viewers as well. Too much of a good thing? Yeah, I think that could be it. Maybe he needs to go away for a while or something.
ParticipantI’m not having problems with it operating correctly, just finding things that they’ve moved around or changed. I’m probably making too much of a big thing here.
Something else I hate is what they’ve done to Hearts. You don’t have any speed options anymore so I have to sit there and wait for each card to be played. Ho-hum. And with regular Solitaire, they’ve changed the decks and as soon as you play a card on top, the one on the pile automatically turns over, I don’t like that. And with Spider Solitaire, you used to be able to right click to get a clue…gone!
I know, bitch, bitch, bitch!
Participanthow she plays this. I thought she was very convincing when she cut up Carly’s clothes. I’ll bet she pulls it off well.