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Participanthe shouldn’t be moving in with anyone. What’s with kids being in disagreement with their parents and then moving out? That’s his home, that’s where he lives, and that’s where he should stay. It’s no different than a married couple having a spat and one of them moves out. Solve your problems, don’t run away from them.
Participant…aren’t you willing to tell the government what you want your kids to eat?
I still think if only healthy food is offered, they will eat it. It’s like a finicky pet, it won’t starve to death, it’ll eventually eat what it’s offered.
Participant(Silicon Valley) and where I live now in Florida, both communities have banned those trucks completely. The "garbage trucks" (what DH always called them) can get special permits to go into large constructions areas (like commercial buildings or residential communities being built) but that’s all. I’m surprised to hear they are still operating out there as I thought most cities in the USA have also outlawed them. If they haven’t yet, they should.
Believe me, I’m not preaching to anybody because I love (and eat) junk food as much as the next guy but if we’re ever going to get back to nutritious and health eating, we have to start the kids out early.
I have to give kudos to my DIL who started the twins out eating good food without any junk at all. They are now 22 years old and eat very little of it. They don’t like much in the way of candy or soft drinks and eat mostly fruit when they want a snack. (They ARE addicted to popcorn though but that runs in the family!) So, it goes to show you, it CAN be done.
ParticipantI’d still like to see him get back with Nicole. Who better to wreak havoc on Salem than those two? Probably the only reason we won’t see that happen is because the current writers don’t have enough imagination to come up with a storyline for them. Too bad, there’s a lot of potential there.
Participantafter the way he went after Joe Isuzu today. That certainly wasn’t very FBI-like of him. As a professional agent, he should be in better control of his emotions. But I’m interested to see who would be married to that DA. Looks like we’ve got a new family in town coming to the forefront.
Participantis how much food is being thrown away. Years ago, my SIL helped out in the lunchroom in middle school and she said those kids threw enough food away to feed many families three meals a day. It’s too bad something can’t be done about that too. I’m a child of the "there are starving kids in Europ" generation and it’s extremely difficult for me to throw food away to this day, many, many years later.
My are told to bring food they don’t eat home again if it’s something that can still be used like fruit, yogurt, juice boxes, etc. instead of throwing it away. Who knows if they actually do but at least they have been given the directions.
Participantthe junk food is now here and it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to get the kids to give it up for healthy, nutritious food. They have developed a taste for it and short of banning it completely, I don’t know how we will get them to give it up long enough to appreciate the good stuff. Let’s face it, sugar, salt and fat are all very palatible and even animals will prefer it to other, natural food if given the choice.
I think we need to get the kids exercising more to fight obesity. Kids just don’t walk home from school anymore or play much outside. There are too many options available to let them sit and become the vegetables we wish they were eating. I don’t know what the solution is but I fear for our future. I think the situation of the human race in Wall-E is not too far off.
But back to Jamie, I was really shocked at the opposition he has run into. And I can’t believe the crabby lady in the elementary school lunch room would even allow herself to be shown. They must have paid her extra.
ParticipantAnd, although I thought she treated Jon horribly, she is now trying to do the best for her family. I know a lot of people don’t like her but I do. Sorry.
Participantthe fan’s response. Buzz and Kate were terrible but I think they have more fans than Shannen or Pam. IMO, Pam is disgusting and I was really hoping she’d be gone right away. I was secretly rooting for Kate because she has done such a daring and courageous thing to go up against all those show business people with no experience in that area at all. I think it was a very brave thing to do. And, she’s trying her darndest to support those eight cute little kids the best she can. That’s gotta be a pretty scary think to be facing. I’m sure she’s not getting much help from Jon.
But as for Buzz, geeze, he’s 80 years old for cryin’ out loud. How good can we expect him to be?
I think Nicole is absolutely the one to beat. She’s head and shoulders above all the rest.
Patti, what is your first favorite reality show?
ParticipantI don’t think there were even any stunt doubles involved. I watched as they went over the park bench and the camera never switched snd it showed their faces constantly. I believe these two girls did the whole thing. Great acting, ladies. I was very impressed at how good the scene came off.
ParticipantDavid Ducovney (sp?).
ParticipantNicole doesn’t seem to be afraid of EJ like everybody else is, i.e. Kinsey, "Who do you think you are?" THAT was priceless.
Anyway, I think EJ is truly frightened of the possible trouble Nicole can cause him.
Participant…so is Caroline and we’ve been rooting for those two to get together for years. I guess I was not alone thinking it might be interesting to have Vic and Maggie pair up. They might be very good for each other.
On another note, regarding Victor and Vivian, I think it’d be delightful if Vic would start showing a renewed interest in Carly in front of Viv. She would just go ape-shit bonkers! I’d love that. In fact, we’ve been wondering who to pair Carly with, why not Victor? I’m sure the writers could come up with some plausible (or non-plausible, i.e. his pairing with Viv) to put them together.
ParticipantMy son volunteered to watch the kids for the day so my DIL (also a huge fan) and I can go. They are close but I’m 3 hrs. away so as soon as we can schedule it, we’re off to Hogwarts!
Participantif Philip can get a totally new face and physique and grow a new leg, I guess Theo can "outgrow" autism. <extreme sarcasm>