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Participantthat they don’t over-use her like they were doing before she left on maternity leave. That’s a great way for us to begin to dislike a character. I thought that was happening with Kristen when she was playing so many characters and was on screen almost constantly. She even got so tired of it she left for good. Nicole is really riding high with us now and it would certainly be a shame to ruin that.
ParticipantI was afraid it was my computer or something. Yes, it happenes frequently and I haven’t been able to determine why.
Participantthey might as well forget about her completely. She was totally blah and not the Caliope I remember at all. If she’s not going to have that spark and wit, why bother?
ParticipantSometimes mine sits there just like she’s watching and is very into the program. And other times, she completely ignores it. I have not been able to figure out what gets her attention and what doesn’t. Sometimes when I’m watching the Animal Planet and a dog cries, she’ll look but not always. She likes Bill O’Reily.
Participantwhy someone hasn’t gotten some mental help for Sami. It’s bad enough that she has a daughter die but then to have one kidnapped shortly after should be a strong signal that she needs to be talking to someone. I wouldn’t be suprised if she didn’t go potty-round-the-bend any minute. And then having EJ playing ping-pong with her emotions every day, I’m surprised she’s not in a rubber room right now.
March 6, 2010 at 12:14 pm in reply to: I’d like to hear some feedback on American Idol talent this year. The earlier post was all about Howard Stern, so…. #11123Bonbon
Participantof this show? If so, you’d think he’d see how it’s dying a slow death from the comments people are making. I don’t believe I’ve read hardly anything positive for this season so far. It’s a shame that a show that was so overwhelmingly popular should be subjected to what’s happening. Maybe he thinks it’s more important to concentrate on his new show, the one he’s now doing in England and they’re bringing to the US. Can’t think of the name right now.
I think if I were in charge I’d sooner just shut it down for a few years and try to come back again stronger sometime in the future. But, that’s probably why I’m sitting here making comments and they are sitting in their offices raking in millions of dollars. Hmmmm, I wonder if they’d like to change places with me.
Participantthat Anna will take the fall. As I’ve said before, she is an expendable character and one that they could just as easily send to jail as to send off to Paris or wherever. I’ll feel badly for her because I think deep down she has a good heart but…if you do the crime, you have to do the time. And I’m pretty sure we won’t see EJ getting any blame at all. Sorry Patti.
ParticipantDidn’t she look absolutely adorable in her little color coordinated outfit and matching scarf. Whoever is dressing her certain does an amazing job. Heck, Suri Cruise has nothing on her. I just wish they’d put her on the floor once so we can see that she walks.
This was a case for not reading spoilers. Isn’t it much more exciting when you didn’t know it was coming? I’m so anxious to see Sami’s reaction. I thought she was doing a great job trying to hide what EJ had told her from Rafe. I think it would have taken super-human fortitute to not break down and tell him everything.
Participantspammers since the beginning of this site so you must be getting them all.
ParticipantI suppose we’ll need the whole box by the time the show is over. But it’s about darned time.
I wonder if anybody will think it strange how comfortable Sydney is with EJ after not seeing him for so long. At that age, I would expect her to treat him like she would any stranger and be a little standoffish.
That makes me think about Syndey lately and how docile she’s been. I wonder if someone is feeding her Benedryl. It’s kind of unusual for a child that age to sit so still all the time, especially the way she leans into EJ and Anna. I sure hope not. Maybe she’s just a good little actor.
Participantwould have been a good candidate for the show since he appeared in Seven Brides for 7 Brothers so we know he can at least dance some. But, I suppose since Days is on NBC and DWTS is on ABC, we’ll never see anyone from Days. In fact, I’d also love to see (Patti, close your eyes) EJ on it too. I think he could be another Gilles.
But I’m really looking forward to this season. This is probably my mostest favoritest show on right now. I love the music, the costumes, the choreography, and seeing the personal sides of the ‘stars.’
I’m wondering how they choose which dancer dances with which star. It seems like Cheryl always gets the football players. And Max always gets the ‘strong’ women. And poor Edyta always seems to get the ‘losers.’
Participant…but I was referring to those who have actually "stayed" there for any length of time…fulling serving out their sentence.
ParticipantIt wasn’t a very big part but she was pretty funny. I thought she looked much younger also. Maybe because she wasn’t screaming all the time. Gosh, she’s a pretty woman and I’d kill for her hair.
ParticipantI think EJ would make an excellent dashing and dastardly pirate! He could sweep me off my feet anyway.
That’s an interesting comment about Rafe and one I didn’t realize until you put it in writing, but I think you hit the nail on the head with his demeanor. Not that I don’t like Rafe, I do, but he is kind of milque toast when it comes to Sami. In fact, some times I wish he’d just really let her have it. Geeze, she really walks all over him and doesn’t realize what she has.
ParticipantLOL How funny that we’re now hearing how much people like Melanie yet it really wasn’t that long ago when EVERYBODY (and I don’t think I’m exagerating here) hated her, thought the actress was terrible, and wanted TPTB to get rid of her. But now, we’re hearing how much she is liked and what a good actress she is. Go figure.
I certainly can’t criticize anyone for these feeling though because I did the exact same thing when Brady first came on, yet, when they turned him into a "good guy," I did a complete 180° and had a totally different opinion of him. In fact, I felt similarily about Adrienne when she first started…she was horrible! That’s why I reserved judgement with Melanie. Although I can’t say that I particularily ‘like’ her yet, she has become tolerable. I hate what she does with her mouth and her voice is pretty much like fingernails on a chalk board.