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ParticipantI was hoping when we got rid of Reiley we would see the end of people coming back from the dead but I guess that’s just not to be. <sigh> I mean, come on, I can stretch my imagination and swallow some pretty preposterous stuff but once a person dies and is turned over to the police and coroner, you can be pretty sure they are dead. (Now if Stefano gets to them first, that’s a different story.)
I am so disappointed they are going this route. I guess they think our collective IQ is equal to a handfull of straws. Think I’ll do what the Kirikises and Dimeras do and go have a good stiff drink!
ParticipantIt’s a good thing that people have different tastes or everyone would like the same guy and they’d only need a cast of one (well, two, I suppose the guys would want a gal also).
I’ll rank mine taste in order of "hotness"…
EJ, Brady, Daniel, Rafe, Philip. The rest are too young to qualify. Which is probably another contributing factor. As we get older, our tastes in men probably shift. I know mine have. And isn’t it interesting that I didn’t even include the men my age, Stefano and Victor? Of course, IRL, I’d probably pick Victor if it was to be someone I was interested in dating or pursuing a relationship with. (There I go with a preposition at the end of the sentence again. Bad Bonbon, bad!)
March 1, 2010 at 3:03 pm in reply to: I’d like to hear some feedback on American Idol talent this year. The earlier post was all about Howard Stern, so…. #10939Bonbon
Participantthis is only an opinion in general (which I’m always willing to give!).
It seems like you never know when a successful show is going to hit the bottom and drop out of favor. And it can happen because of so many things. I’m guessing with Paula leaving and the news that Simon is also going to depart may have a lot to do with people losing interest. However, that should have no effect on the talent itself.
There is certainly a lot of talent out there so it always surprises me that the first batch aren’t all extremely talented and ready to sign a recording contract. I suspect that they deliberately pick singers who have more potential for improvement over the course of the show than those who have what it takes right now.
I’m always fearful that my favorite shows of that genre (DWTS and Survivor) are going to go the way of so many other popular shows when I’m not ready for it to go. But then, I’ve deserted some very popular ones when they were still in their prime (ER, Nip/Tuck, Lost, Damages).
I hope for the sake of the fans, you get another good season this year, but I’m afraid after Simon leaves, that’s going to be the bullet that puts it in it’s grave.
Participantyou’re referring to was actually after him, not the other way around. And, as much as I didn’t like him with Chelsea, she was an adult so could make her own choices. And I don’t think his medical license would have anything to do with who he was seeing.
Again, I think Daniel is getting a bum rap…probably because much of his so-called "whoring" was speculation in this group, not actually happening in the script. If someone can show me otherwise, I’ll be happy to eat my words.
ParticipantWhen did this happen? And which one was it, the oldest?
That poor woman has had more sadness in her life than any ten people should have to bear.
ParticipantDaniel hasn’t slept with that many people. He never "slept" with Chelsea so my count only includes Kate and Chloe. We never saw (or even hinted at) him sleeping with anybody else. He is getting a bum rap here.
Participantway down here in South Florida too. Fortunately, all our utilities are underground so unless something happens at the grid, we’re pretty safe.
I was sitting here yesterday listening to the wind thinking it didn’t sound much different than when Hurrican Wilma came through. Wind is the one thing that scares me. But I just hunkered down and caught up on some of the things I had on the DVR for months. Now I’ve got room for more.
Anyone want to dig up that groundhog and shoot him? I’m going to have to get a second mortgage just to pay my electric bill this month. We lucked out in Jan. as we got a $100 gas surtax refund. Thank the lord! But Feb., no such luck.
Participantwhy would Lawrence make Carly give away HIS child?
I’m sorry, but I just can’t buy it that it didn’t cross Daniel’s mind for just one teeny little second that it could be his child. Wouldn’t that be a man’s biggest fear after having unprotected sex? Even if it is 20 years later.
ParticipantNicole as SUPPORTING actress? Holy cow, she WAS that show for almost a year. I’d put her in leading actress, hands down.
And John Aniston? What has he done?
ParticipantI don’t think I’ve seen anybody else who wants EJ out of the picture, even temporarily. Although we all appreciate he is a nasty person, we still enjoy seeing him. At least I do.
February 27, 2010 at 12:40 pm in reply to: Someone PLEASE put a cork in that girl’s pie hole! #10883Bonbon
Participant…I’m understanding Mel’s position a little more clearly now and her "tantrums" are more justified. Now that’s she’s conveyed to us she really doesn’t want to live anymore because her life is so screwed up and her existance has made so many others’ miserable also, it makes much more sense to see her in the frame of mind she is in. But I still can’t stand what she does with her mouth and lips…ugly, ugly, ugly.
ParticipantThat one got past me. But she didn’t struggle very much. A person, when deprived of air, has their will to live kick in (along with the adrenaline) and you become almost super-human in your struggles to breathe. Even if you’re in a weakened condition, you’d still struggle more than Mel did.
ParticipantAlthough you know how convoluted ages can be on Days. He had an "affair" with Kate and also a short "fling" with Billie at the same time. In spite of that, he was never made out to be a bad guy or anything like that. And I believe he was mentioned by Viv once, when talking to Carly, albiet very briefly.
And nobody has come to arrest Carly because Vivian had someone "confess" to the murder to let Carly off the hook so Vivian could go after her and torture her. So, as far as the law is concerned, she is free and clear.
Lawrence didn’t start keeping her a prisoner until after the baby was gone. In fact she mentioned going to other conferences after that. I took it that his madness took hold gradually.
Participantshe was left on his doorstep with a tag and ribbon around her neck and he’ll ask Sami, "Can we keep her, huh, please, can we?"
Participanthe gets that Miss Piggy’s "Moi?" look on his face and STILL doesn’t believe it. It’s almose like he’s even forgotten they ever DID it!
This one is so far out there, neither The Pony Express nor mules make the trip.