Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe Kiriakisis are Greek Orthodox. Probably the only ones on the show they haven’t converted to Catholic yet. The Hortons were always Protestant but now it seems all of them are also Catholic. Maybe so they’ll only need one church.
ParticipantI think we should look at someone who hasn’t been shot yet on the show. Is there anybody? LOL
Participant,,,and I wouldn’t expect the same budget as for the summer Olympics but I didn’t think any of it was that good. There wasn’t one single thing that made me say, wow, that was really neat/nice/cook/innovative/imaginative.
And you’re right, she did remind me of Wayne Newton too. But she sure can sing.
Participant…I’m sure it won’t be on SoapNet either.
ParticipantI also laughed when Lucas told Stefano he didn’t want to fight with him and Stefano said, "Aw, come on," and put his dukes up in a fighting stance. That showed a real sense of humor in Joe.
ParticipantI don’t just have basic cable, I also have a DVR and HD ($10.00 each plus $5.00 for the HD converter and remote). But they get you by charging extra for digital plus channels ($12.00, which I HAVE to have to get the HD channels but never watch, and also digital service ($10.00, which is the box! I only need the box because of the HD and DVR). Then when you add all the taxes, etc., well, you see?
I had actually gone ahead and ordered a dish from Dish Network because they said "free installation" but when they came out, they said only "standard" installation was free and if I wanted the wires run through the attic, as opposed to the across the ceiling and walls (for four sets which makes basically the whole house), it would be $125 for each set…$500! Also, the association where I live will not allow wires on the outside of the house, they have to go from the attic right to the dish. I told them no way and the installer called a supervisor and I tried to negotiate with them but they wouldn’t budge.
And I don’t have any choice with the cable as they are the only ones available to me where I live. That’s why I say, I’m over a barrel if I want to watch TV, which, unfortunately, is a major part of my life.
ParticipantHave you ever been to a wedding where the person officiating walked around as casually as Abe did today? (I am unaware that a mayor has the authority to perform weddings.) Very different/weird/unusual/strange.
I was also surprised we got no explanation why Mel passed out. We didn’t know yet that Victor had replaced the comb. Oh, sure, we surmised it was because she hadn’t eaten but how did she recover so quickly? Brady must have shoved a power bar down her…and an extremely fast-acting one at that.
ParticipantI almost choked on my Frappaccino when Nathan walked into the hospital carrying a motorcycle helmet. I thought, "Oh, no, they wouldn’t possibly!"
ParticipantWhen I moved into my house here in Florida, I had cable for four months before they discovered the past owner had cancelled it. Rats. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Cable is such a rip-off. I pay $118 a month and that includes NO premium channels. I’d get a dish but they want a gazillion dollars to install all the wiring because they have to go in the attic. They’ve got me over a barrel if I want to watch TV. Sorry for the rant.
ParticipantAlthough it seems to me they have made Philip actually be in love with Melanie, she obviously still has feelings for Nathan which will doom the marriage from the start. But I hope it doesn’t get that far. Maybe Nathan will come riding in on a motorcycle and grab her and go riding off into the sunset. Naw, that’ll never happen, too far-fetched.
ParticipantI haven’t liked Philip’s hair style since he came on the show. Someone on there seems to like the guys’ hair parted down the middle because there have been several characters in the past with it and it hasn’t looked good on a single one of them. My opinion only. You’re right, Patti, why ruin such a gorgeous face with that horrible stuff on top?
ParticipantI commented on them the day she got back with the "new girls." It was very noticable. In fact, others agreed with me. You can have them done and be back to work in a couple of days now days. She could have gone on Friday and came back on a Tuesday. They don’t all tape everyday anyway so it’s very conceivable she could have even had five or six days in a row off.
ParticipantThat was a great scene. I loved the way Daniel reacted.
Participantthat’s pretty disappointing. I don’t see where that’s going to be so exciting. In fact, since she already has it, how can she now be diagnosed with it?
Participant…I didn’t think of that. Duh!