Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI don’t think she told Joe Isuzu that she was going to the Olympics with Chad, but only that he had asked her to go.
ParticipantI really don’t think that scene was in there so much to traumatize Ciera (kids these days are pretty resiliant), but more as to reveal that Melanie is Carly’s daughter. I could be wrong but…
Participant(or maybe it was Brady) said something to him about him "shacking up" with Vivian. That’s what made me think they were sleeping together.
ParticipantActually, Izzy, I had a heat pump in California (I know that’s not the norm there) and have a regular furnace here (which most everyone has where I live) so that can’t be the reason. And I only had a window A/C in my kitchen in CA because we didn’t need it that often there. At least it would cool off at night. But still, I shouldn’t think that heating my house for a few days should DOUBLE my bill. grumble…grumble…grumble…
ParticipantThose poor people. I’m SOOOO glad I live in Florida, even though we’ve had record cold this year. When I got my electric bill it was more than DOUBLE!!!
I don’t understand why it costs more to heat a house than it does to cool one yet, when I lived in Northern California, it cost more to have the A/C on than the heat. I think the PUC should look into this. That does not compute.
I read that Tennessee got hit pretty hard too. Any reports from there…anyone…hey, you need a shovel?
January 31, 2010 at 6:44 pm in reply to: Has Anyone Noticed How Cold E.J. has become toward Sydney? #10136Bonbon
ParticipantFirst of all, I disagree that he’s been cold toward Sydney. How much more loving and caring could a father be than when he was holding her when she was teething and Anna couldn’t console her? I though those scenes were very touching and heartwarming.
However, the writers seem to write the moods for both Stefano and EJ at the whim of the wind…or, maybe based on what they had for breakfast, or possibly even what color socks they happen to be wearing that day.
ParticipantI really hate the way they write for John when he is so mean and nasty to people. I don’t think it’s necessary for him to call Chloe, Nicole, and whomever else he has lumped into that company, slut, whore, etc. You can dislike someone without resorting to that. He’s supposed to be a classy, wealthy, educated, upper-class man. I don’t think a man like that would talk like that.
The same thing with the way he’s always trying to throw Vivian out. Heck, aren’t they sleeping together? If he wants her gone, why did he invite her in the first place. If he talked to me like that, I’d be at the Salem Inn before he realized the door had been slammed.
ParticipantI thought his lie was an excellent one and very plausible. But what I couldn’t believe was Arianna saying she thought there was more to it than that. I mean, come on, why would she think that. Yes, WE would but she certainly shouldn’t. Not only that, why in the world would she even ask who is Anna? What business is it of her’s who’s calling him?
ParticipantYes, I’ve seen Sami wearing the fleur de lis earrings too. I really like them.
I also love Hope’s wardrobe. Everything she wears is very stylish, tasteful, and flatering. I always liked Marlena’s and Maggie’s too. Must be because we’re of a similar age although so is Kate and Viv and we all know what we think of THEIR selections!!!
Sami, sometimes yes, sometimes no. They seem to try to put her in overly-low cut tops too often. Sami’s a little too well endowed for that (same with Chloe). But I rarely like Melanie’s outfits. Probably because they’re geared too much toward the younger set for me, although Mia’s are just fine.
Now who I really like is EJ’s wardrobe. When my son was visiting me I would always ask him, "Look at that shirt, do you like that one?" He’d go, "Yes, mom, very nice."
Such a good boy!
ParticipantMy mom’s fox wrap got me through many a boring Sunday sermon…playing with it, making it bite it’s tail. (That’s how they held them together, you’d squeeze the fox’s head and the mouth would open and clamp down on the tail…honest!)
But, seriously, someone needs to tell Kate they went out of style 65 years ago!
ParticipantThe way I understood it was that Roman didn’t have a choice, that he was given the special under-cover assignment from further up, without Bo’s knowledge.
And, AFAIK, Roman is still the Commander. Bo is the Commish which is over Roman.
ParticipantGood one, Patti. You get the award for the line of the day. We’ll have to adopt that one.
ParticipantWhich, of course, would never, ever happen in real life. Only on soaps!
ParticipantI don’t think she looks much younger than that. Look how old Deidre was and she looked even younger than Lauren.
Now if you want a surprise, go look at Vivian’s (Louise Sorel) picture on IMDB. OMG! I didn’t believe it was her. Amazing what those air brushes can do. And she’s 69!
ParticipantI know of alcoholics who keep liquor in their homes. One says it’s to reinforce his recovery to know that it is right there if he wants it yet he can resist. I think it depends on the individual It’s like people who quit smoking. When I quit, I couldn’t have a cigarette anywhere near me or I’d have smoked it, yet I know many people that, even years after they quit, will keep a pack in their glove compartment or their night stand.
So, I don’t think it’s particularly irresponsible of the writers to have it there. Maggie has been sober for so many years she probably feels entirely in control. Yes, they can fall off the wagon at any time, but… It was probably there for all the visitors there for the funeral. Besides, if it wasn’t there, how could she start drinking again (as we all suspect she’s going to do, not a spoiler).