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ParticipantI don’t think he will be responsible for actually murdering anybody. He may make them suffer somehow but I don’t think they will have him going back to his former “Mafia-type” ways. That’s why I was pretty sure Victor hadn’t killed Xander.
Participantthat I will never be able to walk unassisted again, my attitude changed. I have always been an optimistic person but this one was a real blow as I have always been a very active and athletic person. When I think of all the things I’ll never be able to do again, it can be a downer. However, I keep telling myself it could be much worse…much.
ParticipantSo what was that gun shot and why did he fall to the ground with his eyes open? Was he wearing a vest?
Participantsome year and have the Cubs win the World Series. Can you imagine what Chicago would turn into? The whole town would absolutely explode. It’s been so long since they won the series I don’t think anyone is still alive who watched it. In fact there was no TV then so nobody could have watched it unless they were there in person. Even so, if they were only 10-years old then, they’d be 107 now! Can you imagine? Yet their fans remain fiercely loyal, year in and year out.
ParticipantThe first episode of Suits was really good. Cable has some new shows that look pretty good but I already have other shows scheduled on the DVR for those times. I have another TV with a VCR still hooked up to it but I’m not going to start stockpiling a whole bunch of shows so I have to sit there every night for hours and hours watching them. I probably watch too many as it is. But then, it keeps me out of the bars! :o)
Don’t know if I mentioned this before but my women’s club has gotten involved with making dresses for the orphans in Africa. They are dresses made from pillow cases and really cute although you can use fabric too. I have just gone bananas making them and enjoy it thoroughly. The women have donated laces and trimmings and stuff so it’s really fun jazzing them up and making them pretty. Check them out at to see what they look like. I’ve make 170 so far and still have enough fabric for another 12. I’m aiming for 200.
We also are making shorts for the boys out of t-shirts. It’s kind of hard to explain how it’s done but they say the boys just love the ones that are made out of shirts with sports logos on them. The way they are cut, the logo comes out on the side of the leg. It’s not as fun as the dresses though because you can’t really put lace and stuff on them.
Participantthey have no storyline, they’re not involved with anyone or anything. And we haven’t seen them for so long I just have no interest. It’s not like someone like Eileen when she came back or when Shane or someone like that drops in.
BTW, condolences to Eileen for the loss of her father-in-law, Dick Van Patten.
ParticipantAre those really her boobs? They are enormous and the dresses they put her in make it even worse. Her dresses always look like they’ve been painted on and she’s always pulling them down because they are always creeping up. Hey, wardrobe, put a couple more inches of fabric in her clothes.
ParticipantDon’t you know the writers think we’re all just a bunch of dumb, mindless turnips?
Of course, the studios could always be in a different building from the offices. Possible, I suppose. Even so, there would be a security guard, if not several of them. But then, what fun would that be?
Participantfrom her digging into Marlene’s computer that is where this SL is going.
ParticipantLOL! Love it.
Participantthe more I’m beginning to dislike him. He seems like a not very nice person. Pity.
ParticipantMy son and his wife have been divorced for 15 years now and their twin daughters are happy, well adjusted 24-year olds. The parents agreed (although the divorce wasn’t not the friendliest) to never say anything bad about the other one and to make sure the girls knew they were equally loved by both.
Then, when my son remarried, his wife said since she couldn’t have kids of her own she was going to be the best damned stepmother in the world. And she has. Many mothers don’t treat their flesh and blood as well as she does.
So, if you have two civil, common sense adults, it doesn’t have to adversely affect the kids. Actually, I can say the same about my own divorce. In fact, we have remained very good friends, have spent many holidays together and even spent time in each other’s homes while on vacation. It didn’t start out that way but we both realized we had to put our bitterness aside for the kids sake and eventually the bitterness disappeared completely. People need to remember that once there was love there and they can build that back up if they choose. It’s not the same love as before but I will always love him as the father of my children and because he is a good person. I am even good friends with his wife. Can I see Brady ever doing that with Devil-Woman? No way, Jose!!!!
Participantlike he says, kids pick up on it when there is adversity between parents so it would be better Tate never see that than having the benefit of seeing his parents together. That’s why they say never put off a divorce because of the kids because the kids know what’s going on anyway.
ParticipantI still have about eight episodes from last season recorded that I haven’t watched yet. I guess I need a R&I Marathon! Thanks for the heads-up, Donna.
I’m also looking forward to ‘The Vikings’ coming back on. And, ‘Suits’, of course which starts next week. A new series by the writers of ‘Burn Notice’ is coming out (loved, loved, loved that show!) that looks really good (can’t remember the name right now) but it’s on Thursday night when my DVR is totally full. Does that mean I watch too much TV?