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ParticipantThat scene produced tears for me when none of Maggie’s did. Also when we saw Nathan in the background when Julie was consoling Maggie and he broke down. That brought a tear too. Seeing a man cry always makes me cry along with them. But I’m a big cry baby anyway, I’m one of those people who cries at commercials.
ParticipantI don’t think Carly was claustrophobic, per se, but it was the closed elevator bringing back memories of being buried in that casket that brought on the panic attack. I think if I had been buried like that, I’d end up, not just claustrophobic, but insane…well, more insane than I already am.
I just can’t imagine how horrific something like that would be.
BTW, I’m not claustrophobic at all but I could very well lose it when I have to have an MRI. I have to keep my eyes closed and think about something pleasant.
ParticipantAnd I mean it literally. Bo needs to lose some ugly fat. I’m glad everybody else was as repulsed as I was when he jumped into bed with Carly. How could they do that to this couple (Bo and Hope)? Somebody ought to shoot some writers.
Boy, Carly sure had some serious whisker burns, didn’t she? Serves her right! I don’t think I can watch any more of their scenes I’m so disgusted with Bo. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!
ParticipantCan you just imagine Elvis at 75? A little scary, isn’t it?
Participant…that the way these characters seem to vanish into thin air is a way for TPTB to keep their options open for the future? There’s no particular reason why I would think that’s what they are doing but it’s possible…isn’t it? But maybe they’re figuring the’ll want Bryan/Lucas back sometime.
Participantmy DIL, who lives in Deltona (small town between Daytona and Orlando, said they got some flurries there. It would be interesting if we got some here. My neighbor’s daughter is 10-years old and has NEVER seen snow.
That’s true about being better off than some people actually getting REAL cold weather. I once lived in a Chicago suburb and I can remember standing on the el platform when it was 0° and windy, and thinking it can’t possibly get any colder than this. That’s how I feel now.
Participantmy DIL, who lives in Deltona (small town between Daytona and Orlando, said they got some flurries there. It would be interesting if we got some here. My neighbor’s daughter is 10-years old and has NEVER seen snow. Neither have my dogs and one is also 10-years old. It would be interesting to see what they would do.
That’s true about being better off than some people actually getting REAL cold weather. I once lived in a Chicago suburb and can remember standing on the el platform, just off from Michigan Ave. (very close to the lake) when it was 0° and windy, and thinking it can’t possibly get any colder than this. That’s how I feel now.
ParticipantI didn’t find anything about pre-ordering but I was flaggergasted at how much the USED Days books were. I can remember when those top ones came out and several Days fans on the newsgroup I posted in had bought a copy and all raved about how good it was. BUT! I’m not paying any $100, or even $50.
ParticipantIt is the writers who are ruining Carly for us. Crystal is an excellent actor and I feel bad that they are doing this to her character. I wanted to like her return but the writers are not going to allow that to happen.
ParticipantThere have been several books written about Days. Allison Sweeney did one and so did Susan Hayes. Just go to to see them all. There’s even a cookbook.
ParticipantYes, Benji was deaf but he was adopted by Stefano and was ultimately killed on Stefano’s orders. That storyline was a travesty IMO.
ParticipantI feel that Shelly is a very good actor and I really liked Stephanie with Philip. My wish is that they both really love each other and Melanie and Nathan are just some bumps along the highway. The writers have made it abundently clear that Nathan and Mel still are interested in each other so, I hope somewhere down the line, those two will get together and Stephanie and Philip will reconnect. If only…
ParticipantThat was so not how I would expect that scene to go. Yes, I can understand Maggie being in shock but what about Hope? She’s a cop for cryin’ out loud and should be in control of her emotions enough to know what do to. Why didn’t she call Bo? Or Julie and Doug (that’d be MY first thought). Maggie should never have been left alone there. That’s the first thing you do when someone dies, get on the phone and start getting some support. And, believe me, I have had the experience…more times that I care to admit.
My guess is that none of the writers have ever had any experience with someone in the family dying. Well, they should have asked someone who has what happens.
I was disappointed that I didn’t shed a tear in that scene because it was so unrealistic. Yes, Maggie played it well but I just couldn’t get into it.
Participant…and the producers have told you that you can bring on ONE new character. Not a past character/actor but a brand new character. And you can give them a name.
Who would it be (not the actor, the character) and why?
Jessica Lowell – a brilliant British 30-something attorney who goes up against EJ on a big trial and beats him soundly. They have a very antagonistic beginning because she always seems to be one-bettering him at every turn and his ego is taking a beating. But he finds out she has a dark side and learns she is one of the head attorneys for a big crime boss (maybe the one that Arianna is actually trying to find, not Victor). That intrigues him and they begin to get closer.