Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI just saw a musical Christmas promotion for another soap. It kind of rang a bell that I had once seen this with the Days people singing a Christmas song too. Am I imagining this or did it really happen?
ParticipantI think she’s still in Cleveland because of the newspaper she took the picture of with Sydney. If she were in Salem, she probably would have used the Spectator.
No, it’s definitely not the Horton cabin but it sure looked like it at first. Now that they’ve shown more of it, it’s pretty obvious it isn’t.
ParticipantHow did Stefano get out of jail? One scene we see Kate visiting him and in the next he’s walking in the door of the mansion. Is this another case of just sweeping facts and details under the rug?
ParticipantThe funny thing about Josh’s accent is that he’s from Illinois! Where in the heck did it come from? Although some people from the southern part of the state, out in the country, have an accent, he’s from the city.
I don’t have a problem accepting him as Roman. I guess because he’s played the part for so long now and it was a long time since he appeared as Chris K. In fact, I was never a big fan or Wayne with Marlena.
They were okay but nothing special for me. I just wish they could find him (Josh) some kind of a love interest. It doesn’t even have to be an intensly romantic one, just someone he can relate to and spend some loving time with. Hmmm, would Carly work there? Or Faye?
ParticipantAm I alone or did anyone else get the feeling yesterday that this madness may be coming to an end? I thought that them agreeing to have Christmas Eve at their house was an indication of better things to come. I certainly hope so.
BTW, I wondered why their tree looked so bare. It was positively ugly. So now I understand…it’s probably because that’s where they will hang the ‘name’ ornaments. Of course they didn’t know that when they put the tree up.
And I hope they decide to put Carly with Justin and keep her the hell away from Bo. That’s a toxic relationship if there ever was one.
ParticipantTrue, Anna wasn’t very maternal when she had Carrie but she has aged and could very likely have developed some. Besides, who wouldn’t be taken in by that little sweety, Sydney?
I’m still conflicted about who’s behind this. Tony and Anna were always friendly with the Brady’s so I can’t imagine Anna doing this to Sami. And, whoever was on the phone probably isn’t connected with the kidnapping or she wouldn’t have acted so surprised.
Uh-huh, they’ve really got me on this one. I can’t even speculate (anything that would create any great interest) as to who is involved here.
ParticipantI was ga-ga over EJ from the first day he appeared on the show. He’s got everything in one package. And I think he’d be hot with any woman they pair him with, and it looks like it’s going to be Ari. I’m okay with that but I really wished the he and Nicole could stay together. Not so much for any chemistry they may or may not have but because I thought they’d make for good couple in "evil" storylines. Plus…they look sooooo good together.
ParticipantI just hope he does something really mean and nasty to Kate and tells her he is leaving Salem so he doesn’t have to see her anymore or have anything to do with her. Also, he tells her he will not even tell her where he’s going and as far as he’s concerned, she’s dead to him. Something like that.
ParticipantThursday night we had eight inches of rain here in S.Florida. That would equate to 56" of snow so we’re getting the freaky weather too. BTW, that’s what I did when it was raining so hard…baked Christmas cookies. Anyway, it’s bright and sunny and warm again today. I’ll bottle some up and send it up north. Stay warm, you guys and enjoy the snow on Christmas.
ParticipantI would DEFINITELY like to see Anna and Roman get together again. You could tell when she came back last time he still had feelings for when he’d see her with Tony. Who’s with us on this one?
ParticipantI got hooked on Days while in the hospital too. Well, first, my mom watched it and had to leave for her senior citizen meeting before it was over and would ask me to watch the last 10 minutes to tell her what happened.
But then I was in the hospital for a month with back traction then surgery and I watched the game shows every day. Days came on right after the last game show so, since I pretty much knew the characters, I would keep it on and watch it. Well, the rest is history. That was in March, 1959!
I too am retired now but I still record it so as to skip the commercials. And I have missed very few episodes, only when the VCR or DVD malfunctioned or there were pre-emptions. I’ll tell ya, this stuff is worse than heroin!
ParticipantThe funny thing is, in the scene just before she gets up on the ladder, we see the boots on the floor…sans Anna…yet she had them on when she fell. Oh-oh, where’s the continuity editor?
As to it being the Horton cabin, the only thing I see different is the door. The one where Anna is has a glass insert that the Horton cabin doesn’t have. Also, the fireplace is on the wall to the right as you enter. At the Horton cabin it was straight ahead. It probably IS the same set with just a little rearranging. As someone mentioned before, it could be the Green Mountain Lodge. Although why she would be putting a wreath on the door of a hotel is very head-scratching.
ParticipantGosh, she’s already had her baby so she must have worked right up to delivery. What a trooper.
A big break for Christmas? WHAT? How come, they’ve never done that before. In fact, they’ve had episodes on Christmas Day. I hope they’ll just have a big break in taping and not airing. I can’t go too long without my Days!
ParticipantI think the biggest example of the writers ignoring history is Philip’s leg. It appears he grew a new one and is no longer needing the prosthetic one. Of course, look at the beautiful job they did with his face transplant also.
ParticipantNo, please don’t put Nicole with Roman. What they had a long time ago was just a pity-party one-night stand and I don’t believe there was anything at all between them but a seize the moment thingy.
Bono, I told you to quit smokin’ that stuff.