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ParticipantWhen Maggie was talking to Mickey on the phone, after she hung up she picked up a double picture of the two of them. That’s why I think something is brewing regarding Mickey. Killing him off and having Maggie go off the wagon would be awsome…IF…the writers can do it right. And I know they can.
ParticipantYes, now I remember. Thanks for the memory jog.
December 5, 2009 at 1:10 pm in reply to: I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m absolutely blown away by….. #8121Bonbon
ParticipantThey are probably giving them Cherrios. Isn’t that the ultimate baby pacifier these days.
December 5, 2009 at 1:07 pm in reply to: I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m absolutely blown away by….. #8120Bonbon
ParticipantWhen the girls were first born, I thought Grace was much cuter than Sydney, but she has certainly grown on me. She is just the cutest thing darn thing.
I read somewhere that scenes with only the babies are shot independent of the other actors. What they do is take time out and film lots of things trying to get them to react (probably with her real mother).
Yes, her eyes bring a lot to her "acting." I guess maybe the credit should be going to the editor.
ParticipantSpeaking of homes…I wonder where Lucas is going to live now that he’s back in town I don’t think Daniel and Chloe will want to give him apartment back.
ParticipantI had the same feeling that it was Mia and not Melanie, until she turrned around to face Mel. With the ominous music and facial expressions, I guess it really will be Mel.
ParticipantWhile I enjoyed that and LOL, I really think political correctness has gone way to far in this country. Have we become such terrible whimps that we get so offended if someone says something that hurts our poor widdle feelings? I’m reminded of what my parents used to tell me when I was a kid and someone called me a name I didn’t like…sticks and stones. Why can’t everybody just maintain that attitude and consider the source from which it came. I think we’d all be better off. But no, they have to be chastized, require an apology, lose their job, or end up in court. It’s time for all of us to GROW UP!
Sorry for the rant but it’s something that really irks me.
ParticipantOkay, I guess I didn’t hear that. The were here running around making lots of noise (in spite of my threat to render them permanently mute if they didn’t quiet down!). Thanks for the clearification. That makes sense now.
ParticipantDidn’t Carly say something about, "When Lawrence found out he couldn’t have children…?" Isn’t Nicholas Lawrence’s son? It seems like Nicky and Shawn D. have evaporated.
ParticipantI’m not too impressed with Gabi so far. It seems like she has a chip on her shoulder (typical teenager?) and can’t seem to give anybody a civil answer to their questions.
And, I’m wondering how everybody knew that was Nicole’s bracelet. There was nothing distinctive about it, it was just a plain diamond tennis bracelet. There must be thousands like it. And what made Ari think it was so valuable? I could very well have been a cz.
ParticipantI’m afraid we’ve seen the last of Alice Horton and it just burns me that they didn’t do some kind of tribute to her on the show before she died. Her and Mac WERE Days of our Lives. I think it would have been very fitting to do something for Alice Horton while she could still appear. I’ll miss her most at Christmas time.
ParticipantI just hope that people who post on the annex only post spoilers there and nothing else. I’m one who doesn’t like to be spoiled but I’d hate to miss any posts from others either.
ParticipantHe sure dropped that bomb with out any pomp or ceremony, that’s for sure. If I hadn’t already known she had a daughter I may have missed his comment completely.
What I want to know is how she knew where to find her. We were led to believe she went to Salem to get help from Bo and now, all of a sudden, she’s there looking for her daughter instead.
And why all the interest in Mia if Melanie is her daughter? I think Mia would make much more sense since we don’t know anything at all about her family. It should be interesting to see if they can handle this in a believable way.
ParticipantI was surprised to see him win as I thought Mya was the better dancer but I’m happy he took the trophy. Actually, their scores don’t reflect actual opinion but how big a fan base they have. I’d like to see it judged by professionals but…I’m know they wouldn’t have the same viewership if people couldn’t call in and vote.
A guy on another site thought it entirely possible that the producers pick the winner each weel. He says they should tally the votes for each week so the viewers could see. Says that way it really would be a "dancing ability" test as opposed to a popularity test. IMO, that wouldn’t be any different because they could still manipulate the votes.
Either way, I don’t care. I just LOVE that show. BTW. wouldn’t you just love to see Gilles Marini on there? OMG! Imagine him doing the paso robles. Whew, I’ve got to get a bucket of cold water.
ParticipantHow exciting for you Ms Jake. I have ting g.daughters and the’ve been so wonderful. I don’t think anyone who hasn’t had multiples can appreciate how hard it is to care from them. Any chance of getting pictures? Would that be allowed here?