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Participanthe was in prison. I forgot what for but he’s probably still there.
Participantshe lost no matter how deserving.
ParticipantLook at a map of Italy, it is almost completely surrounded by water. Plus, there are many islands just off the coast.
As to Kristen being dead? Of course she’s not. Nobody ever stays dead on Days. Besides, she is a Dimera and they, especially, are immune to death. No only that, a shark would probably spit her back out.
And now we jump into a whole new storyline of Theresa and her baby. This should get interesting.
ParticipantNobody can threaten a marriage if it’s on strong ground in the first place. No matter who or what Paul is, if Sonny truly loves Will, he would be no threat to Will whatsoever. So, if he’s afraid Paul might take Sonny away, there is already trouble in paradise and he ought to be looking for a way to fix that instead of spending so much time and energy trying to get rid of him.
Of course we’d have no storyline if that happened so I guess we just have to sit and watch all this crap unfold while throwing pillows at the TV screen in frustration.
Participantthat human beans can act this way. And that’s exactly what they are…beans.
Stay safe Patti and we all pray this will be over soon.
Participantthat human beans can act this way. And that’s exactly what they are…beans.
Stay safe Patti and we all pray this will be over soon.
Participantthe present day Susan Lucci.
Participanthad the guy’s house burned down that was after his son (OMG, I can’t remember his name any more!!!) because he was trying to collect his gambling debts. BTW, where is he and how come they never mention him? Damn!…what’s his name now? The one that grew a new leg. :o)
Participantwhen he was going off on her, Yeah, Lucas, how many times have you said the same thing before yet you always go crawling back to mommy dearest. But I loved how it affected Kate.
Participantbut that certainly doesn’t sound like a Scottish accent to me. I originally thought it was British.
Bet you didn’t know he was previously on Days as Damon, the guy who shot Clyde in the park and left him for dead. Whatever came of that, anyway?
Participantyou think Clint is good-looking? Do you like the bad-boy type?
I was trying to see what it is about Xander that is so unappealing and all I could see is his lower lip kind of “pointy” and sticks out when he talks, plus he really shows a lot of teeth all the time. We haven’t seen his body yet but I’m sure it’ll be ripped too. Seems to be a requirement for the soaps. Except for Lucas, as previously mentioned. And so many of the guys seem to wax also. I don’t know why in the world any fellow would ever want to submit to that. Although if anybody needs to, it’d be JJ. Boy, he’s really got some rug there for his age. He must produce a ton of testosterone!
Participantnot too long ago and no one seemed to come up with any. Patti, I think if anybody would remember it’d be you. You seem to have all those little facts tucked away somewhere in your head. :o) I think I was wondering about Theresa considering it, being in the deep blue funk she’s been in since the baby-snatching.
I wonder if maybe that is a taboo subject for soaps, although I don’t know why it would be, it happens IRL, and I think it’d make a great storyline topic. Of course if someone DID attempt it, they’d have to then go the psychiatric route afterwards. But, yeah, I can sure see Eve considering it if she finds out and, find out she certainly will.
Participantto have someone come up pregnant the way they have all been hopping in and out of bed the way they do. These new writers seem to have an obsession with sex because I don’t remember ever seeing so many bed scenes like there are recently. Geeze, we’ve got JJ and Paige, Brady and Mel, Lucas and Adrienne (BTW, loved Victor’s remark, “Lucas, you’re fired!) Eric and “Red” and soon, Daniel and Nicole. Holy cow, I suppose next we’ll be seeing Victor and Maggie rolling in the hay.
I think most of us have expressed our displeasure with seeing everybody “doing it.” So why do they continue writing this crap? Not only that, what’s with always tearing their clothes off? Yes, I can see that happening like the first time but, come on, Lucas and Adrienne were like rabbits yesterday. That reminds me, Lucas needs to get to the gym. He’s getting a little flabby and has no muscle definition at all. Pretty unusual for a soap dude. Now Daniel on the other hand… Ooh, la, la!!!
Participanthe would need a stem cell transplant to survive. The disease is also known as the bubble baby syndrome because they have to be kept away from anything he can catch because of his lack of immunization capabilities. So, I guess saying a bone marrow transplant would be somewhat correct.
That sure is a sweet baby and so calm. I wonder if it’s the same shot over and over that we are seeing of him. I also wonder if there is any significance to her naming him Christopher. I can’t think of any characters in the past that could have prompted it. I’m surprised she wouldn’t have named him Brady.