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ParticipantI guess his morality went right out the window with his collar. He doesn’t seem to be conflicted about jumping in the sack at all.
Now, as to this elephant? Who is the heck is this Navidad and what does she want the elephant for. Does she know Eric or is it all about the elephant? I hope she’s not another former lover of his. Contraband in the knick-knack is such an old, over-used cliché. Hopefully they can come up with something better than that.
And how many more times do we have to hear Eric say upon finding Serena rummaging through his apartment looking for the elephant, “Is something wrong?” “What is the matter?” “I can tell something is bothering you.” Geeze, Eric, get a clue.
ParticipantI never would have guessed that. She certainly looks good. I can’t begin to imagine where they intend to go with these two but wherever it is, it can’t be good.
But, as to destroying characters, I just don’t understand what the writers’ intentions are here other than to just make us hate these characters. And now it looks like they are going to take Adrienne and Justin down the same path? Come on, people…can’t you write something besides sex and adultery?
ParticipantI was noticing today when she was sitting on the side of the bed getting dressed, there is not an ounce of fat on her body. I’m sure I could really admire her if her character wasn’t such a skank.
Participantany drug business. That was just what was conjured up in the viewers minds because the talk about turf, etc. and what the writers were hinting about. I don’t remember anything actually being said about there being drugs involved at all.
ParticipantWhere did that come from anyway?
Participantwhere Hope stands on this. I can’t believe she would be willing to overlook it and continue to hide what really happened. So, is she just appeasing Aiden until she gets help or what? Actually she is out of her jurisdiction and has no obligation (other than moral) to report this at all.
Yeah, Aiden really did some superb acting on those scenes. I could feel his pain. But it’s time to get on with this now.
ParticipantGood grief, look what he did to the loan sharks who were after his son (geeze, can’t remember his name now) when he burned down their house. Certainly he won’t let Sonny’s attack go unrevenged…at least I hope not. I hope this is just a ruse to put Clyde off his guard.
ParticipantI don’t object if they want to sell this magazine as porn behind the counter but it should not be out in the open, on public display for impressionable young boys to see. To me, they are not promoting the swimwear. How can they, there’s barely any swimwear showing. It should in reality be called the Sports Illustrated Porn Issue. I wouldn’t object to complete nudity either, as long as it treated as complete nudity and display appropriately. Playboy used to sell those types of issues in sealed covers, SI should do the same with this issue.
Participantand her frightened face as she watches the video or every time Aiden comes into the room. Isn’t she supposed to be this big tough detective? Why isn’t she treating this like any other accused crime? So, the bride is out or whatever. Don’t they have helicopters there?
Participanther own son is autistic. I can’t say any of these storylines listed have been anything memorable or are they giving me anything to look forward to. But, I do think it’s a good idea every once in a while to bring in a new broom.
Participantshe didn’t like her family that much after all. 😮
ParticipantNot true gays can’t donate blood. Only homosexual men cannot. Lesbians can.
Serena can’t switch elephants because she wasn’t carrying one when she came in. I paid special attention to see if she had it and she was carrying nothing but her purse.
Roman and Abe only show up when it’s someone they know.
Sonny telling Will about dating Paul? Maybe he’s like my DH#2. He didn’t want to hear anything about anybody in my past. If I mentioned something about anything, he’d ask me if I was still living in the past. Grrr…
Re: drama today… Will’s bedside soliloquy today left me cold. Totally over-acted and without any palpable real emotion whatsoever.
And, gee, those Salem people are SO emotional when something tragic happens. I’ve been in many ERs and watched much unfortunate events unfold there and have seen very little of such over the top drama, with Will at the top of the list. He was almost laughable…no, he WAS laughable.
Participantyou found those for sale on practically every street corner.
Participantthat she was sick and tired of him always jumping on her with all his sanctimonious criticism and maybe HE should take a walk so she can find a guy that will stand behind her FIRST and ask questions later. I mean, he almost didn’t even let her give him an explanation.
ParticipantHoly cow, that is a government document she is fooling with and I would imagine that would constitute some kind of felony to do that.
I don’t think there is an atom of redemption material in that whole miserable body of hers. And her jumping into bed with just anybody is exactly who she was when she came to town. If she could get anything at all out of a guy or he could do anything for her (booze, drugs, sex, whatever), she glommed onto him.