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I’m glad she’s coming back again because I have always enjoyed her. She’s kind of like Nicole in that it doesn’t matter what she’s doing, good, bad, or whatever, I still love having heron the show.
BonbonParticipantReally TFlo? I didn’t get that out of it at all. I saw it as more of a fantasy, dreamy happening and really liked it. And we weren’t subjected to all the graphic parts they like to show us. No, I thought it was very well done.
The only thing I didn’t like was the “seediness” of the old “hotel in the afternoon” aspect of it. I would rather have seen them end up in bed after a fantastic, romantic date.
BonbonParticipantAlthough I am mostly opposed to bedroom scenes, I thought Hope and Aiden’s was nicely done. Even though it wasn’t the way I would have handled it. I mean, come on, a hotel room in the middle of the day. Not very classy IMO. I would much rather have seen them go on a romantic date first and then lead up to a “climax.” (No pun intended.)
But it’ll be interesting to see where they go now. Will this be a never-ending courtship or will we be led down another Daniel/Jenn road? If they go that way, please, just kill me now.
BonbonParticipantKristin’s other medical goonies have all had possession of these incredible drugs, who’s to say good ol’ Mandrake doesn’t have some extra-strength hormone treatment that will make her body glom onto that embryo like it’s her own?
BonbonParticipanthaven’t you ever been in love? When love it new, that’s all you can think about is being with that person.
BonbonParticipantit was either his sister or sister-in-law came over and took Chase so he wouldn’t see the body. That would be an interest turn of events if it was actually him that shot her. Lots of PTSD potential.
BonbonParticipantHave you ever noticed how often they change the accessories in all the rooms? They change from flowers to lamps to ceramics to pictures to sculpture to candles to everything imaginable you could find to decorate a room. Their set decoration budget must be enormous. I wish I could change my accessories that frequently.
One thing that has stayed constant though that I really love is that large green plate at TBA. I think it is a plate. I could be a very flat vase but, either way, I’d love to have it.
BonbonParticipantI asked yesterday to have their SL move on and, PRESTO! It did. Thanks for the bone, writers.
BonbonParticipantI’m not sure there would be much Shane and Kim could do about her, even IF they knew what was going on, which I doubt.
BonbonParticipanthe’s facing rotator cuff surgery. Been there twice…not fun. :o)
But at least the show has finally added an Asian to it’s cast. And he’s kinda cute besides.
BonbonParticipantShe made my stomach turn when she was coming on to Eric? Blecht!
BonbonParticipantwith the exception of James Reiley, he was THE WORST!
I remember how unpopular I was when I was rooting for Sami and EJ in the very beginning. I thoroughly understood the "rape" and totally loved the chemestry between them. And the Colleen and Santos story was top notch IMO.
But, by far the worst was her departure. How disappointing when there were SO many possibilities that would have fit any future scenerio they might want to go with.
But, like you, I’ll continue watching until the bow of this ship called "Days" disappears under the waves.
disappears under
BonbonParticipantHow about a very weak two? So very disappointing.
BonbonParticipantMichael doesn’t have anything to say in how the fans vote so you can’t blame him for still being there. Fair?, no, but I firmly believe that’s why they pick some of these people with the huge fan base, because they know they will stay on far beyond what their talents warrant. It’s probably the enormous amount of stoners that keep voting for Tommy. It creates controversy and gets the fans talking the show and that’s what they are looking for…attention, whether good or bad. If they are talking about the show, they are getting the publicity that drives the ratings.
I agree about four being too many judges although I like getting differing opinions. I said this long ago about American Idol, that they should have two permanent judges and one guest judge each week. I think DWTS would benefit from the same arrangement.
But, will TPTB listen to us? Nope, same as they continue to use inappropriate music for the dance they are doing. Len even mentioned it, something about not getting it using 3/4 music for a waltz.
BonbonParticipantI’m very much looking forward to their developing relationship. And I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t something in the pipeline involving bratty little Ciara. That kid sure nails her part doesn’t she?