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ParticipantJust tell her you stupid SOB. Just say, "Hope, it wasn’t me, it was an imposter that Andre hired. Give me five minutes to explain before you haul me off." But, nooooo, that’d be way to simple.
Participantor you wouldn’t keep posting spoilers where it so clearly asks they not be posted on this forum.
ParticipantI can post on Chrome but not on IE. It used to be okay but all of a sudden I can’t. I can read the posts but it won’t let me respond or create one myself.
Participantstop giving me reason to.
ParticipantWhy is it so hard for you to put them where they belong like everybody else does? If your intention is to irritate people, you have succeeded.
Participanton Hawaii Five-Oh. I’m surprised he can play both roles at the same time although I haven’t watched 5-0 for a while and don’t know if he is still on there. I hope they don”t though because it seems every new character starts off as a "bad guy." Bah!
And now it looks like we are going to have a repeat of the last damsel-in-distress that Brady had to rescue and fell for. This is nothing more than another name change, different identities, even down to the physical therapy…no imagination at all. And I hate to see this as I really like Summer and want her to be a "good guy" and really bring joy to Maggie’s life. Lord know, she’s had enough grief lately.
Participantwhy Abby is in bed? She’s in a mental hospital not a medical hospital. They usually stress you getting dressed every day and making your life as normal as possible. What you see in the movies with all the patients sitting around in PJs and robes, watching TV and playing cards is a bunch of whooie. Maybe in the very critical wards they might but not where Abby is.
ParticipantI can’t believe Hope would even consider that. Yes, she is an adult but still a teen and in need of moral guidance. Plus, she is at that age when crushes are very common because of rampant running hormones. Nope, not a place for her at all.
I imagine she will develop a crush and then start fantasizing her and Chad and Thomas being one happy little family. Although I don’t think her involvement with Theo is any better for her…OR him.
ParticipantAt first I was thinking Mrs. H’s but after you say Maggies’s, yes. It is definitely her’s.
Participanton the air now, the Emmys had to break down and give some to Days. It’s about damn time!
I commend the music award because even though I don’t particularly recall the music during Will’s funeral, I have to say that in the last six months or so, the music has been exceptional. Very much equal with what we would be hearing on the big screen. So my congratulations to whomever took that trophy home with them, it was well deserved.
Participanton the air now, the Emmys had to break down and give some to Days. It’s about damn time!
I commend the music award because even though I don’t particularly recall the music during Will’s funeral, I have to say that in the last six months or so, the music has been exceptional. Very much equal with what we would be hearing on the big screen. So my congratulations to whomever took that trophy home with them, it was well deserved.
ParticipantYesterday JJ, Clair and Ciara all walked out on their parents when they were talking to them. No parent should allow that kind of disrespect. They should have told them to, "Come back here immediately and you don’t leave until I tell you you can leave." I heard my sister say once (she had three bratty boys all one year apart so were all teens at the same time) when one of them walked away. When she told him to get back here and he said you can’t make me. She said, "No, I can’t but if you leave, don’t think you’re coming back again." That made him stop and think because she didn’t make idle threats. What we see coming from these parents, it’s all, "Oh, my poor little darling, life has treated you so badly but let mommy help you get through it.? Come on, they are all adults now and need to put their big girl/boy panties on and behave like one.
Participanthe is thinking with his "upper brain." :o) Just him rolling in the hay with Kate tells us he’s not using that one.
Participantoh-oh-ohs in her lyrics though, every one she has sung so far. I noticed the CC noted "country music" when she started singing so I guess that gives me a little better understanding of her singing. I still didn’t care for it. If she did, indeed, write those songs, she probably ought to stick to writing and let someone else sing them.
ParticipantAlthough, those model types typically have pretty big egos so I would expect anything different from him. But I thought the judges were very harsh on him. I thought his dance went quite well and it was certainly entertaining. I know they can’t make exceptions for his deafness but they certainly shouldn’t criticize him like they did because he missed a couple of beats. The guy with the one arm was always getting kudos for what he did but they never criticized him because he couldn’t do some of the lifts, etc. I suspect because he was a war hero and not a model.
I think the theme was iconic dances, not songs. With a xcouple of exceptions, I liked the choices. I still don’t think they always match the music to the dances enough though. After just seeing Dirty Dancing on stage last week, I was surprised they didn’t have that one. That was certainly iconic.