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Participantfor a couple of teen’s first time. It went too slow and romantic. With teens and their raging hormones it usually starts with the heavy petting and then a hand going up the bra and proceeding from there. I can’t believe they would slowing be undressing each other like that. Neither one of them has any experience so I would expect a lot of fumbling. But, I gotta say, I really enjoy Jade more than the other teens on right now. I don’t know what it is about here but I find her much more interesting than all the others.
And a question… Clare went to the prom with Henry who is gay? Are they heading toward another Will/Gabby storyline? But, like Jade, I really like Henry. He appears to be a genuine nice guy. As to casting bad teens as opposed to good ones, I’ve heard many actors say it is much easier to portray a baddy than a goody. Maybe that’s why they start so many of these characters out as despicable and then redeem them.
I don’t find it strange to see a landline in their rooms. Many people who live in earthquake and hurricane prone regions usually maintain one in case of emergency when the towers go out. We experienced that here when Wilma went through. No cell phones were working but all the land lines were. In fact several friends who had given up their landlines reinstalled one after that.
ParticipantI lost it too. I just broke my heart how badly he was hurting and he portrayed it so well. Yes, I can’t imagine these two not getting an Emmy nod. They have been exceptional…not just in a couple of scenes but throughout this entire storyline. I don’t know when I can say when any other pair on this show has given the performance these two have been delivering. Kudos to both. Oh how I hate to see Abby leave.
Participantdon’t let it be drugs. He was so against them it would be a travesty if it turned out he was a user.
ParticipantFirst of all, as a psychiatrist, that’s no way to talk to someone in trouble/pain. And, as you say, isn’t she supposed to be like family? But at least Jen had the perfect comeback and that shut her up. I certainly hope that she apologizes to her.
Actually, when Roman said the judge gave him five years, everybody acted like he was going to the gallows. I thought that was pretty lenient for taking a life, accidental or not.
ParticipantI never thought from the very first song she sang that she was somebody I wanted to hear more from but yesterday…OMG, it even made my dog howl! (Not really but he should have.)
I can’t stand the way she drags out words, like ti-i-i-me and lo-o-o-ve. And can’t she pronounce “I”? It always comes out as “ah.” Nope, sorry, no more of that caterwauling for me. If Philip is basing the success of his new label on her, he’s gonna be in deep doo-doo.
ParticipantMy ex DH’s wife who is in her 60’s just found out she has a brother in Norway and what an exciting thing that was. Completely different than a parent/child but still, I think it was wonderful to find a relative you didn’t know you had, no matter what the circumstances…as long as both are on the same page. Of course opinions vary and I can respect that but, boy, I’d sure like to know. But the first thing that comes to mind is “What/why/how/who,” etc.
In Summers case I don’t know how she can interpret it as Maggie not wanting her. Heck, she didn’t know her and the circumstances certainly warranted her decision. There are way too many people out there in families that are not wanted and way too many people wanting families that can’t get them.
Participantjust saying that to shut me up. :o)
ParticipantRafe/Hope…I hope.
Participanta special TV series on deafness and one thing that was brought up was having their hearing restored. Just about all of them had no desire to do so. In fact, one girl’s deaf family practically disowned her because she was considering having surgery to get hearing after being born deaf. They all said basically that they preferred their life the way it was and didn’t really consider it a handicap. Very interesting and something totally surprising, to me, at least.
ParticipantCostumes, music, sets, FX, everything was outstanding.
And I’m ready to make a prediction now, I think it’s going to be (oh, shoot, I forgot his name), the deaf guy. He looks like a pro when he dances. I don’t know if his hearing impairment will get in the way down the line but he seems to be doing just fine so far. And he’s not hard to look at either. :o)
Participantand it was very interesting. They said the smell of a rotting corpse is almost impossible to remove as it permeates the plaster on the walls and every single piece of fabric from carpeting, drapes, sofas, etc.
And burning wood is also hard. I bought some kind of cork tiles for my kid’s bedroom walls for sort of like bulletin material but it smelled like burned wood and it lasted for YEARS! We finally had to remove it.
I too thought they did an excellent job on the make-up (as they have been doing recently…extremely excellent) but I’m pretty sure Ben would have passed out from shock and not been able to get up and stagger away like he did.
Good thinking on Chad’s part on the alibi though, except what was a kerosene lantern doing in the bedroom? Also, would that household actually have that large a can of lighter fluid laying around? I don’t think so. Oh well, the rest of it just had me wrapped up tight.
Participantdon’t forget, Victor was married to Nicole.
ParticipantShe isn’t like Theresa where she made my stomach turn. I’m enjoying her quirkiness and funny responses.
Participantwas absolutely stellar. She even had me frightened and on the edge of my seat. Man, she was one scary chick.
I’m wondering if Chad is going to come home and find Ben or a bed soaked in lighter fluid. My thoughts are if Abby is just imagining Ben, would he have been that scared? Hmmm… And if he isn’t there, who knocked out the guard? Hmmm…
ParticipantI think it’s more than just Nicole being a look-alike because we all know Helena is dead so he can’t think it is her. Yet he is acting very strange for only having Nicole look like her. I think it’s something much more than that. I hope so, anyway. Please don’t force feed us another lame storyline.