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ParticipantI’m really getting tired of her paranoia and that furrowed brow all the time. Come on, Abs, cheer up a little. How long will a brand new husband be willing to endure that? I think Chad has gone far and above already. He should tell her, “Enough, Abby, enough!”
Participantwe hear that a lot. Especially from men who consider you superior to themselves. It is also somewhat a term of respect. I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard that. Which is why I knew they were saying Mami and not Mommy. Kind of like the British Mum (which I have always liked).
My father died when I was 12 and I had always called him Daddy my whole life. As I got older I felt uncomfortable calling him then when I spoke about him. It was really difficult for me to change over to Dad or my father. Now if I had been Latin, I could have continued my whole life with Papi. Remember too how Stefano’s call him nonno.
Participantthey ARE married. I’m surprised nothing was mentioned about it. Maybe Peta and Maks don’t want the publicity…although it’s be hard to believe that of Maks. :o)
Participantit hasn’t been confirmed that Maggie actually gave birth to Summer. It could have been the stolen egg thing which would account for the age difference.
Participantwas not really dead and would come back to life when everybody left. Now THAT would have made a great continuation of this evil network since the Dimeras are gone. And it doesn’t cease to amaze me how much alike John and Yo Ling were. Their looks, voices, even actions were so similar. I am sad he is leaving so soon. I would have liked seeing him get some of John’s blood and have it rejuvenate him into a powerful adversary leaving John torn between the evil and him being his father and wanting to love him.
I thought Marlena was hysterical. She was trying so hard to look like a “tough guy” and be one of the group. And I don’t mean intentional funny, I mean pathetic funny. The two-hand gun grip, the checking ahead and behind her, just like in the movies. Too funny!
Participantshoot him and put him out of his misery. He is SO bad it almost looks intentional. Of course he will have a big following and stay around forever.
I like Nyle, the deaf guy, too but I wonder how long he can compete without being able to hear the music. In spite of what they said about Marlee Matlin, she DOES have some hearing. She has claimed that on many occasions.
Too many football guys this season. And I’m glad to see Pita back. Who did she marry? Was it Maks? I can’t remember now but I think it was (happy for her but sad for us!). And would someone please take Mark to a qualified barber. It seems like every season he has his hair cut in some horrible concoction. He is a decent looking guy with a regular haircut but it seems like he is intentionally trying to look ugly. I miss Derrick but I guess he’s got bigger fish to fry now, he is well on the road to success. I doubt we’ll see him again unless it’s like his sister as a guest judge.
Glad to see Len back but he was pretty brutal last night. He can give criticism but it doesn’t have to be so hurtful. Although he could have used some of that on Geraldo!
All-in-all, looking forward to this season…as always. :o)
ParticipantI don’t think she is as bad as most make her out to be. I believe that is just her demeanor IRL. I don’t have a problem with her.
However, I DO have another problem with the stupid writers. They discussed how hard it would be for her to go through a trial. Hello? He admitted to the crime and pled guilty. There will be no trial unless he should decide to recant his plea and there hasn’t been even a hint of him doing that. So my question to these hacks is, why a trial? All there would be is a sentencing hearing which she doesn’t have to be there for.
Participanthe was not wearing a helmet. Why can’t these guys realize it CAN happen to them?
When I see people (not just guys, girls too) riding down the street in shorts and no helmet, I just cringe thinking what they would look like if they took a spill. And it isn’t always the bikers fault.
Participantabout how fickle the fans are. That’s why I now hold back on judgment until I see what they are really about. I have to eat crow and say, although I detested Theresa, she is a good actor if she had just been given a different role. I think she is portraying this character very admirably at this point.
As far as whether or not it really is Ben, I think it is. Everybody believes she is just seeing things but I think it will turn our he really has been there. Since we’ve seen him on screen (which I don’t believe was pre-recorded), it seems to me we will see more of him. The way these new writers have been putting so much blood and gore in lately, it will give them another chance to really play it up. Remember, Ben DID do a fabulous job at the cabin.
ParticipantI don’t think she is good at all. And the arrangement of the song was god-awful. The way she stuttered out “ti-i-i-i-i-me” was horrible. (And how many times do we have to hear that same song? Yikes, my ears!)
She sung with some kind of accent that I don’t recognize but it seemed to have a touch of country in it. Whatever, I agree, keep your day job girl.
ParticipantMyasthenia Gravis. That is what Maggie (Suzanne) has in real life. In fact, IIRC, they had her contract that on the show a long time ago. Since it is not a curable disease, that is probably what she is taking the pills for. Maybe that will come up at a later date.
Also, these days, practically everyone over the age of 60 is taking high blood pressure pills, cholesterol pills, or some such “old folks” pills. I don’t think one single one of my friends doesn’t take something or other. In fact, even my kids have started down that path too.
As far as keeping pills in her purse, I always keep some of mine there. I never know when I may need to take one and am not at home. Especially if you have to take one every four hours. I haven’t seen yesterday’s show yet so can’t comment on the other things.
Participantyou really hit on a sore spot for me today. I am having a harder and harder time trying to get my pain medication filled. Yesterday I went to Walgreens and they told me they didn’t have any. When I asked when they would I was told that first they have to call my doctor and get a whole list of questions answered. They couldn’t tell me what they were, just that there were a lot. Then, if he answered the questions correctly they could go ahead and order them for me. So, in the mean time, I sit and wait, hoping upon hope that I can get these filled before I run out and go into withdrawal–which is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
These people who are abusing pain meds are really creating havoc for those of us that truly need them. If Jenn keeps taking them like she is, she will run out and won’t have a prescription to get refills (you can only get 30 days worth at a time). I’d like to see her go into withdrawal and see if it’s anything like I went through.
Participantonly that it could be. Look at Ciara. What if we found out she was mentally “challenged” or had some kind of former brain injury. That could make her acting perfectly acceptable to us. Just a hypothetical here.
ParticipantI don’t see what you guys are seeing at all. IMO, his acting (in spite of him being a seasoned soap veteran) is painful to watch. I haven’t seen one scene of his that I felt comfortable with.