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Participanthe was up in his room, pining away for his wayward son. Maybe he never came down?
Participantthat T is gay and he’s really fighting it so hard it comes out as volatile?
ParticipantGood one. Maybe his real name is T-Rex!
Participantat first and see if it grabs me.
Participant“D” List people as far as I can see. If I don’t know them it’s tough for me to get involved. I can’t imagine Nancy Grace on the dance floor (but who knows?), and Chaz Bono – I’ll be shocked if he suprises me with any kind of dexterity.
Rob Kardashian says he’s joining to lose weight. Maybe he’s 200plus from drinking, playing video games all day and mooching off his sister and her husband.casey
Participantfor being a survivor. I’m interested to see where this goes.
Participantthere was a similarity in the voices. Although seeing Mandy in bed at the hospital she appeared a bit less like Nicole than what I first observed.
Participantthe pending hurricane sounds like it has the potential to be quite severe. Batten down the hatches all you east coasters!
Participantdidn’t feel a thing. We’ve had a few but I always seem to miss them.
Participantis what I was refering to. And not tellng Rafe – these are what I mean by adolescent behavior that Sami should have shed a long time ago. How many times has she promised to trust Rafe and to be honest w/him – and ten seconds later breaks that.
I believe Sami can still be impulsive, heart on her sleeve Sami without cementing her in as a perpetual teen.casey
ParticipantBo’s daughter Chelsea used to sport? Now that was the worst!
Participantare the biggest ripoff going. I could maybe see the big payoff professions – doc, lawyer, etc where you can recoup the investment – but as you said, even state educations are outrageous.
Participantmost of these addicts use right before entering the facility, so I don’t think it would be unusual for Carly to take those pills. Though I do think that whole scene was over the top.
Participantof what you say. I just cannot stand this altogether annoying Taylor. From day to day she’s off and on with EJ. Zero chemistry and this “romance” was all a contrived fraud.
Kate – why do they continue this same worn, tired path with her? Why can’t they get her in some high position where she can wheel and deal in financial areas instead of this jr high plotting to get rid of Abby?
Even Nicole is bugging me with her revolving door relationship w/Brady. Come on Days, let’s see something new here. Hopefully with the returnees.
The pier thing is overdone, but I’m thinking it’s due to $. Still wondering how Days, when they couldn’t afford J&M and all the other staple characters not long ago can be bringing them all back in hoardes.casey
Participantthat maybe the hit was just a message. Did Brady actually say his order was to kill? But he hates EJ so much hard to believe he didn’t mean anything but to take him out.